Restrict spawnpoints

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Paradox, Apr 25, 2011.

  1. Paradox

    Paradox I am a gigantic asshole who loses people's hard wo

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    Commander is able to restrict spawnpoints by pressing enter in build mode (f2) and selecting spawnpoints to be locked. they will then show up on the players their ui as red and unavailable to click.

    - apc's can't get restricted
    - cannot restrict every spawnpoint , always one left ( less grief )
    - restriction can only last 1 min with an interval of 2 min before next restriction ( less grief )

    - retards wont spawn in places they shoudnt when an apc rush happens or important ninja raxes or even offensives on own bases.

  2. Apex

    Apex Member

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    Don't nerf restricting spawns with a timer. If it's done by clicking on a barracks and turning it on and off it won't be any harder than to grief by recycling all the barracks.
    [offtopic]Commander abilities being turned/toned down just on the basis of griefing is stupid anyway since any idiot can grief just as well with the current tools(recycling, drowning, driving to enemy, purposely spending money, restricting VF, not researching, etc.)[/offtopic]
  3. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    though i can understand where this is comming from, but i think youd do nothing good to yourself with this suggestion.
    often guys that spawn way off the frontlines do more then youd think.
  4. dizzyone

    dizzyone I've been drinking, heavily

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    Interesting suggestion, something like this could work, I used to recycle unnecessary raxes, to improve player distribution, but that can bite you in the ass at times and you can't recycle all raxes just to have people spawn where you want them to.

    It raises a good point, but perhaps something more dynamic would be better, like the comm setting a priority barracks instead, and for instance players could have a box ticked in their spawn menu that makes them spawn at the prioritized barracks or whatever. This could be an alternative, as setting priority is far less problematic than disabling and enabling barrackses.

    The system could actually be changed, in favour of new players and RTS. By for instance making the whole spawn selection process automatic. At the start of the map there would be only a single barracks, so that would be prioritized, no one would have to pick a spawn at all. Then later in the game, the prioritzed spawn is where people will spawn if they don't deliberately select a spawn during death. Could be annoying, could also be something people just need to get used to. It would require a commander that is paying attention though, but if he does and you assume the commander is somehow good, this system could work out and make a lot of "OMG YOU NOOBS SPAWN IN THE APC/RAX AT THEIR BASE OMG" etc problems go away.
  5. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    it might be interesting to have some bonus for players that spawn at the priorized rax. i cant think of anything balanced/unexploitable atm though ...
    ... maybe shortend spawn time? idk ...

    also i think commander shouldnt get any tool that lets them rule despotic - its a team game and a commander in the end is only 1/32th of a team on a full server.
    i even dislike locking of the vf for certain reasons - it can backfire so bad (comm drops far away from a rax, if you dont have enough wages u are quite fucked) - but i see its need since its only a team-res pool ...
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2011
  6. Krazer

    Krazer Member

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    Please for the love of god implement this.

    Though I believe it has been shot down before.
  7. Paradox

    Paradox I am a gigantic asshole who loses people's hard wo

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    @ Flasche, I know people behind frontlines do good things, but it's not during the entire game that I myself would restrict main raxes etc, I would only do it in case of emergencies and in cause of us doing apc rushes.

    @Dizzyone I think an automatic system would buthurt them vets, trickster be mad bro
  8. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    you can enable ppl to do apc rushes, you might try to convince them - but you should never be able to force them.

    noone should be forced to play as the commander wishes. thats an inherent problem of empires AS IT IS already.
    if i have time for 1-2 rounds, id like to play like i want, not like some wannabe despot feels like today (no offense)
  9. Paradox

    Paradox I am a gigantic asshole who loses people's hard wo

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    that is why you cannot restrict every rax, you need 1 left
  10. Fricken Hamster

    Fricken Hamster Mr. Super Serious

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    Still griefable. Restrict every rax exept the starting rax. Restrict every rax except the one thats about to die.

    On the other hand, there are already so many ways to grief as commander.
  11. Paradox

    Paradox I am a gigantic asshole who loses people's hard wo

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  12. Fricken Hamster

    Fricken Hamster Mr. Super Serious

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    Drive the com away from the only useable barracks
  13. alucard13mmfmj

    alucard13mmfmj Member

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    lots of noobs will go.. WHY CANT I SPAWN?!
  14. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    they do that anyway ^^
  15. dizzyone

    dizzyone I've been drinking, heavily

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    Prioritizing fixes both problems mentioned here, not that griefing is a real problem.
  16. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    somewhat related, but could u make the first spawnpoint autoselected?
    if its more then one select either the one close to the cv or the first flag - dunno how you pick it with flags that are not capped in order, maybe random but evenly distributed between players?
  17. FN198

    FN198 Member

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    holy shit this is such a good idea. i think dizzy might have already said why, and an easy failsafe would be not allowing the commander to restrict all spawns.
    additionally, when there are no unrestricted spawns but there are possible spawnpoints, the last point to be restricted is automatically free'd
  18. dizzyone

    dizzyone I've been drinking, heavily

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    Locking raxes is too much of a hassle, it also needs more maintanance for the commander. Letting him set a priority barracks is a better solution, it gets to the point (prioritizing) and doesn't fuck up as much if the comm isn't paying attention, since you could still auto spawn anywhere you like.

    Basically would work like this:
    1. comm sets a barracks or apc as priority.
    2. selected spawn for each infantry on that team is set to priority
    3. if infantry dies, and does not change his spawn point at this point (after priority was set), he will spawn at priority.
    4. If player does change his spawn after the priority was set, he will spawn at the selected spawn and not the priority spawn
    5a. if the priority barracks is invalid (destroyed) the priority is disabled and players will receive the "select a spawn" screen when they die.
    5b. comm sets a new priority, which overrides the old one, process is repeated from step 2.

    The only use for a barracks is to spawn in it, locking in this sense is the same as recycling, except its temporary. It's temporary because its function is to prioritize other spawns. so actually making a priority spawn is far more intuitive and gets straight to the point. It suffers less from the problem where the whole team is bound by how good your commander is. If hes bad, he can't fuck things up. If he's good, there will rarely be any use for more than 1 priority spawn. Features should not account for rare usage, but for common usage, and prioritizing is far more simple, and is easier to understand and use.

    The down side to prioritizing is that if you disagree with the commander in his priority choice, you might end up having to change your spawn every time you die. However, note that by locking a barracks, you would not have this choice at all. (lets not forget the 10 second spawn time, where you aren't doing much) The other side to it is that you might forget to change your spawn, but this actually works in favor of what the feature intends to do, distribute players on a RTS basis. So you might not want to spawn there, but your commander does want you to spawn there. The chances that your choice of spawn is better than that of the commander is arguable, however, when you consider the perfect situation, the commander would know better. Making this last argument one about the role of the commander in the game. But as it is a hybrid RTS FPS game, the role of the commander should not be decided separately for each small feature, it's inconsistent.

    The commander's role is to macro, this is a macro feature, at some point the commander needs to have basic control over the FPS players to achieve this role. It's a good suggestion, because player distribution is one of the key roles of being a good empires commander, its one of the most important macro elements to winning the game. It's always been like this and it would be good if there is a feature that finally takes it into account. It's also a very elegant solution as it allows the commander to steer infantry on a macro level, without interfering on a micro level.
  19. Krazer

    Krazer Member

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    The problem with empires is the commander doesn't have enough control.
    Should be able to lock all raxes except one.

    Crying grief is a pathetic attempt at a joke. What can't you grief in this game?
  20. Qwert

    Qwert Member

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    Com being able to greif is never a reason against an idea, since the com already drives around in the boomtank that causes you to lose if it dies.

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