Recent increase in research times

Discussion in 'General' started by Tama, Feb 10, 2015.

  1. Tama

    Tama Developer Staff Member Web Developer

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    So, all research takes approximately 3 times as long as a few months ago. Some may welcome it, but I find it makes the game very one-sided. I've played a few low player games recently and it took half an hour just to get decent heavies out. (and whichever team got them, had won the game at that point, since all that waiting time has accumulated a ridiculous amount of resources)

    The other bob welcomes it though :s , saying it used to be that people would only bother getting any engine, any armour and then straight on to mediums. I think that is still the case, it just takes longer. But I do think he has a point. If the researches for mediums/heavies would take a bunch longer than researches for armours and weapons, we would have more variation in tank configurations before proceeding to larger tanks. It would also mean there would be more play with the lower tier tanks, which I think is a good thing.

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