The generals thread

Discussion in 'General' started by blizzerd, Sep 1, 2009.

  1. blizzerd

    blizzerd Member

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    i got this idea after plaing as a commander a few times in a row and some guy kept saying "Blizzerd, the singing general" because i won game after game as comm and when im happy/winning i sometimes spontaneously sing out loud (and they apparently noticed when i used mic to talk)

    anyone who played c&c generals zero hour will know what i mean by this

    we fill in the "General" form template and add a picture as if empiresmod is c&c generals zero hour and we are the generals (as commander) :p

    why? giggles and fun, but mostly because you can tell something about how you command in a cool way

    general pictures (if you dont want to include a picture of yourself)

    NOTE: please, dont make yourself a general that uses stupid strategies or impossible things, this will only remain interesting if its heavily based on how you REALLY command, although exaggerating a small bit is fine i guess

    about what you talk as general however is up to you the template is only for people with bad inspiration ;)

    Edit: I like the idea of this thread therefore I deleted all off topic posts ~Brutos
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2009
  2. blizzerd

    blizzerd Member

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    General "Funnydiscription" Ingamenickname


    stuff to describe the general (ingame)

    Faction: Neutral/Northern Faction/Bretonian empire/Mercanary/whatever

    Command Style: Description of how you think people see you as when commanding, and how you try to gain victory

    Favourite research tree's: speaks to itself, more info can be given ofc

    Favourite chassis: speaks to itself, more info can be given ofc

    Army composition: how your army looks like ingame, what chassis are blended with what chassis and what the equipment is

    Note: can be used to give additional info about everything
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2009
  3. blizzerd

    blizzerd Member

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    My entry

    General "Singing General" Blizzerd


    This general is often seen on the battlefield as an engineer or rifleman when not in command, providing support to his squad, as a driver he prefers engineer with repair upgrade as to "repair" his way trough minefields

    Faction: Although seen commanding as a mercenary for the Bertonian empire on occasion, he prefers the Northern Faction by far

    Command Style: Rush and overwhelm Infantry General

    Will try to overwhelm the enemy by letting his troops attack on a lot of different fronts early game by infantry, or by making them gang up on single targets with cheap fast tanks

    Note: this general will often lock the vehicle factory early game and then mass produce his own flavour of very cheap tanks/apcs to overwhelm the enemy while bigger and more costly late game tanks are researched

    favourite research tree's: psychics and electric, although bio is often used late game to supplement heavy tanks

    Favourite chassis: APC

    Army composition: General Blizzerd's army is mainly composed of fast attack apc's combined with infantry attacks by adv personnel deployment, sometimes they are full plain apc's with only DU equipped, just to maintain the moment of surprise and early domination

    Note: this general often has a ticket problem late game, if he does not get the map domination early game he often tends to run out of tickets
  4. OuNin

    OuNin Member

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    General "Spam Deploy" OuNin/ostolero


    Personal: Among the greatest squad leaders among the ranks of both Jekotian and Brenodi armed forces. Experienced saboteur and corpsman.

    Faction: Brenodi Empire/Mercenary

    Command Style: Appear everywhere

    Favourite research tree's: Physics/Chemistry, Mechanical

    Favourite chassis: APCs

    Army composition: High-speed APC swarms deploying teams of commandos.

    Note: Usually more effective on the field, leading a squad.
  5. pickled_heretic

    pickled_heretic Member

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    General "MOAB" pickled_heretic

    General pickled_heretic seen leading an amphibious assault on Brenodi forces at tropic vendetta

    Personal: A relative newcomer to the Northern Faction, pickled_heretic has proven his capability as a tank commander and infantryman. Seeking to prove himself on the final frontier of Empires, Gen. pickled_heretic has upset the balance of the war with his decisive strategies and keen sense of observation.

    Faction: Northern Faction

    Command Style:An impetuous leader hellbent on victory at all costs. Respected for his combat prowess in a tank and feared for his bouts of uncontrollable rage when things start going south.

    Favourite research trees: Any research giving speed and initiative to his armored batallions, including electric (3 phase) and physics (fission reactor).

    Favourite chassis: light tanks, AFVs

    Army composition: engineers and riflemen rushing in jeeps and light armor, bases have minimal defenses, forces focus primarily on offensive deployments and tactics. No APCs, tanks only.

    Note: Extreme NF genetic manipulation has caused pickled_heretic to turn into a bear. Also, MOAB = Mother of All Badasses.
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2009
  6. Empty

    Empty Member

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    Personal: He's a pretty cool guy and he doesn't afraid of anything.

    Has been known to stickystun heavies, jump on top of them and taunt the drivers.

    Faction: BE

    Command Style: A very angry commander when shit doesn't get done, but a very nice fellow all-round if the team is working together and following orders. Has been known to try to ninja over 8 times in a single game, and fail miserably every time, but he's a tenacious fucker who won't give ground until he's smeared all over the ground.

    Favourite research tree's: Chemical. All the way.

    Favourite chassis: BE Med

    Army composition: Brenodian Medium tanks with 8 balls, flames and killer decals.

    Note: Warning, improper use of Empty may result in victory, at the cost of several hundred tickets.
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2009
  7. Cloud

    Cloud Member

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    General "The Ear" Cloud

    A rookie commander who hates his job, he's rather clueless and gets ordered around by his team.
    He prefers fighting on the frontlines as an engineer.

