Show units on com minimap.

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Wilson, Dec 12, 2008.

  1. Wilson

    Wilson Member

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    I just realised something that empires has been missing. One of the key features for any rts.
    Any unit or object that can be targetd by a command (atack this unit) should also appear on the comms minimap. This would give the comm a much better owerviev of the battliefield, and lead to some more tactic.
    At the moment the commander relies completely on hovering over the part of the map where they want to see what is happening. When i think about it, just how much it limits the ammount of information the comm gets, it feels kind stupid. Imagine a normal rts where you do not see your enemies apper on your minimap. I can imagine such a game would lead to alot of frustration from the players part.

    This would only work when the commander is in "commander mode", and not on the move.

    I really think the commander need this ability to be able to effectively lead his team. On a side note, it would also make ninjaing harder.
    Ofc you could have some units who would be immune to the commanders radar and not show up on minimap (scout?) , but i think that under normal circumstances all units, infrantery, tanks, and buildings alike, should be visible for the commander, as long as they are targetable by a command.

    If he can see them by just hovering over them, why cant he then see them on the minimap, sparing him the troubble of trying to be everywhere.
  2. ScardyBob

    ScardyBob Member

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    The comm has this ability if someone drops a camera/radar or a player manually targets it.
  3. Wilson

    Wilson Member

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    But you cant keep the whole map covered in cameras.
    I just think that the current system limit the comms overview of the battlefield to such a degree that it cripples his ability to effectively command.

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