This splash window at start of empires is a bit off for me. Screen resolution 1920x1080 Using 125% DPI (custom text size in windows) dunno if it matters. Full resolution image:
I use 100% dpi on 1080p and don't have that. Maybe your extra tall taskbar does also matter. I have taskbar on tiny-icon mode, derp.
Can I just say I really like this new feature? (when it's not borked) Makes the game seem polished even though it's entirely pointless lol
We'd rather not have it but the game won't work without it. Something has to come up for what's running before the game, it's better that it's hidden behind an image rather than a command prompt screen popping up.
The first time I saw it pop up when I launched Emp, I was all "Holy shit, this is all prestigious and shit." And so Empires was.
On a serious note, can I haz a prettier splash screen? I just copy pasted the forum logo. I want something like this in bigger and better proportions of logo and text: