Rotation of Tank GUI Reversed

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by PatPeter, Jun 16, 2009.

  1. PatPeter

    PatPeter I have no idea what I am talking about

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    So you all know how the body of the tank revolves around the turret of the tank right?

    What is the point?

    There is none, having the body of the tank revolve whilst the turret stays bound makes no sense, it does not tell you anything.

    Rather, if the body remains stationary and the turret revolves on the body, it would tell you what degree you have your turret pointed at (3 o'clock, 6, 9, 12, etc/).
  2. [D3]Leroy Jenkins

    [D3]Leroy Jenkins Member

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    That would be useful yes. But might be a little difficult in implementation in game. And i think that with planes and flight there won't be much attention paid to vehicles for a little bit.
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2009
  3. Fricken Hamster

    Fricken Hamster Mr. Super Serious

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    This is not the first thread on this topic.
    I don't have time to make a huge post right now. Basically, it adds skill and makes tank fighting more interactive than boring point and shoot. Its not that hard to get used to
  4. arklansman

    arklansman Member

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    Way to be totally unrelated to anything.
  5. Castrol GTX

    Castrol GTX Member

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    I mean it would make more sense that way, but I don't think there's a big difference. You can read where your turret is relative to your chassis, and you should know what direction you're driving.
  6. Silk

    Silk Mapper

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    I find it more logical the way it is tbh. I always use the rotation of the body to drive when i'm not looking in the direction i'm driving, especially if the direction you're shooting at is the direction you will have to turn to as well.

    You're driving towards a tunnel but at a 40° angle
    In the meanwhile you're shooting at targets at the tunnel.
    As i'm in a fight I'm gonna keep facing those targets so my view won't change, meanwhile i'll have to turn my body 40° so i can drive towards the tunnel as well. My turret keeps facing the same direction as it always does as the turret controls the view anyway, so just like on the GUI my body will rotate under me, and only when in the GUI the body points upwards will i be driving in the correct direction, the tunnel.

    It would be very confusing if i'm shooting at 1 target (direction) constantly while i turn my body underneath me, when in the GUI my turret starts moving left or right. It shoots harder and definitely drives harder.
  7. [lodw]keef

    [lodw]keef Hobbit

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    agreed, the way it is is far less confusing. Changing this would just be a silly move quite honestly.
  8. Fricken Hamster

    Fricken Hamster Mr. Super Serious

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    yes I know, sorry, I was up really late doing homework and i wasnt thinking straight :<
  9. PatPeter

    PatPeter I have no idea what I am talking about

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    Sorry for the late response, Firefox crashed and I lost my 32-tab session, so I just now got all my Empires Forum tabs back up.

    Anyway, what moves forward, the tank or the turret? The turret stays still facing forward, but the tank's body does the movement. So how does something move forward but to the left or right at the same time (a rhetorical question)?

    If you are driving towards a tunnel at a 40° angle, and you are shooting the people at the tunnel, that means your turret would face the same way as your tank.

    When you move your turret, the body moves in the GUI, it makes no sense, the turret should move as its representation moves.
  10. Omneh

    Omneh Member

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    Maybe you should actually be looking where you are going instead of trying to divine your direction from the GUI?
  11. Chris0132'

    Chris0132' Developer

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    I agree that it would be more visually distinct if the turret pointed around the body, but I suppose it's also supposed to be less confusing because your turret is always in the middle of your screen and the body is the part that moves, so the GUI should presumably echo this.
  12. Mr. Weedy

    Mr. Weedy I will report bugs on the bug tracker

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    It is just a lot more logical that the chassis rotates around your turret in the gui because, basically that is what happens in the game world too...

    Your cannon stays totally static in relation to your screen. It is every single moment right in the middle of your screen. Thus the gui turret is pointing right in the same direction all the time too.

    A long time ago when I toyed around with the scripts and actually made a mistake with the tank turret and tank chassis lines and placed them on the opposing lines and when I went in game, the whole gui was just pure mess.

    You couldn't read anything from it anymore. It was pure mind fuck. Like why the chassis on your gui is pointing straight forward whereas your camera on the battlefield isn't? And why your turret is rotating in the gui picture even your turret on the screen stays stationary in relation to your monitor?

    It didn't make any sense at all and was really hard to read or understand.

    Sure it would work wonders if the camera was attached to the direction where chassis' front was pointing at but then how the heck you could know where you are aiming your turret when you aren't actually looking down the barrel? You simply couldn't.


    I think I made it clear that why the current tank gui system works.
  13. PatPeter

    PatPeter I have no idea what I am talking about

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    Since I argue that the turret and GUI should work on a basis of turret direction and not body direction, I assume you refer to Silk and whatnot talking about looking at their GUIs to find out which direction they move in.

    Exactly, your turret is what moves, not the body (well the body turns left and right, but the turret has the more important task).

    I suppose so, just like if you rotate your body 180 degrees and you do not know the GUI well enough, you may think you are going backwards when really going forwards, that sort of thing, just an example that popped into my head.

    You could also argue that although the camera always looks forward, the GUI should reflect movement and not the turret (sounds confusing because it sounds like I am arguing to keep it the way it is, try to follow along [if I can follow along lol]), so that the body of the tank always faces forward, i.e. you will always face forward in your tank no matter what, and your turret revolves on your body. I mean the way the GUI looks is just a bit far'fetched, because the body seems to revolve under the turret, which it obviously does not.

    It seems both modes have their advantages and disadvantages, I would love to see this turned into an option for clients, turret-based vehicle GUI or body-based vehicle GUI.

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