The Evolving Gameplay

Discussion in 'Game Play' started by Lazydog, Jun 10, 2008.

  1. =PVCS) Cpatton

    =PVCS) Cpatton Member

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    only thing that kills money is nukes being able to cheaply hit all enemy refs. Nuke missles need a hit radius, so that if they fly half way across the map they just explode instead of continuing and being retarded.\

    aside from that it would be alright
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2008
  2. Chris0132'

    Chris0132' Developer

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    I've often wondered why nobody ever used to bother with reflective.

    I mean all you have to do in order to get the full benefit is to park your tank wonky while you pepper everything with dual rails. It doesn't rely on your enemy having the wrong weapon or anything.
  3. CobaltBlue

    CobaltBlue Member

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    newset tactic that almost ruins slaughtered is the scout sneak build. It can be done either way, but it is just WAY more affective for BE, so now NF loses more often than before, and will continue too until someone starts building a partial base in the back stretch. I suppose I'll start playing around with that tactic.

    Also, both teams will scream bloody murder if thier teammates build the bridge even thought the bridge has many tactical advantages. If NF ever realizes how useful the bridge is for them, I see a drastic shift in gameplay there too.

    I really like the changing game play. I wish all the game play tactics had names, so we could talk in complete lingo like: "Well, BE seemed to be mounting for a blastback, so NF had to counter it with an up-hill roller and push for the crazy Ivan.
  4. CobaltBlue

    CobaltBlue Member

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    I think there are too many parallels between that argument and a similar one I hear from time to time, for it to be a good argument.

    "I don't need any armor there! All I have to do is keep the enemy from seeing my rear." :D ... I love gren armor detection. :D Maybe one of the implicate upgrades for the gren when he reaches high levels is detecting what kind of amour it is too.
  5. -Mayama-

    -Mayama- MANLY MAN BITCH

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    hmm i always thought that map favors NF... a single lt with defusal can win
    the game for NF easily
  6. Emp_Recruit

    Emp_Recruit Member

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    Slaughtered = money without the whole I can wall my base but still get out(although you can do it at the bridge)
  7. Dubee

    Dubee Grapehead

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    At least slaughtered is better looking then money..
  8. Lazydog

    Lazydog Member

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    actually i'm beginning to see the bridge being built more by BE now. Reason being is that when NF rushes to the top right to build the base they have less defenses on the bridge side. Once BE rushes across the bridge they can essentially deny NF of their old base along with 2 refs.
  9. =PVCS) Cpatton

    =PVCS) Cpatton Member

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    Slaughtered is a wonderful map, interesting gameplay and actually well balanced.

    NF and Be have two enterances to each of their bases, one being U-turn, the other is bridge. The sneakback is less often done by a scout, and more often the work of an engineer, or even a rifleman. The main problem is that, while its becoming more obvious to the majority, most don't bother to look for that one guy that killed them at the bridge but then disappeared somewhere. We will se yet another paradigm shift in gameplay once that starts setting off alarms to regulars on that map.

    Building the bridge has little effect, but it used to be a big deal. Most are still sheep and make it a big deal, when it really isn't. The only deterrent the bridge provides is, if they don't have an engineer, they can't rush across it. An APC rush though, usually the most devastating, is likely to have an engineer anyways,and the building of the bridge takes very little time. Its like a turret.

    There are two key choke holding strategies for this map. The Bridge usually responds well to walls and turrets, with a barracks to provide infantry support if necessary. Always have a radar within range of the bridge to tell you of oncoming rushes. As for the U-turn, usually only turrets go here. NF turrets the north end of the U-turn, and BE the south end. Be has an extended alley, with a choke point at the fork, where as NF has nice open flat land to place turrets far apart, and a long way to their northeast ref to build a gauntlet.

