Suggestion: lock the res flow so servers can't change it

Discussion in 'Archive' started by The Buttery Lobster, Dec 13, 2007.

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  1. aaaaaa50

    aaaaaa50 Member

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    Ok, I'd like to see people refute that! Nice one lobster! :p

    EDIT: Oh poop, I made a new page. All you people, go to page four and read that big-ass post by the lobster! :rolleyes:
  2. The Buttery Lobster

    The Buttery Lobster Drama Queen.

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    I'm not out to get this stance supported unequivocally. If there is ANY evidence that letting the servers do their own thing is better, then I say go for it. I want whatever hooks the most people. I just think we're gonna lose more then we gain that way.
  3. FishThePirate

    FishThePirate Member

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    Had to give you the lulz for this. Very true. I agree with everything you said.

    I had some noobs getting mad because the commander researched absorbant instead of composite armour right away but we only had about 1k res (it was a normal res-flow server) the nubs couldn't wrap their mind around cheaper armour being better under some circumstances. The fast-res servers are just teaching them that you have to race to the most expensive technologies right away or you're going to lose. That's why we have such a big problem with noobs crying about not getting heavies right away (or why they don't understand the value of getting weapons and armour first so people don't waste res on paper meds/heavies). It's important to keep the standard resource flow because without it you may as well take out take out the faster/cheaper tech.

    Edit: Also, anyone who skipped Lobsters big post on page 4 should read it before posting.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2007
  4. rampantandroid

    rampantandroid Member

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    Make a new column in the server list (can you?!) that states that custom values are in use - on the load screen, display in big letters 'this server does not reflect the intended gameplay' or something.
  5. SwampRat

    SwampRat Member

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    or on the loading pages have a bit of text generated by the game saying either "approved settings" or "modified settings" or giving a breakdown of main differences (tickets, res flow, research etc).

    could make it messy but there could be room somewhere.
  6. MomoZMonster

    MomoZMonster Member

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    There is ONE example I can think of off the top of my head and thats Battle Grounds 2. Theres one server maybe 2.. that let you pick up weapons from fallen players. Then theres others that don't.

    Both types of servers are regularly populated.

    As for the people that feel the game is too vehicle oriented, they might be happy on a map of Canyon or Crossroads. But as for Cyclopean, SoF, Money, Duststorm, to an extent mValley where resources can usually support plenty of vehicles and research they wouldn't be to happy. And I'm talkin standard res flow.

    I'm all for the servers designating that they arn't running League standard play.

    I am tempted to agree with the Lobster on the resources as theres lots of good points there especially about the whole researching absorbant vs composite cause of the price. and how the newbs not understanding the importance here.
    But there were Testers during testing that would research composite on maps where there was no resources. They didn't understand the importance either.

    I'm tired its time to sleep.
  7. Private Sandbag

    Private Sandbag Member

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    I'm right behind you lobster! I agree with this all the way.

    I was just thinking about counterstrike for a second, thinking: would counterstrike really be better if you got 3x as much money? so you could ALWAYS buy the best weapons? i know fairly good players always can, but imagine if there wasn't even that for newer players. there effectively might as well not be the weaker weapons in the game. Same goes for empires. there's nothing very fun or powerful about being in a fully loaded heavy tank with as many weapons as you like on if that's the only thing you think this game is about.

    I'm just sad that it hasn't been re-inforced this far.

    so, without jumping to the conclusing that this is the right answer, just hypothetically speaking for a second to assume that people did agree with this, what should we do about it?

    first thing to do would be to prepare and send out an email to all the server owners telling them what is expected of them in the name of their server. We can't just wait until 3.0 to get locked or maploading-details stuff.

    Next, if/when we agree if this is correct, there should be a stickied thread for all server owners.

    although these solutions won't get to every server, it will certainly get to the popular servers and hopefully will be better than the current situation.
  8. aaaaaa50

    aaaaaa50 Member

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    Should someone put up a thread in the general discussion thread telling everyone about unbalanced rez? :confused:
  9. Avair

    Avair Member

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    being able to set your own res interval :
    -servers with different values will attract different groups of people, for a larger playerbase
    -people can test different vehicles without waiting for res
    -tank wars
    -not boring as shit
  10. Private Sandbag

    Private Sandbag Member

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    Avair, did you read what buttery lobster wrote?

