Basically, like F S Space, but only voteable by members of a given squad against their squadlead. This would help kick out douches who join a squad and never use the squadpoints in the endgame when the squad has 54 points and the team has no tickets.
Ask the comm to promote someone else. This is only a workaround, but I don't want to clutter the ui with even more squad options. Any other ideas?
What about maps that don't have coms ? When you get stuck with a squad leader that will not use points?
It's as easy as fuck to abuse it. What we have is honesty good enough. EDIT: Or make it conditionally available, like when the squad has 40 squad points(or more) and the squad leader isn't using it AT ALL....or some shit like that.
If anything, make it availible if the squad lead is dead. Many games were lost because sl with 40 points decided to make himself a fucking sandwitch.
It might be good if we combine both. If the squad leader stays dead, the vote is available. If the squad leader is alive and not using the point AT ALL, the vote is available.
So in other words you have 9 seconds to make a squad vote to change squad lead. LMAO ok thats gana work. I think changing the squad lead should always be available. Some times its VERY important to get the squad lead to use the points they have NOW! if they don't have enough points to make the limit for the vote to be available its too late.
This is stupid. You are all suggesting workarounds to an already broken system. Squad lead juggling is retarded, like many other things. You wouldn't just pass a title around in rl. The thing that is not working is, are squad powers, so we either make squad powers like weapon/skill changes to require a respawn/reequip at a rax or acknowledge that being able to cycle through squad leaders and therefore powers is useless and thus give every squad member the opportunity to cast squad powers. I think that it is indeed useless and creates and supports more dynamic gameplay that makes empires fun in my opinion. So how do we implement that? We could let every squad member cast the squad powers, but give SL or Commander the option to deny a request. That also adds a small cooldown time to keep the squad lead position a bit more powerful. How about this? Edit another idea: We track who contributes how many points to the squad and once a person leaves a squad to join another he takes his points with him. This won't be very easy to track, but definitely possible. I don't like this solution, because it adds hidden complexity that is not immediately and intuitively understandable. Keep ideas coming, but please think before you are posting: Is this an already broken mechanism that doesn't make sense and is this mechanism fun and who should it be implemented to make immediate sense.
That would destroy the squad power cycling, but it would make sense. Together with letting every member cast squad powers (with the SL deny option) and letting the commander "sticky" a player to SL that idea might work. It might however turn silly if two players are very close in points and swapping lead every few minutes/seconds.
what about highest rank gets lead. That way it wouldn't switch every min. cuz if two people are close in points who ever ranks up first would get lead. until someone got an even higher rank.
SL is important to be defined, because in high level play it's usually someone important, for example when EPIC scrims I'm pretty sure trickster is always a squad leader, it lets the squad know where he is so he can give orders out and people get it when he says "I need walls here" or some shit because he's got the SL star. It shouldn't change based on rank because it'll mess shit like that up. The alternative is defining squad leaders at round start and not letting them change, but obviously thats unfair to players who come in late or if a squad leader leaves. Mass revive as a non squad lead power would break the game horribly by the way.
Good to know Then maybe just have admins deem squad leaders that do not use points as griefing and ban them.
Make a thing appear on squadleaders HUD showing what squad spells are available and what button they are bound to (and they should be bound by default, F menu is to cumbersome for something that has to happen fast). If I'm Bravo leader and have 4 squad points it would look something like: Squad Arty: Q Squad Damage: X because I have enough points to use damage, but not arty. Also, the comm should be able to appoint squad leaders because the commanders job is to command.