Technical stat terms need explaining please.

Discussion in 'General' started by Tovarich Cookie, Apr 22, 2009.

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  1. Tovarich Cookie

    Tovarich Cookie Member

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    Whenever i look up weapon stats for different games, there are always some bewildering terms that i have no idea what it means: let me show you.

    EU Assault: SCAR 11 AR

    Deviation Shot Base 2
    Deviation Per Shot 0.26
    Deviation Reduction 0.09
    Deviation Min 0.43
    Deviation Moving Max 1
    Deviation Moving Forward 0.2
    Deviation Moving Strafe 0.04
    Deviation Moving Reduction 0.12
    Deviation Jump Max 7
    Deviation Jump Per Jump 7
    Deviation Jump Reduction 0,14
    Deviation Standing 1.13
    Deviation Crouching 1.1
    Deviation Zoom 0.6

    All these 'deviants' ... what do they mean? Can someone explain these to me in terms that i would understand? i just cannot find a glossary for these damn things. I have seen these terms across a few FPSs, so i am pretty sure the figures arent limited to BF 2142.
  2. Beerdude26

    Beerdude26 OnThink(){ IsDownYet(); }

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    I dunno, it probably uses a set value for several weapons and then allows a certain amount of deviation from that value to define its accuracy or something
  3. Jessiah

    Jessiah Member

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    How is this general discussion? This does not relate to Empires at all.
  4. Coffeeburrito

    Coffeeburrito Coder

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    You know how the crosshair expands and contracts to reflect the current accuracy of the weapon? That is what they're talking about. I'm not sure what the units are though.

    There seems to be a few separate deviations that are added up at the end.
    Every bullet fired adds 0.26 to the deviation
    It subtracts 0.09 on a set interval of time to a minimum of 0.43

    Moving adds/removes deviation as specified, but to a maximum of 1. Jumping adds a lot of deviation, but no more than 7. So a person who doesn't fire, but runs and jumps a lot would have no more than 8.43 for a deviation.

    Standing, crouching, and zoom seem to be multipliers, so after figuring out the deviation, multiply it by the number corresponding to the current state.

    Shot base would probably be an overall multiplier, so that after everything else is calculated, multiply by this.

    ... or something like that
  5. Tovarich Cookie

    Tovarich Cookie Member

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    I officially love you, CB. thanks!

    oh, and lock please.
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