Sign up organized pugs 24th november

Discussion in 'General' started by Paradox, Nov 10, 2012.

  1. PredatoR[HUN]

    PredatoR[HUN] Member

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    As I see it, you guys had better players on average(better killers) and that's why we lost so many tickets. That and because we rushed a lot. Seeing as you had DU you probably had reflective too and MGs were always good against that.
    Our tanks were simply better, Jephir choose a very good research for the map. 3phase+regen+biomg+homing is a very good combo on duststorm, especially if people know how to use it.

    There is no perfect way, this captain picking has it's advantages and the normal way too. While I agree that it encourages the them against us mentality, it also adds way too much drama and seriousness to an otherwise fun match. You saw how people reacted to something as simple as a latejoiner, I can accept it in a scrim but it has no place in a pug.

    Also, offtopic:

    Spike, stop being such a fucking diva you god damned drama queen. Seriously things turn bad and you flip the fuck out and rage quit, what the hell is that? Fucking deal with it.


    Does anyone have a scoreboard screenshot of the duststorm game?
  2. Paradox

    Paradox I am a gigantic asshole who loses people's hard wo

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    But empires loves dramaaaa! :D I honestly didnt mind the seriousness, rather have a serious challenging match than a fun Fuck around balanced match. But that's just me.
    Empires is super serial.
  3. Lawliet

    Lawliet Member

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    Why I lost duststorm

    1) Paradox suggested we siege the NF main.
    2) I told everyone to charge in when we lost our south tank force (I have no idea why that happened)
    3) The refineries weren't giving enough resources (A 560 resource tank a minute sucks, especially when you have 75% of the refs in the game)
    4) I didn't have a radar the whole game.
    5) I researched heavies as a suggestion from Zeke but never got to see one heavy roll out that entire game.
    6) I placed some shitty raxes (rax around middle and rax at northwest in the beginning)
    7) NF was fast on their feet and was always mobile (APCs)
    8) It took forever to kill the northwest barracks that NF dropped
    9) I thought everyone could carry themselves. Or at the very least Paradox and Zeke would lead these noobs to victory.
  4. A-z-K

    A-z-K Member

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    Duststorm was a pretty good game, well worth showing up for. Our (NF) early charge around C5 got supressed and the barracks there became a ticket bleed.

    BE were more organised with making attacks but NF reacted quickly to most threats and defended hard enough to keep in the game till we hit mediums, then the ref situation flipped after we'd lost all tickets - it was tight though. NF had the best tanks for sure and we just about managed to get enough people into them.
  5. aaaaaa50

    aaaaaa50 Member

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    So guys, I never got the password to join the game. Does everyone here just know it from past PUGs or what? I had to go asking around in the other server and I really didn't think I was going to get to play. If I join another pug and the password is changed, how will I know what the password is?

    Anyways, it was fun, but really we only had a good match on Duststorm. The first and third ones ended way too quickly. Always fun to see the map filled with tanks though. If anyone has an explanation for what dark force devoured all of NF's tanks, I'd love to hear it.
  6. A-z-K

    A-z-K Member

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    U should friend everyone on steam and join the steam groups for pugs bro
    Group hug
  7. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    I dont know about be tanks, but for nf, I could be a factor, seeing as how with a shitty std engine afv I killed at least 2 apcs and drove away lts several times. Got dicked over by someone rpgsniping my afv on rep pad when I was trying to upgrade it. I got a med after that and killed around 3 mediums with that. After loosing it to bullshit long bio effect I got another one and kept it untill sd timer hit around 10, getting another 3 marks. I spent nearly half of the game in mediums and didn't die once after getting the first one. Its somewhat weird considering nf had homing on dust and I still pulled that kind of bs. Its somewhat sad to see active players get dicked over by foot nf exclusive.

    most ticket effictive driver

    also, aaaa, pasword was te same as last time. It will probably remain the same, even if majority doesn't agree with it's content. Paradox always spams it before start.
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2012
  8. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    It's nice to hear that there was some real strategy in the research. And I mean that, it really does mean a lot to me to know that the changes are paying off. If you guys have feedback, please post them in the RC6 thread.

    Also, I can only echo Predator's sentiments. Having 2 captains is usually good enough. If you increase the vote time to 5 minutes, then you can usually sort out any imbalances within that time and sort shit out.

