The wiki page seems rather out of date, as of the steam release, and I don't have a clue of how to set hammer up for the new release. Could someone post a quick guide? Thanks.
I'm not sure what exactly is needed, however since my setup is working as it is i'll just copy paste the text here. This is the file "GameConfig.txt" located in "d:\steam\steamapps\<account>\sourcesdk\bin\source2007\bin\" Code: "Configs" { "Games" { "Empires" { "GameDir" "d:\steam\steamapps\<account>\empires\empires" "hammer" { "GameData0" "d:\steam\steamapps\<account>\empires\empires\empires.fgd" "GameData1" "d:\steam\steamapps\<account>\sourcesdk\bin\source2007\bin\base.fgd" "TextureFormat" "5" "MapFormat" "4" "DefaultTextureScale" "0.320000" "DefaultLightmapScale" "64" "GameExe" "d:\steam\steamapps\<account>\Source SDK Base 2007\hl2.exe" "DefaultSolidEntity" "func_detail" "DefaultPointEntity" "emp_info_map_overview" "BSP" "d:\steam\steamapps\<account>\sourcesdk\bin\source2007\bin\vbsp.exe" "Vis" "d:\steam\steamapps\<account>\sourcesdk\bin\source2007\bin\vvis.exe" "Light" "d:\steam\steamapps\<account>\sourcesdk\bin\source2007\bin\vrad.exe" "GameExeDir" "d:\steam\steamapps\<account>\Source SDK Base 2007" "MapDir" "d:\steam\steamapps\<account>\empires\empires\mapsrc" "BSPDir" "d:\steam\steamapps\<account>\empires\empires\maps" "CordonTexture" "tools/toolsnodraw" "MaterialExcludeCount" "0" } } } "SDKVersion" "3" "SDKVersion" "3" } In Source SDK just select "Source Engine 2007" as engine version, and you can begin
lol isnt that exactly what i gave you? or atleast someone else i kindoff remember that (and installpath is same as mine) if so: why wasnt it stickied? stickied and changed to appropiate title
there is exactly that thread on the forums somewhere, plus i edited the wiki like a few weeks after the steam release. the OP didnt even tried what is written on the wiki, you wont help him with threads either ...
Actually, I did, to the letter. Even got vbsp moved to source sdk base 2007, and edited the gameconfig file under /sourcesdk/bin/source2007/bin with the text given to me. I made sure the directories were right by putting my steam username in there, and changed the bsp location to /source sdk base 2007/bin/vbsp.exe Still doesn't work, though. Empires doesn't even show up under Source 2007 in SDK.
Well if you have to explain how to set up sdk after it was explained about 10x on here already then you are going to have to hold this guys hand on every little thing he does.
right, theres some errors. you miss the whole "Game { ... }" part ... ... really, you should reread the page and make sure all is setup correctly edit: try this one, i think i edited it correctly ...
Okay, got it working. It didn't pop up with any errors (although Hammer had me put in where the game directories for various things were), so, so far, so good. Thanks!
i think this thread needs an update for configuring source sdk after a fresh reinstall of stream in the year of our lord two thousand and thirteen error: gameconfig: editor wireframe issue comes up when I ctrl+N in hammer to make a new map. all other game configurations in the gameconfig.txt i just posted work though. P.S: hammer always sets that sdkversion at the top to 5 even after i make it 3. setting gameconfig.txt to readonly does not resolve the original issue, or change the behavior at all.