Stamina Based Health

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Starcitsura, Oct 5, 2008.

  1. Starcitsura

    Starcitsura Member

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    I don't expect this idea to be widely accepted. It was just some random pondering I did on my latest bike ride threw the rain.

    The idea pretty much involves directly linking your stamina to your health.

    The higher your health, the less likely you will die.
    Any Damage you take will directly effect your stamina.
    Stamina will be on a scale from -100(+/-) to +100(+/-)
    Different Classes could have different maximums, and different minimums.

    This idea will somewhat reflect reality. Depending where you take a bullet, generally you won't die from it. However, if you take a bullet, you probably wouldn't be able to sprint for a 100 yards directly after. Also, the whole "health bar" while a classic in FPSs, it is dated practise.

    Stamina can recharge the way it does, however the rate it does so will depend on some factors:
    • Stance
      • "Resting" or staying still will regenerate stamina faster then moving (walking/crawling)
      • Crouching will regenerate stamina faster then standing
      • Prone will regenerate stamina faster then crouching
    • Previous injuries could also affect stamina regeneration, the more bullets in you, the more "tired" you are and the harder it is to recuperate. After X number of hits, you won't be able to regenerate stamina.
    Every Hit you take will take way some stamina.
    Firing, Running, Jumping, and other things will also take away stamina, however, they won't drop your stamina below 0. If your Stamina is below 0 you simply can't do those things anymore.
    Getting damaged can drop your stamina below 0 once your below -100 you die.
    Engines and health crates can increase your stamina (up to 100? or only 0)
    Armour would as always, reduce the % of damage you take.

    Other game play features could be added:
    • If your stamina is below -50 you can only crawl, their could be some weird visual effects. (Think the scene after the Nuke attack in COD4)
    • If your stamina is below -80 you black out. Might not be "fun", however as you can still regenerate stamina, you could revive rather quickly, if connected with the above idea, a evil enemy could keep you on the verge of death, flashing between red screen and blackout
    • Skills could be converted to work with this, faster regeneration, extra stamina, etc.
    • Engie "supercharge" giving you a temporary boost of stamina that immediately starts wearing off after given. (Similar to the extra health you can get from Medics in TF2)

    Anyways, I don't expect this to be widely accepted, I just wanted to get it out there, because whats the point of keeping ideas in your head?
    I haven't played any games that have anything like this. Some modern games have the system where if you get hit X number of times, you have to go x seconds without getting hit again or you die. But thats a cheasy way of doing it IMHO.
    The List of ideas at the end steal some concepts from other games, but those are just last min add ons.
  2. President Dick

    President Dick Member

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    I don't like it for one reason : it would make sqauds less valuable. Currently if you're engaging an enemy and get damaged, you rely on having an engineer nearby to mend your wounds. With your system, if I get hit I can just hide behind my rock and eventually regen some HP and continue fighting without dying. There's nothing wrong with the current system.

    That being said, It would be nice to see some more Dig-In-style abilities, maybe one for each class but obviously not all damage reducing.
  3. Starcitsura

    Starcitsura Member

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    Engies would could still "heal" you bringing your stamina up,
    Further, if they were allowed to bring your stamina above 0, they could help your run, jump, and shoot longer.

    Unlike with the current stamina, where you have to sit and wait.

    So really it would increase the importance of engies.

    But yes, I realize this won't be popular for empires, its not broken, so why fix it right?
  4. RepublicA

    RepublicA Member

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    I do not like the potential for a stamina-train of engies to rush from one end of the map to the other right away.

    I also like the system as it exists, it just makes sense to me^^

    and it totally would not be fixing, it would be much more like breaking.
  5. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    I have considered this before - bullets taking a lil' bit of stamina with them...but tbh, we don't really have that much stamina anyway, and it'll turn into you ending up frozen while being shot. In fact, CSS already has this in a different format - that annoying crap where when you get shot you get half-paralysed.

    It would be nice to try, but I think it'd probably just end up being anti-fps, and decreasing fun. Don't think we'll ever really know tho.
  6. ScardyBob

    ScardyBob Member

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    Wow! I really like this idea. The current system is FPS-standard that works well, but its hardly realistic. I know the devs are interested in making the mod fun more than realistic, but the two don't have to be mutually exclusive. Having a combined health-stamina system would make working in squads, taking cover, etc more important (i.e. no more 'run-and-gun' style combat).

    Also, I don't think I've encountered another game/mod with this style of 'health'. Incorporating this would be exactly one of the innovative concepts that make mods better than traditional game development. The best mods IMO are the ones that are on the cutting edge of gaming, incorporating those crazy ideas that many game companies are too afraid to do (why innovate when you can sell $ millions with the same 'Halo' cookie-cutter format?) I think this is exactly the concept best suited for a mod :)

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