    No pug next week as we'll be having a playtest on the test version. I'll be scheduling it once we update the steam.cfg.
  9. Sgt.Security

    Sgt.Security Member

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    dat duststorm scoreboard.
  10. Sgt.Security

    Sgt.Security Member

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    (1) yah, huge mistake there. But if we didn't make all the mistakes on our side, we shouldn't even reach this part anyway.
    (2) Our anti-vehicle tactics worked well, you see how we survived all the rushes.
    (3)We had ref lead for a long while too, plus we used our wage well.
    (5)This didn't really matter, 15 medium tanks(multiple waves) aren't shittier than 7 heavies(one wave, and gg no wage). Plus we had Homing HL/Gren division, your heavies woulda attracted double damage(or more) as well.
    (6)didn't notice that.
    (7)Yes, at one point we had more than 5 active spawn points, but this was also responsible for our fast ticket drain sooo, not sure if good or not.
    (8)Partially because I always spawned to North/got to North, killed quite a lot there, and an APC.
    (9)This is PUG, wut do u expect :D

    But tbh, what happened on duststorm fits the "properties" of our teams, perfectly.
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2012
  11. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    yeah thanks for that awesome round on duststorm NF-team, that was a great game. noone pussied out and ragespecced even when it looked very bad for us (0:60), we organized rev squads and kept holding till we could turn it around - thats the empires i know ...
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2012
  12. Silk

    Silk Mapper

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    My battlefield awareness sucks these days so i had no clue what was going on most of the time.

    Charlie squad (with me in it, NF team) couldn't get ruins so from the start i felt like "this is not going well". I did keep an eye on the northwest on the minimap so at least as long as our squads there could hold their area, we'd have time to retake ruins. I saw that we were doing well at least in the north.
    Then when BE got their tanks out i actually thought that would be the beginning of the end, and when i saw the difference in tickets i was sure of it.
    However the grens did an awesome early job by focusing their fire on specific targets before going to the next, and we were able to waste quite a few meds. At this point BE still had quite a lot of tanks, but it was no longer this armada with an unbreakable momentum.
    Then, by accident or instinct, i dediced to use my wages to buy a tank myself (there was no res left) and there were at least 6 or 7 people who had the exact same idea. So we had a mini vehicle rush ourselves, and together with the grens we could quite easily take out the now divided BE meds and push forth to BE main.

    From there on i no longer followed the minimap, only the tickets while waiting for a mass revive ^^
  13. D.D.D. Destroyer

    D.D.D. Destroyer Member Staff Member Moderator

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    I liked the one part where I was running after roor in the ruins, the one part where I was sitting with flasche over the eastern refinery, and that one part where Nihia came to help me in the middle.

    Oh and I liked the part where I was eating supper for the entire duration of cyclopean ;)
  14. PredatoR[HUN]

    PredatoR[HUN] Member

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    Ugh that cyclopean game...This made me realize that deciding to play was perhaps not the best decision.
  15. Paradox

    Paradox I am a gigantic asshole who loses people's hard wo

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    9fps, sounds legit.
  16. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    I had the same problem on cyclo, I went as low as 11 fps. Still the worst offenders were the lag spikes everytime someone new jumped into my close view.
  17. BroT

    BroT Member

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    Oh, Lu! :pathetic:
    It's not about the fps (I also had low fps problems).
    It's about the fact, that only 2 or 3 ppl were going city (wtf?)
    We had 2 squads north and 2 in mid, but only 3 ppl in city? :headshot:

  18. Silk

    Silk Mapper

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    Actually something odd was going on. The lag was terrible, and shooting someone was like guessing in which direction he was going. Then half a second later you could see he actually went the other way and that you have been shooting air all that time.

    Fps was good, latency even better, yet somehow it was completely unplayable.
    In duststorm this problem was entirely gone though.
  19. Neoony

    Neoony Member

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    looks like it was fun, so bad i could not be there
  20. A-z-K

    A-z-K Member

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    Yeah there was something odd on Cyclopean I couldn't hit anything and people would kill me then as I died I would see them popping out and shooting maybe 3/4 of a second later. But then it was totally gone for the other rounds.

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