    Faction: Neutral

    Command Style: He listens to his team and just does whatever they tell him to.

    Favourite research tree's: Physics.

    Favourite chassis: JEEPs, no seriously, jeeps.

    Army composition: They ride whatever they wish to ride, and play whiechever class they wish to. They also travel wherever they wish to and make lulzforts if they feel like it.

    Note: He dislikes commanding, so i try to avoid it. And he also sucks at it.
  8. Aeoneth

    Aeoneth Member

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    General: "Faceless One" Aeoneth

    Faction: Any

    Command Style: Tries some rather unorthodox tactics with small relatively inexperienced teams. Usually pays for it anally, but sometimes gets lucky and crushes all opposition. When a team kicks him out hes either building stuctures or getting headshot. Hence why he is "faceless".

    Fav Trees: whatever he thinks will work

    Fav chassis: APCs and LT/AFVs (MkI not Mk II)

    Army composition: Mostly grens w/ adv rpg and LTs

    Note: Due to a string of losses (humiliating ones at that) he's temporarily banned from comming on the ELC/anywhere
  9. -=]Kane[=-

    -=]Kane[=- Member

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    General "Flaming" Kane


    This general is often seen as engeneer while wasting tickets, if not commanding he still feels responsible for his commanders command style and tends to flame unsuccessfull commanders

    Faction: Mercenary, payment: Cookies or cake

    Command Style: Raxspam

    Tries to force his troops to rush the enemy bases, leading to high ticket loss, but a fast spread of bases over the whole map

    Note: This general however tries to controll single units and uses move/attack order spam for success

    favourite research tree's:
    Chemistry and Physics

    Favourite chassis: APC

    Army composition: It`s very uncommon to see med chassis on the battlefield while this general is commanding anyway he rarly gives orders relating to weapon layouts but tries to order vehicledriver to best locations

    Note: The flaming general likes tactics with upg. grenade launchers, plasma MG and other explosives like dual HE heavys too much, also needs often a reminder that reseach have to be done
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2009
  10. Kylegar

    Kylegar Specstax Rule

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    General "DevHax" Kylegar


    Travels the land on magical clouds with 'DEVELOPER' scribbled on cardboard taped onto the sides. Is absolutely fabulous.

    Faction: There is no faction to describe this general

    Command Style: I Dont Know What I'm Doing I Just Press Buttons LOL.

    Favourite research tree's: lol research, what is that?

    Favourite chassis: BE Transport

    Army composition: There is like 10 people, and noone really has a clue whats going on.

    Note: We have secrit forums too!
  11. blizzerd

    blizzerd Member

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  12. Jephir


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    General "Jeff-fear" Jephir (it's actually pronounced Jeff-fear, please do so. do not say Jeff-furr unless you are in Jeep clan)

    Personal: This general is often seen commanding because he doesn't trust anyone else to. Except maybe HSM.

    Faction: Both, but prefers Brenodi because they actually look like an army, unlike NF.

    Command Style: Sit back and let the team do everything.

    Never move the comm vehicle. Offensive comming is a failure on the commander's part.

    Spam targets every 5 seconds to everyone on the team. Even if they don't want it.

    Intricately place turrets in optimal firing positions with MGs always in front of MLs.

    Max out wall limit on tank traps. (Note this tank trap design is copyrighted, trademarked, and patent pending by Jephir)



    Yell at teammates for getting stuck in tank traps.

    Favourite research tree's: APD > Reflective > Fission / Gas Turbine > Bio MG > Bio ML > MK IIs

    Favourite chassis: NF MK IIs, or BE Medium

    Army composition: Whatever the team decides to build. Which is usually jeeps :pathetic:

    Note: Vote Jephir.
  13. Lazydog

    Lazydog Member

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    General "Skybox" Lazydog


    Often found on the field as a medic running around reviving dead soldiers. while commanding, can often be found stuck on the skybox unable to move

    Faction: Auto Assign
    Command Style: Usually tries to take an early lead in territory by commanding all units to charge relentlessly to the front. While good at giving research, he is susceptible to ninja attacks.

    Favourite research tree's: physics

    Favourite chassis: BE medium tanks

    Army composition: one can often expect BE medium tanks on the field with ranged cannons and reflective armor.

    Note: commander drive around the main base should the enemy breach the front lines. Only way to calm him down is to drive the enemy back out and re-secure the lines.
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2009
  14. LordDz

    LordDz Capitan Rainbow Flowers

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    Personal: Has a deep voice(?)

    Faction: NF
    Command Style: Usually makes detailed plans like "go north", "kill the enemy". Tries to help the team as much as possible, to the fact where he sounds like a retard. Also tends to fuckaround a lot.

    Favourite research tree's: Nukes.

    Favourite chassis: NF LTs. But AFVs against infantry.

    Army composition: Will often do the unexpected.

    Note: Hates trees.
  15. Empty

    Empty Member

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    It's where they say mean things about us :(
  16. blizzerd

    blizzerd Member

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    :( the meanies
  17. FN198

    FN198 Member

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    General "Napoleon" fnoneninetyeight

    Personal: plays empires to feel good at something :( fml

    Faction: Brenodi Empire

    Command Style: find vulnerabilities and exploit them

    Favourite research tree's: ER, and HE

    Favourite chassis: imperial command vehicle

    Army composition: mechanized infantry

    Note: has a higher apm than any other commander in empires

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