Test #5 BUGTEST feedback

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Trickster, Jan 11, 2012.

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  1. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    It is worth noting that we aren't entirely sure if this build was even updated from the last test with the new changes.

    + Diminishing returns on Refineries. - No idea of the formula used for this, so couldn't test.
    + Spawn point auto selection - Selected the spawn in the GUI but we couldn't spawn, we had to overclick the spawnpoint as we have to with the spawn bug. It is worth noting that at the start of the game, we didn't have to, this was after we destroyed our only rax and then built a new one, then killed ourselves and let it automatically choose our spawn point.


    * Respawning in APC doesn't fully change the loadout - No-one knew how to reproduce the old bug reliably, leaving for the PLAYtest on Saturday
    * Flag GUI not displaying on the irst flag capture zone entered - Fixed
    * Health/stamina panel not appearing when in command vehicle - Fixed
    * Designing a BE APC in the Vehicle Factory now shows correct side model view (AFV was shown before) - Fixed
    * Sudden death text at top of GUI no longer draws over number of tanks - Fixed
    * Can now accept squad invites by using the 'F' menu - Fixed
    * BE wall now spawns at same height as NF wall (allows them to be fired over by infantry) - Sometimes yes, sometimes no. NF ones can always be shot over though.

    + target bugs from previous test fixed - Nope.
    + armour HP increased from the previous drop - Balance changes added for next test include absorbant nerfed, reactive buffed, biomg nerfed, UGL buffed, HE buffed, ranged buffed (slightly), single slot CG nerfed.

    Wages drawing into resources on top GUI once you get into 4 figures, 3 figures looks abnormally close.
    Accept/cancel doesn't light up when you go over it in class menu. Neither does close button on spawn menu.
    After having 4 skills the previous map, they all show as unlocked on the nextmap, and you can select skills, although they don't work.
    Opening tactical minimap crashes some (~60%) clients. This was done during tac time. Bringing it up after getting back ingame didn't crash.
    Non-squad leaders are still unable to invite people to their squad.
    Game still doesn't exit properly for some people, with Steam still thinking they're in source sdk base 2007. This may be due to the way we test, so it's worth asking people who use SVN if they have this bug.

    Overall, a pretty successful test, and probably ready for a PLAYtest if we can get the tacmap crash fixed. I'll schedule another bugtest for Friday, and we'll see then if we're going to be able to throw a playtest, though I think we'll struggle for players on the test version at such short notice, but I'll try anyway. If not, we'll do one the following week after a few more bugtests on the Sunday, Wednesday and Friday again. Hopefully this time, the stuff gets committed once it's done.

    Throw up any other feedback you have here. FPS issues aren't much use unless you have a demo/showbudget screenshot, or at least some information as to what was specifically happening when your FPS was low.
  2. A-z-K

    A-z-K Member

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    I turned up late.

    One problem I had was when looking towards the middle my fps dropped right down to as low as 9. My GFX isn't great but I can't remember the last time this happened to me in the current version.

    I liked that RPGs seems to do more damage.
    I think you said you'd nerf clip size on some of the MGs which I think is a good idea.
  3. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    Bumping threads that are still relevant so the locked ones sink to the bottom of the forum.
  4. wealthysoup

    wealthysoup Lead Tester

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    "One problem I had was when looking towards the middle my fps dropped right down to as low as 9"

    This doesnt explain anything...

    Middle of what? Middle of the map? What map?

  5. A-z-K

    A-z-K Member

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    true, sorry - makes a bit more sense if you were there - the middle of mvalley where the vfs were built and we did some weapon vs armor tests. it caused sound to go choppy too. next time i'll run perfmon, grab a demo and screenshots. I wasn't expecting it so i didn't set anything up, by the time i noticed it the test was pretty much over.
  6. wealthysoup

    wealthysoup Lead Tester

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    Trickster the not exiting properly happens on the svn version aswell
  7. Beerdude26

    Beerdude26 OnThink(){ IsDownYet(); }

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    To all people who crashed: please post your crashdumps here!
  8. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1034763/Client crashdumps/hl2_4104_crash_2012_1_11T20_53_17C0.mdmp

    This was when I tried to open the tactical map during the tactical time.

    Also, will it break anything if we rename the crashdump? I had like 40 in my dropbox which I deleted, but in future it would be good if I wrote down the version in the filename so I knew if it was important.

    As for FPS, I had problems in the previous test on Canyon. I don't know if you saw this screenshot last time, so I'll put it in this thread and stretch everyone's screen.

  9. ViroMan

    ViroMan Black Hole (*sniff*) Bully

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    the rocks are having sex with you fps?
  10. Beerdude26

    Beerdude26 OnThink(){ IsDownYet(); }

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    Trickster: you can rename crashdumps.
  11. Paradox

    Paradox I am a gigantic asshole who loses people's hard wo

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    Trickster idk if here is the place to comment on your weap changes since idk what they exactly are so I assume its an overal buff or nerf. Bio mg really doesnt need any nerfing, everyother mg just needs buffing. Buffing he might be a bad idea not sure. He right now is pretty good against every armor, what you really need is nerfing uml to about the same dps as he cannon imo. Nerfing single chaingun is stupid, maybe increase spray the further you go but dont touch the rest
  12. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    It's not the place to comment, because you're commenting in respect to the current steam version, not the test version where the armours are completely different. Play in one of the tests, then you can pass judgement.
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