There was already a suggestion to add a filter for the messages. But I think we can remove some of them completely. Therefore I post my lists again. Personally I would only need these messages: -Earned point for destroying building -rtv or commander kick vote -Earned point for killing enemy (not that important) -Player joined/left (not that important) Absolutely not needed: -Someone needs something (medic, ammo, repair) -Research completed (current research is always visible on HUD in 2.25) -One point for reviving a player -Vehicle design accepted. Commencing vehicle construction. -Current map -Something spotted -I need arty fire/infantry support/... on my target/location/... -Roger that (and other f-menu commands) -From commander: Attack these targets/Move to this location/... -Player has reached destination -Something under attack (commander only) -Something killed/destroyed (commander only) -(Commander): Player has done something (commander only)
its either a symbol above their heads or the enemy is marked by the diamond. id call that redundant ...
if you follow sips whishes - either remove all kill messages (building and inf) or leave both in for consistency ... i personally prefer less information over more - id actually remove all kill messages - i know its common throughout fps, but i like if i dont really know if the enemy i just shot at died or not ...
Maybe you mean the voice message. What should be removed is that there is also a chat message for this.
I think fmenu, spotting(not scout binocular spotting), and all points should stay(for the newbies) because these never take up too much space anyway. I think RTV and Nextmap are plugins also, so they aren't really up to the devs, right?
no you don't. stop it. if you dont like it then code a place for them to go because they ARE important.
Tbh all the announcements look like accidentally left in debug messages. Just needs someone to comment them out surely. A list of orders would be nice in a separate box though (somewhere near the top) for ammo, health, attack, move, spotted, etc. so you at least know the location.
I don't really know if everybody has understood that only some chat messages should be removed (especially when they are additional to the voice messages). I was not talking about the voice messages.
Leave anything that is not visually redundant. I have played with a few deaf players, and I don't want them to miss out.
you shoudnt compare blind people to deaf people the hard cold fact is that deaf people can live in our society without need of outside help blind people cant in this way being blind is a far worse handicap then being deaf vision is our primary sense after all, i think hearing is tertiary, after touch