How can i change the scripts in gcf files to be active in my empiresversion? i can extract them but after changes i dont know what to do with them since gcf are static files and putting them in the appdata folder in correct positon where they used to be doesnt work either. it used to be so easier before steam bullshit. :/
Empires hasn't used GCF's since last March. You just edit the script files directly now, in Steam\steamapps\common\Empires\empires\scripts.
I'd advise keeping an SVN-based installation so you can have more power over not getting yo shit overwritten. And it's purdy kewl to be able to quickly look at past versions of everything. Like seriously, Jephir & the gang deserve massive kudos for configuring that.
You know it would be damn spiffy if we could just have a new directory called mods or some such that we could put things in and empires would load them up and override stock items with them.
That WOULD be pretty kickass, but as it turns out, the empires directory already is that directory in at least a couple cases. You can tweak certain things in source 2013 by adding files in the empires directory. I haven't tested it extensively, but I be surprised if it worked broadly.
SVN was being used back when 2.2 was being developed, maybe even before that idk, so that's at least Kylegar, maybe even Krenzo. Also yeah, script_manifest would have been nice.
I believe svn dates before 2.2 development as well. That got me thinking, has anyone ever asked Krenzo where did he get his nickname? Id imagine Kylegar is some sort of wordplay on name, but , an incredibly dated joke aside, "Krenzo "really does sound like a "experience enchancing" drug. Oh wow, USA is a bizzare country to have such a website. Average life expectancy for Krenzo, lol. Google image search is even better, full of angry polish meme pictures with loads of swears, for some reason. This is the third hit. Im confused though id rather not translate.
........Pretty sure thats what an addons folder is for. That's why source games use an addons folder. You place things in the addons folder and use a addoninfo.txt to use custom things.