    The main strategy is simple, and the same every time: Penetrate your enemies defenses with an APC before they do. If the map makes it to Heavies, a formal push can be made. However, until then you must even out your forces to bridge and to U-turn. An imbalance one way or the other proves fatal to a rush. Both teams have sparsely defended main bases that cannot be penetrated or they will be in trouble. In the event of a need to turtle, its easy to stack resources, get some fast APCS out and rush the enemy comm, because most of the enemy team, once they start pushing into your base, will disregard threats to their own base. The bridge / U-turn will be ignored, only one of the routes is generally being used for incoming tanks at this point. this is folly, and experienced comms exploit it with a rush and win the map.
  10. Private Sandbag

    Private Sandbag Member

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    on the right side of the map, before the big tanks start rolling out you're going to see some heavy trench warfare. many players honestly don't seem to know how trench warfare works or how useful it is. basically:

    run forwards, place some walls. you team mates come up and heal you if you had to run towards a turret. from that position, use grenades to kill any nearby buildings; if you're not in range, run forwards again, place more walls. a team mate with an APC just behind the walls is useful on that map as tickets don't mean much, but getting revive once you get to 20 points is very useful. use of commander given wallhax are very important, so you can see through the walls and easily take down anyone trying to decon them from what they thought was a relative saftey of the other side of the wall.
  11. -Mayama-

    -Mayama- MANLY MAN BITCH

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    The valley in slaughter is like a mini district :)
    a good team can hold easily everything back, without using a single
    tank, til the enemy rolls in with he-tanks.
  12. Chris0132'

    Chris0132' Developer

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    True, but being hit in the arse with no armor is a bit more serious than being hit flat on with reflective. So a couple of good hits on reflective just mean you need to run away, whereas a couple of good hits on an area without armor mean you're dead and can't run away properly because you need to turn round to do that.
  13. angry hillbilly

    angry hillbilly Member

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    Its true empires tactics have change a hell of a lot since the big relese of 2.0 i remember in the begining people used to rush for Comp and Gas turbine but is now an almost untouched tree of rech. Then people began to go for super lights and reactive/3phase alot but now i notice that people rush for bio and regen as a starter then go for HE before meds. And in the past week a hell of alot of comms have gone for the physics tree and got armour then engine the got nukes and gone strate for heavys (i play NF a lot). This has happend for 90% of games that i have played in with diff comms each time.
  14. -Mayama-

    -Mayama- MANLY MAN BITCH

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    best tactic is and will be; get 2 people cordinated enough to buy each a tank
    that can kill the cv alone (he+uml med or rail heavy) and rush the enemy cv.
  15. Lazydog

    Lazydog Member

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    I believe I was one of the first pussies to research up lvl3 turrets and spam them across the middle. My team was complaining about not having tanks the whole time. :p
  16. Emp_Recruit

    Emp_Recruit Member

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    meds > level 3 turrets. Anyways, turret spamming middle of xroads was pretty prevalent in 1.073.
  17. Dubee

    Dubee Grapehead

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    shit if you know how to use the mowtar level 3 turrets are nathen
  18. thaile

    thaile Member

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    It was stupid to research DUHMG before because it could only be fitted on an APC which was one of the worse tanks in the game. Then they added the ablilty to spawn in an APC which switch it from useless to needed, so people research DUHMG so the APC can deal with tanks.

    You should have seen escort back in the days when there were no sticky nade and BE still had nukes and arty could hit any point on the map from start. The only way for NF to win was to take out the VF with naders before BE could roll out tanks.

    Anyway a lot of the gameplay changes are due to changes in the game. Armor/weapon rebalances, removing unlimited engi calc energy, APC spawns, or like escort where the number of tickets on NF was cut in half forcing people to revive.

    Do you know the changelog for this game is about 43 pages at 10font? Empires has changed a lot since I first started playing it years ago, but it's only gotten better since then.
  19. Emp_Recruit

    Emp_Recruit Member

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    Pretty sure hes just talking about since 2.1 came out.................

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