Rsync for Mirrors

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Kelvin, Jun 11, 2006.

  1. Kelvin

    Kelvin Member

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    I brought this up in the past, but figured I'd bring it up again in hopes of smoothing out the distribution of future releases. It'd be really nice if mirrors could keep their content automatically up to date with rsync or an equivalent piece of software. This basically means that every X hours, the mirrors check a master distribution server and compare what they have to what is on the distribution server, updating as need be. So no intervention is needed on part of the server admin unless he wants to trigger the sync process manually, and players can get reliable access to the same exact files on a multitude of servers in a very short amount of time after release.

    I'm sure there are similar products that do the same thing, but Rsync is free, well known, and widely used. There is also a packaged Windows version. Rsync can run over SSH with varying degrees of encryption, making it safe to use.

    I'd be more than willing to provide help with setup if this is something that Krenzo or any of the other core developers would like to do. I'd love to keep my mirror up to date with the latest Empires stuff, but my time has been limited recently and I haven't had a chance to update my offerings.
  2. blizzerd

    blizzerd Member

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    im pro

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