Tactics And You

Discussion in 'Game Play' started by Sirc, Jul 24, 2006.

  1. Sirc

    Sirc Member

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    This Thread is dedicated to Strategems and Other Tips to Help Players Excel in this game and make it more interesting to play.

    I plan to update this thread often so keep on the lookout for new tips...

    Feel free to post tips or tricks and I will add them to the thread along with who added them.

    General Strategies

    These strategies can be used on most maps at any time.

    These tips are for Commanders.

    - At the Beginning of the game, if you are the last person in your base and all the other characters are elsewhere, become a temporary Commander. Many games are ruined early on when the entire team leaves and there is no one to place those Refineries on the Resource spots they found or build the defenses needed to keep key points. Look at it this way, if you did not become the Commander, the game would end quickly in your defeat. Do you dislike being Commander so much that you risk two minutes of play until failure?

    - Base Defenses are the most overlooked area at the beginning of the game. If none are erected, you will likely fall to the next enemy APC rush or the next Engineer who sneaks in to destroy your only Barracks.

    These tips are for Riflemen.

    These tips are for Engineers.

    - If you are a team medic, Stay One step behind your group. Should they be gunned down wait a moment. Check the area that they were killed in to assess the situation. If there is one weakened foe standing gaurd, launch a counter attack then revive your allies. If there are many enemies in the area, wait to see if they leave, the corpses have ten seconds minimum before they disappear and in most large maps many opponents don't check the surrounding area and instead leave almost immediately. This simple observation tactic can both increase your longevity AND create 'Suprise' secondary assaults by your resurected Allies

    - At the Beginning of the game, One Engineer needs to stay behind. This Engineer plays a key role in base development and game longevity. The Commander is Useless starting all those buildings unless someone is there to finish them.

    - At the Beginning of the game, MG turrets are valuable. Placed at a key point or at a choke point can severly stall the enemies advancement.

    These tips are for Scouts.

    These tips are for Grenadiers.

    - Mines are key throughout the game. In the beginning they can mean between victory or defeat if placed properly to block an enemies APC rush. Later in the game, they are perfect for ambushing vehicles or making a retreat. If an enemy vehicle is ahead of you but has yet to notice you, try to sneak up and lay mines behind or in front of it. If you have layed mines behind it and it sees you laying mines in front, it will naturally back into the mines behind it, earning you an easy kill. If enemies are charging with vehicles, while running lay mines at your feet. Half of the time the enemy will get overzealous end their assault prematurely.


    These tips concern other types of tactics that either don't apply to the above or apply to more than one of the above.

    - At the Beginning of the Map, if you don't plan to Comm, MOVE! Gaining area at the beginning of the map is crucial to what happens afterwards. If your team is not aggressive enough in the beginning you may lose many valuable resource nodes or key points that will lead to your downfall.

    - Turret placement is an issue that both Commanders and Engineers are responsible for. The reasoning behind Turret Placement has two factors, Access and Attack Range. Most players worry about Access, or the ability to get to the turret. A perfect Access would be at the enterance of an alleyway. This aspect often leads to turrets that are easily grenaded to death. The second aspect of Turret Placement is Attack Range. A perfect Attack Range would be in the middle of a field, unattackable by all but the hardiest foes or by long range enemies. This aspect often leads to turrets that will be unable to be repaired. The trick to Turret Placement is to find a balance between Attack Range and Access. A good Turret Placement must be close enough to be repairable but have a good enough angle to not be cheaped by foes. In stead of just building a Turret next to a box where you can safely heal it, try to build the Turret so that it can kill enemies should they try and hide on the other side of the box but still be healable when it takes damage.

    Area Specific Strategies
    These tips are for specific areas.
    - Do not give the NF time to set up. Should they attain the necessary time, there will be too many turrets to assault directly, stalling you precious minutes.
    - Be wary of enemy infiltrations, should a foe slip past your defenses you may respawn to find no Radar, Vehicle Factory, or Armory.

    - If your first flag falls, try and find a safe spot and hide. Usually the BE are so caught up in winning that they charge to the next flag, leaving both easily recapturable and a quick way to flank your foes, or if you are more patient, sneak into their base and destroy their precious buildings.


    Please feel free to post any tips, comments, or strategems for the game.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2006
  2. Simon

    Simon Banned

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    As comm I'd rather have everyone move out at the very start especially if it is a smaller game. I'm probably not going to build much if anything for the first little while in the base. I'd rather spend the resource on barracks and res. If I need someone to come back it's a 10 second wait -tild, suicide. I usually end up building the radar/defences myself anyway.

    Also, at the very start form a squad and get repair upgrade (some people like revive I say depends on strat/map) in the barracks this means that you have to be fast getting into the game. Choose a team and go. You pretty much just doubled your early game effectiveness.

    On valley if your fast and get a repair upgrade you can rush the cv to top and have a barracks up at top before even an APC rush can get there. Bit risky though.

