Suicidal Jeeps (Jeeps designed for one purpose, to cause death/injury/damage to anything in its explosion radius... Except the driver! J/K) Motorbikes/Trikes/Quads HMV (Like a jeep except more armored and when you're in it it's like the APC, you're ammo and health goes up)
Another suggestion I WOULD make is having the ability to drive enemies vehicles if they arn't occupied, but then your team would blast you to hell when you drive back to base for repairs, or you could stealth the enemy base and easily |\|!nj@ tehCV.
someone had an idea once where you could get a skill to steal tanks,, i think thats a great idea,, a hotwire skill,,
That has been shot down in the past, as it would quickly get very chaotic. I suggested attaching a car-bomb to the engine, which exploded when you turned the vehicle on. (but takes about 10 seconds to rig and can only be done when unoccupied)
I thought the HMV was a good idea. "HMV (Like a jeep except more armored and when you're in it it's like the APC, you're ammo and health goes up)" Also have it cheaper than the APC, and maybe allow it carry an extra person than a jeep. A mounted MG would also be cool.
sounds pointless to me. I would like a heavy jeep, but one that has a cannon or machinegun for the second player to use, not just ammo + health capabilities.
I remmember sudesting machineguns for jeeps my first time on the forums, I'm against ammo/health capablities, the poor engeis whould have nothing to do exept build.
The car-bomb idea as a skill would be great for the AT class (yay, AT ninjas), but it shouldnt destroy heavier vehicles, only damage them severely (maybe bypass armor for max hull damage ) I also think that instead of copying a jeep and adding an MG to it, you should have to option to put an MG/Chain Gun on, but things would be very restricted and you would have to cut down on the engine/armor.
Well APCs haven't stopped the engys from doing their job. "How about using a tank instead of an armoured jeep?" Budget reasons. A armor medium between a jeep and a tank. Sorry when I said HMV I meant Humvee I think it would be a better idea than improving the original jeep. Just create a new vehicle that has the ability to pick up the injured, mount weapons, etc. Realistically that is what they are for anyway. Opens more options without killing the realism. W007 RPG HuMVee roffle 31337
its short for spelling Humvee correctly. it is a High Mobility, Multi Wheeled Vehical. HMMWV (hum-vee) if your talking about cars, then it is kinda redundent to say Multi-wheeled so some times it is taken out. shorting it to High Mobility Vehical. HMV (hum-vee) a humvee with a TOW mount is called a FAT-V, Fighting all-terrain vehical. I kinda Like the idea of having a multi-role jeep as a kinda cost effective alternitive, but i wonder how youd make it work really, it would be kinda weird if you took a concept from command and Conqure. the jeep which changes its function by the passangers it carries... rifleman, get a chaingun/.50 mount. grenedeer, get a missle mount. scout, turns into mobile radar. engineer, turns into a mobile aid staton.
I don't want some lame thing that changes the weapon it has like the IFV from RA2. there's no realism or coolness.
RA2 was just Way to cartoony really. if they made it Look more realistic then it would of probably been more believable.
I entirely disagree. much of the fun of a game is "suspending your disbelief", and enjoying the game as if it was real, as if it's actually happening to you, and it's how you connect with any charecters on a game or TV or movie. That's why, when you're playing counterstrike, you at least feel a little bit like you're in a war zone. similarly, when you see a helicopter in Battlefield two, you think "wow! a helicopter", not a flying sausage or something equally unrealistic. This "suspension of belief" is how all atmosphere is created. That's why good looking, imersive games are generally more fun than cartoony or childish ones.