squad based system of detection

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Grantrithor, Sep 26, 2010.

  1. Grantrithor

    Grantrithor Member

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    I know now that commander targets are out and the new minimap thing has made cameras and radars virtually obsolete, not to mention that the player also has a detector for enemy buildings.

    What my idea is is to limit this ability to squads and the people in the squads. The way I am putting this is that if you are in say alpha squad, then you can see on your minimap everything that everyone else sees in alpha squad. Same with bravo, charlie, delta, etc, the squad mates all share the minimap detection.

    This way Cameras and Radars won't go out of style and they can be used for giving the whole team detection as opposed to the player's squad.

    -No insane across the map detection just because there is at least one person in a certain place.
    -The commander would be the only player bogged down with all this stuff on the minimap, therefore the squad based people's only worry is what is in the general vicinity of them.
    -Encourages new players to join a squad to obtain this feature

    -Artillery tank drivers wont have access to targets that are in the detection range of the rest of the team
    -Maybe the whole team wants to know where every other enemy unit is.
    -Encourages joining squads just for the minimap feature.

    -The artillery tank driver could have a squad mate up front or just a scout target.
    -Who doesn't join squads just for shits and giggles now a days anyways? I know some people aren't guilty of this, but others join squads for the hell of it and they aren't always near their squad. Well people were guilty of that when I first played this game, but there are still a select few who still do it.

    edit: I would also like to add that it doesn't take the detection away from yourself, but with a squad, you get their detection too.
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2010

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