    There's no way for new players to discern which servers have different values. even if they WANTED to have tank wars, they wouldn't know how to find it.

    the game is not designed to be played as tank wars, and isn't nearly as fun playing tank wars either.

    Just because a server has high res, doesn't make it "tank wars". on tank wars, there are all sorts of house rules including "don't attack the comm, don't attack bases". what we have currently is normal games with too much res, so instead of tactics and strategy you just have a rush to upgrade and then slugging it out with the best tanks possible until one team wins.

    This gives a bad, unbalanced and unfun view of the mod to new players. as fun as it is to kick ass in a tank, it's actually really boring to be a new player in a tank. Customise your tank, take it out onto the battlefield and die, over and over again. except that you're a newbie, so you might not know that you NEED to be in a tank, so you're likely to spend a lot of time running out to the battlefield as infantry, even as grenadier, and dying over and over again.

    There are LOTS of roles that new, crappy players can take in normal empires to help the team without needing to be good at the game, such as supporting your friends, building, or as much as I hate it, scouting. Tanking isn't like that. tanking is rambo. Tanking has about as much teamwork as CS, in that if you're smart you'll all go the same direction. that's not teamwork, or strategy, or tactics. this is not CS with tanks.

    again, i can't shake the feeling that tank wars is boring as shit. It's repetative, the same gameplay over and over.
  11. Avair

    Avair Member

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    there are servers mods for practically every game, doesn't seem to confuse people, and no I didn't
  12. KILLX

    KILLX Banned

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    Avair, most games state the changes in the name.
  13. Avair

    Avair Member

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    yet the suggestion i posted weeks ago saying that there should be some sort of indication as to what the server has modified got no responses at all (except for dizzy making me feel like a retard over steamfriends ^^ )
  14. MomoZMonster

    MomoZMonster Member

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    there are CS:source servers that give 16k at the start alowing people to buy whatever it is they please. And in the end its okay cause each gun has strengths AND weaknesses. Maybe this is a calling for better balancing?

    When a huge map like canyon comes along, with 32-48 people, on standard flow theres so little res and thats a lot of freaking walking and thats boring.
    Not to mention that when lvl 2 and 3 turrets start popping up, being outside of a tank gets really boring, really quickly when you can't even begin to advance into a territory without getting shredded.
    I don't mean any offense but the infantry aspect of this game by comparison to other fps leaves much to be desired. The vehicular combat is why I play this game.
    Its like if theres even ONE tank out there I wanna go grab a tank and go blasting that tank. If I can't cause we don't have res, now THAT sucks. Then the game gets boring, cause someones driving around blasting while I 'm sprinting for 5 secs and then dead tired cause these soldiers eat too many damned doughnuts and can't even walk normal after they run.

    Theres still plenty of strategy to be had with tank battles.

    Its even worse to be new and in a tank when theres no res cause people always get po'd cause the newbie's wasting scarce resources. I know I never touched tanks as newb cause I feared loosing the tank and resources. Infact in the presence of the seniors that still make me look like a newb I hesitate to grab a tank and wait till the server dies down or the res are extremly high. Now thats dumb, and gets boring.

    In the end its exactly like what Avair said, different servers attract different groups of people. If you don't like the super res flow then play on a different server that dosn't have it.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2007
  15. Trid3nt

    Trid3nt Member

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    I see your point, but what about if those servers happen to have the best latency? People will join it, which might mean noone has the ability to choose what server they play on.
  16. Solokiller

    Solokiller Member

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    Only allow resource multipliers if you're in LAN mode or using a modified DLL (for the official servers). Same for any other unbalancing serverside modifications.
  17. Trid3nt

    Trid3nt Member

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    Could we have some sort of resource adder though? One that means you can mess around on private servers ie Tank tests etc
  18. Solokiller

    Solokiller Member

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    Maybe if sv_password is set to something?
  19. Beerdude26

    Beerdude26 OnThink(){ IsDownYet(); }

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    host_timescale is your friend lol
  20. Avair

    Avair Member

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    then people would put the password in the server name
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