Team Wages, Extra Resources, Logistics Guardian

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Ranger, Jul 7, 2016.

  1. Ranger

    Ranger Member

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    I believe a team should be rewarded for their performance just like single players get wages.

    Every 10 points a player makes he gets bonus wages for himself.
    Every [Insert Number of Points * Players / 10] the whole team gathers, bonus cash is added to the resources pool. It could have a player-count requisite in order to become effective it and the value could be changed by Servers.

    This has the purpose to help the team that is more efficient, possibly allowing the more efficient team to gain an economic advantage/boost/support and regain lost ground and refineries. So, this is a another way skillful combatants and teams in general can support their commanders.

    It won't prolong games as the winning team will also have the bonus. But if the winning team has too many nubs that lose tanks, things could change giving opportunities for counter-attacks.

    All this keeping in mind that you want the most deserving team to win and not simply want to end the game to change map. I am in favour of long games and I don't know why someone would be against them, as it is right then that Empires shows its charm.

    Stacked teams would win faster. Stacked losing (for whatever reason) teams would increase their chances of victory.

    Kill-whores would significantly boost their teams and create a pointless gap between the teams in an evenly matched game.
    Promotes farming.
    Does not reward teams that use their brains.
    Tickets are to be considered.

    Other ideas that have been around:

    Ability to donate squad points to another squad.
    Ability to convert squad points into resources.
    Ability to donate personal wages to the team or other individuals.

    Pressing issues that lead to a team's logistical defeat.
    Inexperienced players waste tank, or make bad tanks.
    Commander has no control over what they buy.

    Locking chassis individually by the commander.
    Locking researched items individually by the commander.
    Ability to customize tank for players (Not building vehicles for them; have commander's customized load-outs as preset.).
    Recycling useless vehicles on Repair Pads. E.G. You successfully use your first Light Tank killing every enemy, but it's time to change to mediums. Why leave it in main instead of immediately recycling it without risking someone stealing it and driving it to its death? While abandoning vehicles provides carcasses after a while, this does not mean someone will recycle it. With this new ability of the Repair Pads, even Riflemen could recycle their tanks.

    Since I really believe some of the above should be included in the game, I intend to maintain this thread and update it with corrections and more ideas that you're welcome to post below. Let this be a clean, constructive thread, so that we may assist the Developers.
  2. Devourawr

    Devourawr Member

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    Some of your ideas at the bottom are alright but this one is awful.

    We have "team wages", it's called Resources, and you get them from building and maintaining refineries.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2016
  3. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    if they are so much more "efficient" that it makes a significant difference and let them turn around the game, they wont have lost ground or refinaries in the first place.
    also what is efficient supposed to mean, even though its the best we have, score is a bad, easily exploitable scale ...
  4. Ranger

    Ranger Member

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    Efficient means the teams gathers up more points than the other team. In case they are losing but still getting more points I believe they should be rewarded because they can often push back but lack the resources. This happened in Bootybay a few days ago. NF was pinned down in their base for so long in the end. I was the commnader of BE and I can tell we were losing tanks faster than we could produce them. It was a bad team with many nubs. Honestly, I thought we were losing at first, I don't really know how we pushed them away from our main. I believe they were behind in research.

    Devo Team Wages just means you get a bonus for good performance. The resource pool is the same.
  5. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    i just think score is a poor indicator for performance. getting pushed back into your main is a quite decent indication for bad performance.
  6. Ranger

    Ranger Member

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    NF endured in their main with no VF up for a lot of time. This means they were hardly losing any tanks which means vets were driving them.

    BE had players asking all the time for upgraded armour when we had compo, reactive. That's a bad indication.
    BE was awful I tell you, I do not know how we pushed back. I wasn't even the comm from the start.

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