    I think you make turrets out to be too important, level ones can only really be usefull for adding a bit of time onto the life of your ref to defend against the ninja. One engineer can kill an MG in a matter of seconds. What matters is how fast you can get someone there to back up the MG. ( multiple barracks is what I like)

    The most important thing I find is how fast you can get people to the action. Think of how much the enemy can get done while your team walks across half the map. Who cares if your team has twice as many deaths as kills if you have a barracks in the front and you can get them their four times faster than the enemy. Why drop a bunch of turrets when you can drop a barracks and maybe 1-2 turrets. If you have a few decent players this will work out way better.

    Also upgrade armor/engies first(providing your not a turret farmer), no point having a medium tank that can get killed by an upgraded light that costs less. (I prefer armor first, it does tack on more to the price but I figure upgraded armor is going to beat upgraded engine in a fight).

    My two cents at least.
  3. thaile

    thaile Member

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    I'm more of a supporting player then a front line one. I usually go around capturing ref and taking down undefended enemy buildings, so my tips reflect that.

    1. If someone healing you then you should be keeping an eye out for enemies not staring down the engineer. I hate when I'm healing someone and an enemy runs around the corner and waste both of us because the other person not paying attention.

    2. Building cameras at choke points and by the comm will make life easier for your team to hold those points and prevent ninjas.

    3. For NF engineer the SMG3 is your best friend in close range combat only. Use a pistol at all other ranges.

    4. When attacking building with nades the max damage is done when the grenades lands in the center of the building. Anywhere else and it'll do little to no damage.

    Advance Engineering tricks
    -- Clearing lvl3 turret farm with a lvl3 turret farm.
    Since comm can't recycle walls this requires that an engineer place a line of wall in front of the turret farm in which the comm can build turrets behind without them being destroyed. After the turrets are build you the engineer recycles his walls and let the destruction begin.

    -- Destroying tanks with walls
    Making use of the collision damage first make a funnel with walls to lure tanks into the gap. Then have the wall ready to be place across the gap. If the tank is running at full speed when you place the wall it'll be destroyed when slamming into the wall.

    1. 3 rifleman grenades takes out turrets as well as an engineer nade can, plus they can take out the engineer building the turret as well.

    1. If you need something built in base and there's noone to build it, then build it yourself and hop into the comm when needed. This gets things done faster then waiting for someone to spawn back and build it.

    That's all I can think of for now
  4. Sirc

    Sirc Member

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    Thanks For Responding!

    Thank you for your response, I know this will help other gamers out there...
    It has already become a large wealth of knowledge...
    Here's hoping it can become an even bigger cache!
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2006
  5. mr_quackums

    mr_quackums Member

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    another com tip: if you plan on being com be an engi. thatway if no one is around you can hop out for a few secs to build a buiulding or repair the CV.

    wha...:confused: those last two posts were not there when i placed mine.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2006
  6. ^Dee^

    ^Dee^ Former Super Moderator

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    - With ammo increase, you can very easily destroy half, if not more, of a base all by yourself.

    - using mine defusal, your vehicle will not detonate any enemy mines


    Speed and accuracy upgrade can be a deadly combination with the SMGs, especially on district.


    Extended range cannon on artillery can fire from rampart to the enemy base.
  7. Wereaser

    Wereaser Member

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    Tip for all automatic weapons:
    Burst firing is the most effective way to kill people from long-medium range. This works for all classes with automatic weapons.
  8. Private Sandbag

    Private Sandbag Member

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    Placing walls: as either an engineer or comm
    -If you're going to block off an area completely, then it's fine to create an entire line of walls. However, these will directly be attacked if anyone needs to get through.

    -much more efficient is to place two overlapping walls with a gap between them:


    -this means that you can get through (and if you are leaving your base, you probably won't be attacked much so you can go slow and careful)
    -but also slows down any enemy jeeps / apcs trying to quickly drive past the area.
    -because there is a way around it, most players won't bother to destroy the walls, and will leave them as they are
    -a couple of even just level 1 turrets behind the walls can catch enemy off guard, and slow them down long enough to allow you to get to the position
    -a camra behind the walls is also vital, if the walls are yours or the other teams. most players hide behind walls thinking they are undetected, and this is an easy way to catch them off guard.
    -placing a turret behind an enemy wall, and then deconstructing the wall can also get a quick kill

    turret placement

    you another aspect of turret placement is the cover they get from their position. for instance, on money, placing turrets on the edge of the top of the raised areas next to the areas of your base, is a very good place to put them. this is because the missiles from tanks are going to be aiming up, and will generally hit the lip of the raised area instead of the turret, even if they are heading dead on. furthermore, enemy turrets placed close by may also just hit the lip of it instead, when attacking you or the turret.

    watch out! friendly missile turrets can hit you too if you get in exactly the wrong place... ouch.
  9. MOOtant

    MOOtant Member

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    What really this topic is about? tactics or strategy or general hints or manual for noobs or something else? I see almost everything here.

    Most of your hints are in manual and/or are obvious.

