Scout Binoculars (for 3.0)

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Ikalx, Oct 15, 2007.

  1. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    This thread is just for general enhancements to the scout binoculars to make them more useful in the field and not just something you whip out to get alot of points.[these can be innate or a skill upgrade]

    My suggestion is for Thermal imaging skill applied onto binoculars. This would enable you to see infantry and possibly vehicles easily while in the field. It could also conceivably be effective through walls and thin rock outcroppings. This could reduce the need for commander marking and make the scout have a more useful role directing troops while in the field.

    Limitations: Spot would be impossible via thermal imaging mode.

    (suggested I make a new topic for all of the crazy suggestions)
  2. Melee

    Melee Member

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    After seeing the granadeirs ability to call air strike bombardment thingy was thinkin this squad skill is in wrong hands. wouldnt it be better used by scout who could call air bombardment by targetting with binoculars?
    I know what your thinking scout will be all powerful long range base killer but maybe limit to 1 or 2 hits per timelimit? per 30mins ? or when enuff points accrued so long as this is limited?
  3. The Buttery Lobster

    The Buttery Lobster Drama Queen.

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    nobodies worried about whether or not the squad leader ability artillery strike is overpowered. Although the arty strike may make more sense for the scout, unless you can think of a substitute SL skill for the gren, i don't think it's a good idea. Right now, everyone has 2 SL abilities.

    As for the imaging, it's a possibility, i suppose, but i really have no problem spotting stuff with binoculars as-is, I have no need for further distance using these things, and if you can't spot with them, what's the point? By the time I relay the info by word of mouth or by typing, they'll be within regular binocular range.
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2007
  4. Simon

    Simon Banned

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    Ahhh no. Do not give scout art.

    Sabatoge. Art Art. gg building.
  5. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    I'm terrible with the map names so I can't really give good examples but...imagine you want a forward rax at another resource point in the corner of the map. A scout has gone up and with this skill they can make sure that the area is actually clear, that there aren't grens hiding on the roofs or engy's skulking about. Maybe this example doesn't quite cut it, or comes under enhanced senses mostly, so i'll make another.

    You're about to surprise attack a base, you're commander is busy with the main battle and base defenses so you're pretty much on your own. You turn to the scout, he whips out his binocs, surveys the area briefly and can tell you that there's an auxillary APC behind that VF and there's actually a tank patrolling call it off.

    It's hella-dark under streets of fire's bridge. You set up a rax, armoury, the refs and designate a scout to guard the area...ten minutes later it's still standing.

    Now, this may not be a good idea, it might just be tacking something extra on where it's not really needed, as long as you know what I mean then it's all good.
  6. The Buttery Lobster

    The Buttery Lobster Drama Queen.

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    it's dark under the bridge, but not dark enough so that you can't distinguish shapes on the map, and SoF is the only map that even has that level of darkness. The infrared would be ok for spotting concealed infantry, but enhanced senses already does that, and far far better then what you're describing-- I can ensen my way through the park's thickest trees, get behind the infantry enemy, and melee him--without even knowing his exact location or even slowing down.

    As for the surprise attack thing, I don't understand why the infrareds would be better then the regular binoculars-- they both have the same distance as far as you describe them, and to make them see through only part of the map displacement would require an overhaul of every displacement on every map, and seeing through buildings is a minor boon for the scout, at best, considering the other options already available. AND that scout will have to TYPE or voice all the information you describe to the commander, as well as it's location. Regular binoculars would just do that in two mouse clicks.

    Understand that no one here thinks that the scout needs a buff on classic maps more then me, I just don't think the work and manhours going into infrared will equal the return on investment (boon to gameplay) that it would give.
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2007
  7. thaile

    thaile Member

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    I think he said something about it being able to see through walls. So you can hide behind an object, like an engineer wall, see the tank on the other side and give cordinates so naders can morter it without ever leaving cover.
  8. The Buttery Lobster

    The Buttery Lobster Drama Queen.

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    but enhanced senses can do that with infanrty, and the infrared wouldn't be able to give coordinates, so you'd have to relay the attack verbally, and you couldn't see where the mortar rounds landed, you'd have to pop out to look, and we're back to square one.
  9. knighttemplar

    knighttemplar Member

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    I like the binoculars especially with prone. Prone makes it hard to see enemies far off (like scouty lobsters on boxes in District), so running out, finding an enemy then spamming mouse 1 until it locks on is really important in keeping tabs on where that snipery scout is.

    Now it would be nice if it was more responsive, but maybe that's my lag
  10. The Buttery Lobster

    The Buttery Lobster Drama Queen.

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    no, his suggestion is a special kind of binoculars that DONT have the spotting ability, so you couldn't spam mouse1, you just... type
  11. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    Well it's up to you...with the current discussion about CV attack commands I hesitate just a bit to suggest something which will wallhack just like kill commands do. Although, if we're nerfin' that abit, it may make sense to bring it in as a scout upgrade instead...?
  12. Private Sandbag

    Private Sandbag Member

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    If we get some night maps then this is a good plan to give the scout some advantage over just using torches like the other classes.
  13. The Buttery Lobster

    The Buttery Lobster Drama Queen.

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    oh, no question about that. IF maps supported a reason for some nightvision feature, and had more areas like the underside of the SoF bridge, this ability would be very cool. I'm just judging from what I know right now, and right now everything is bright and sunny
  14. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    In that case, i'll put it on the backburner until that time. Although what Knight said is somewhat more at what I was getting at..when you prone to actually scout an area, or hide for a while, it's pretty hard to see what's just happening over the next rise or the traffic going passed as your lying near the edge of a building or cliff you cant see below you unless you're nearly falling off it. This skill would confer the ability to also have 120ยบ vision of a sort through the ground (of course the penetrable distance is not massive).

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