Some thoughts about Empires

Discussion in 'General' started by Bademeister, Nov 26, 2006.

  1. Bademeister

    Bademeister Member

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    Downloaded Empires a few days ago and as an old fan of C&C Renegade, I fell immediately in love with it. The gameplay is really great, I've played rounds that lasted for about two hours of intense combat and seen games that were decided by superior strategy but also ones that were turned around by the skill of a single player (had a really fun game when I stopped an assault of 4 AFVs at the center of duststorm with just the basic weapons of the grenadier).
    Just wanted to ask some things that came into my mind when playing:

    Is there any difference between a 1-slot and a 2-slot engine and is mixing engines as the in-game help says even possible?

    How does adding armor to vehicles with two armor slots work? When I fill just one space the values change as expected, but when I use both slots everything gets strange. If I use the same armor twice the price and weight are much higher then twice the basic price and I've got no idea what happens really when you choose two different ones?

    The research "Improved Detonaters" doesn't seem to do anything, what is it good for?

    Guided Missile Launcher and Homing Missile Launcher seem nearly pointless with their current implementation, as you get their upgraded versions at the same time.

    The way weapons are placed on vehicles seems to force research into specific patterns, since you can't use any upgraded weapons (apart from MGs on APCs) without getting better chassis and using armor that costs three times as much as a vehicle is also quite pointless, so researching anything but turrets and an engine before chassis won't help you much.
  2. Shinzon

    Shinzon Member

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    Hello, welcome to Empires

    I don't think you can mix engines or anything else for that matter right now; and the second armor slot is broken, it does nothing.

    I never used missle spammers, so I cannot answer that question

    No; armor is the most critical thing in a tank, a NF light tank can absolutley dominate with upgraded armor and a good engine, a skilled player also has a good chance of taking down a Brenodi Heavy tank. My personal favorites are the coolant engine and the absorbant armor. Often times some commanders choose to get the upgraded chassis first, but I find this a mistake since an upgraded tank is alot better then a "Paper/Vanilla" one, so in the end you are just wasting res for an expensive chassis.

    Usualy upgrades follow a pattern like this : Engine, Armor, Med/Heavy Chassis, Arty, Weapons, Heavy Chassis (For Brenodi, NF skip the mid chassis), nukes...

    Thats a layout of upgrades I like to follow... with no turret spamming, concentrating every single drop of resources for Tanks in order to go on the offensive
  3. Awrethien

    Awrethien Member

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    Though BE can some times skip art and get HE after mid chasses and wreck havok.:D

    For Improved Detonaters the only thing I have seen it doing is give the APC a more powerfull grenade launcher.

    For the missiles there have been talk of haveing more than one prerequisit for each resurch but they havent gotten that far yet.

    Remeber its still a beta. It has its bugs but its still fun as hell.

    PS: any word on when that armor bug will be fixed? I cant wait to get a BE tank with absorbant, regin, HE cannon, with advanced coolent:D
  4. Shinzon

    Shinzon Member

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    BE Med tank is my love :D

    I will still roll on my BE tank when every one else is in a heavy :D
  5. arklansman

    arklansman Member

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    BE med >>>>> BE heavy

    BE heavy would be good if it could actually move.
  6. dizzyone

    dizzyone I've been drinking, heavily

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    AFAIK improved detonaters doesnt do anything yet. For a new player thats a very nice find :)
    welcome to the forums.
  7. Krenzo

    Krenzo Administrator

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    Welcome to the game. 1.08 will have the second armor slot removed as things would start to get too complex with mixing multiple armor types.
  8. Awrethien

    Awrethien Member

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    Krenzo Has Spoken! lol well so much for my dream tank. I guess Ill have to be happy with the incrase in torque. No more gettting stuck on speed bumpsand becomeing expensive turrents.;)
  9. Private Sandbag

    Private Sandbag Member

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    APC nades are actually a great way to destroy buildings.

    does the upgrade really not do anything? dang!

    and i liked the idea of mixed armour levels! you could have the outer levels in one armour type, and the inner as another. e.g regen on the outside and composite inner.
  10. Broccoli

    Broccoli Member

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    I'm sure two layers of armor would make it far too heavy anyway. If not, it would easily lead to super-tanks.

    I always thought that improved detonators improved infantry grenades, but I guess not. This would make sense though, no?
  11. mr_quackums

    mr_quackums Member

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    it opens up the 2slot grenlauncher for apc (trust me, my favorite tank in the game is a death apc), but no one ever researches it so i dont know if its worth it.
  12. dizzyone

    dizzyone I've been drinking, heavily

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    if you would have had a look at my awesome guide weapon list @

    you would know that 2 slot grenades are under chemistry ^^ (improved detonation compounds)

    I have researched it a few times when I went for research that would pimp my lts and apcs. .50 cal HMG and a 2 slot grenade is the ultimate forward base killer. Or if any players are skilled just 2 grenades :>
  13. dizzyone

    dizzyone I've been drinking, heavily

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    Even Falcon's vehicle scripts included in the next patch won't change anything about it, I quote:

    Not really sure what the idea behind it is (5/10 res difference is what, 2 second difference with 3 or more refineries?)

    But Ill put a PostIt note on my monitor and remind myself to take a look at it on our R&D server. Difference in weight could be it, not sure how the devs think about this tho. A slight increase in weight wouldnt actually do anything except maybe in some cases where you have heavy armor and 2 small cannons equiped, a bigger increase in weight could possibly mean you would have to lose one armor plate to equip the Upgraded ML, and I wonder if it would be really worth it.
  14. FalconX

    FalconX Developer

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    All I've done with the scripts as yet is change the cost of everything. The price difference in one item may not be that much, but everything was done to balance some other alteration, or to make something more logical.

    Right now or, at least, when I have more time, I'm going to be changing the weight (of everything) and armor system. I wasn't planning on touching anything else as yet.

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