    There's one nice trick called fireworks. Place many mls but engineer should finish them only to something like 99% (ensure that it won't be finished earlier). After finishing a line of turrets to 99% you run from one to other finishing them in 5 seconds and making very very big surprise to enemy. Especially good for base ninja-ing.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2006
  10. R_yell

    R_yell Member

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    Yes, tactics isn't about general tips or similar.

    I'd like to show a little tactic that could work in some maps with very narrow pass points. It's untested so I don't know if this is going to be effective or not.

    Look at the pictures:

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    It's just some wall pieces, built to mid heigh, with mines in key pass points. This could work in early to mid games, where there is no artillery. It's only necessary one or two guys to defend it, they can move between walls to attack possible engineers trying to disable walls, and retreat safely because if somebody try to follow then a mine will blow its ass. An armory should be placed next to it so defenders can heal or change class to get the most appropiate in every moment. Turrets are optional, an APC would be very useful too.

    What's the purpose of this? Stop the enemy in a cheap way, using very few resources, while the biggest part of team is attacking at the other front (in case of Canyon, Money or Slaughtered maps). We could outnumber them and win the game.

    Could work because: requires very few resources, turret farming won't harm the walls or mines, tanks are also inefective against this.

    Could fail because: requires very few but well trained players to defend it, and once they are dead it's going to fall quite fast.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2006
  11. Dafleck

    Dafleck Member

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    After gaining the hide ability (through promotion or 'squading'), sneaking up behind the enemies base is a tactic that can easily turn the tide of the battle completely in my experience.
    Once behind their base (making sure that you are in a turret free zone), ask the Commander to drop a couple of ML turrets at your position and build them up, whilst hiding, as quickly as possible. Once they're up, they'll start to annialate their base from inside out, or even just destroy their CV.

    This tactic usually works best if you're on the losing side (mid-end game) and the opposition, thinking that it will all be over soon, are putting all their efforts into destroying your base and ignoring whatever happens to the rest of their structures.

    I first did this tactic on Crossroads, and it worked perfectly.
    For the whole game, the BE had the majority of the resources and we (the NF) could barely afford Jeeps. After sneaking through their defences, I built up some level three MLs to the west of their base. They had destroyed a refinery just after I had build up the third one. Behind the refinery, they found the CV. Needless to say, the battle was over sooner than the BE thought.

    edit: changed typos
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2006
  12. mr_quackums

    mr_quackums Member

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    wouldnt a barax work better, assuming they were totally oblivious.
  13. Dafleck

    Dafleck Member

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    Probably, yes... but getting people to spawn where you want them to in public servers is hard, imho.
  14. Deiform

    Deiform Member

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    Hmm, I disagree about the early MG being unstoppable, it's only unstoppable if you're a scout or a rifleman with no nades left.

    An engie can take that out no probs, and grenadier just as easily. Lvl 3 turrets are impossible for infantry however, unless you have a squad of engies building walls towards the MG... =P
  15. Private Sandbag

    Private Sandbag Member

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    yeah. make a MG, as this won't start shooting yet, and then the ML. even if they realise while you're making the ML, the MG will hold them off.
  16. yodan

    yodan Member

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    build armory at the front & change classes often.
    if you try a rush (no tanks) many coms just forget to build a armory near the enemy base (a armory only 75res and so usefull :). they build walls and turrets but the armory is the 1 or 3 (after 2 turrets) building that should been placed. players just change class to a grenadier and kill enemy base and turrets (barracks first 3 grenadiers need about 10 sec to kill it). normaly the enemy com react with turrets "spam" so grenadiers stop shooting on the building and kill the turrets first. Why? because
    * u need only one shoot to kill a unbuild turret,
    * killing 5 turrets are 5*(50-75) res (many money) in the rush time
    * other team members get the chance to enter the base and kill it.

    Team play on Flag-maps:
    if your team is full of riflemans and you dont kill many enemies (lets say u are not a skiller) pls change to engeeniers and revive players.

    More Commanding:
    USE move orders!! dont write in the console! stop talking bull shit like: "hey playerXY come here and kill the turret" just USE move orders! if you like to give a player the attack order use "strg" to drag a box around that enemy. try to give player also attack orders on may enemy so that he can deside to attack them at the right moment. (lets hope the player is not a noob and run in his dead)
  17. MOOtant

    MOOtant Member

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    I use lots of orders as commander. When I'm pointing the enemy it's generally just a hint not attack order. If I want soldier to kill enemy first then I use console/rarely mic.
  18. aaaaaa50

    aaaaaa50 Member

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  19. Niarbeht

    Niarbeht Member

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    One possible use for the Scouts is, if they're working with a squad (or group of people that might as well be a squad...) and they need to retreat, that the scout should drop his smokes so the others can run like hell.

    Obviously, he needs to ask the others first.
  20. Deiform

    Deiform Member

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    Actually, the scout can earn his squad extra points very quickly if he starts killing and continues constantly, then the engies get all the upgrades they need very fast.

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