question about a certain entity

Discussion in 'Mapping' started by InstantDeath, Feb 9, 2007.

  1. InstantDeath

    InstantDeath Member

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    does anyone know an in-game command that gets all of an entity's keyvalues?

    because im trying to improvise in a map of mine and i need the keyvalues for an emp_vehicle, since emp_vehicle is not in the fgd.

    input/output for emp_vehicle:

    output: PlayerOn
    output: PlayerOff
    output: PressedAttack
    output: PressedAttack2
    output: AttackAxis
    output: Attack2Axis
    output: OnIgnite
    output: OnUser1
    output: OnUser2
    output: OnUser3
    output: OnUser4
    input: Lock
    input: Unlock
    input: TurnOn
    input: TurnOff
    input: Throttle
    input: Steer
    input: Action
    input: HandBrakeOn
    input: HandBrakeOff
    input: skin
    input: SetBodyGroup
    input: Ignite
    input: SetLightingOriginHack
    input: TeamNum
    input: SetTeam
    input: Kill
    input: KillHierarchy
    input: Use
    input: Alpha
    input: Color
    input: SetParent
    input: SetParentAttachment
    input: ClearParent
    input: SetDamageFilter
    input: EnableDamageForces
    input: DisableDamageForces
    input: DispatchEffect
    input: DispatchResponse
    input: AddContext
    input: RemoveContext
    input: ClearContext
    input: DisableShadow
    input: EnableShadow
    input: AddOutput
    input: FireUser1
    input: FireUser2
    input: FireUser3
    input: FireUser4
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2007
  2. Krenzo

    Krenzo Administrator

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    The vehicles don't have any Hammer support because they're not designed to be placed at the start of the map except for the commander vehicles.
  3. InstantDeath

    InstantDeath Member

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    whats preventing them from being spawned that way other than it not being in the fgd?

    you say they werent designed that way.. is there any chance in the near future the empires mod team could make it so?
  4. Broccoli

    Broccoli Member

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    I have no idea. I would think that it's possible, but very tricky to do. Try using ent_fire in game to read values. That may work.
  5. Krenzo

    Krenzo Administrator

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    You'd have to be able to choose all the weapons, armor, and engine settings of the vehicle. That's kind of difficult to do in Hammer.
  6. InstantDeath

    InstantDeath Member

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    i dont think it would be as hard as you think. ive used hammer for years, and there is plenty of possibility to choose weapons etc in hammer.

    heres how i think you could do it.

    there are 2 ways you could do this:
    option a:
    Instead of having one entity determining what class tank, each class tank has its own entity name.
    have it coded so that the game will respond to the default loadout to a certain keyvalue. (so you dont have to set weapons and weapon sets)
    if default is selected off, then hammer can hold a value for the maximum weight a tank can have.
    since the tanks have their own entity, you can set the value of how many slots are available. if a weapon takes up two slots, the mapper will have to set it to that weapon in both slots. and if you somehow goof it up, you can tell hammer that there is an error, so that when the person checks for problems, that error will show up.

    - keyvalue for engine
    - keyvalue for armor slot 1, keyvalue for armor slot 2

    hammer will edit lists dynamically if you tell it to, so that the mapper can properly place the weapons in the weapon slots. you just have to give it a chance.

    then, the last few keyvalues would make up what weapons go in what set.

    option b:

    you keep the emp_vehicle as a general entity for all the land vehicles.

    - keyvalue for what tank you want.
    - multiple keyvalues for weapon slots
    - multiple keyvalues for sets

    i would choose option a, because there would be less complications. just a thought
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2007
  7. Broccoli

    Broccoli Member

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    Or, just work with pre-defined loadouts. It may not be as flexible, but at least it's less prone to errors.
  8. Krenzo

    Krenzo Administrator

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    You could save a load out and have hammer tell it to use that when building the vehicle. The problem is spawning individual vehicles starts to go against the game play behind Empires of paying for vehicles, and I also have more important things to do like finish up aircraft.
  9. InstantDeath

    InstantDeath Member

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    i agree that pre-defined loadouts would be better, but i still would like to be able to have pre-spawned vehicles. every rts i know of has had pre-spawned units.. why not empires? i just think it would add more to the gameplay and speed things up if the mapper wanted to.
  10. Pimp Recruit (formerly Don Music)

    Pimp Recruit (formerly Don Music) Member

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    "Choose all the weapons, armor, and engine settings of the vehicle. That's kind of difficult to do in Hammer."

    "The problem is spawning individual vehicles starts to go against the game play behind Empires of paying for vehicles, and I also have more important things to do like finish up aircraft."

    Seriously and with all respect .. those are really lame excuses :(

    Keys and Values can be named in the FGD, for extremely easy vehicle creation. (easier and faster than ingame)

    Vehicles at startup or as free spawn "going against the gameplay behind Empires"?
    That's just so wrong, why would you want to cripple your own Mod like that?
    "Regulations between the Brenodi Empire and the Northern Faction continue to ensure that there are no vehicles around at the start of a battle."
    I could write a book about how wrong it is. :p

    And you have more important things to do like finishing up aircraft?
    That means 1.08 is ready, sourcecode wise?
    And it means most of the aircraft code is done already, too..
    since you "only" have to finish it up?

    Sorry for being rude :(
  11. Solokiller

    Solokiller Member

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    I asked for vehicle entities a year ago, and it didn't happen back then.
  12. Broccoli

    Broccoli Member

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    Don Music, I wouldn't be too quick to tell Krenzo what his priorities are. Although I agree that pre-spawned vehicles would be cool, you should also respect the creative decisions of the big man.

    I assumed that this thread was about creating pre-spawned vehicles using nothing but the current tool-set. I'm still sure that it could be done somehow.
  13. Destroyer224

    Destroyer224 Member

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    Well Krenzo, this could be useful for such maps where there is no VF and/or commander but the teams still need vehicles.

    Sorta Offtopic: I wonder, would it be possible to make these vehicles into some sort of a func_buildable or whatever entity? That way there is a vehicle spawn or two where you have to have an engineer first build the vehicle before he can drive it? The story-logic or realism behind it is that he could build a tank by himself out of parts, but it takes much longer than if made in a VF.
  14. knighttemplar

    knighttemplar Member

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    Well what's gonna happen with 16x maps? I remembered the idea about cheap or free jeeps to stop people from running forever.
    If Jeeps are useful for getting around (i think so) would they spawn initially for free, or would they be cheap VF productions? If initially spawned, it sounds similar as to what is proposed here. In that case, the entity would have to be created sooner or later.

    I agree that this is something for the future, but the memory of the "how to get around 16x maps" thread came to my mind when I read this thread.
  15. Solokiller

    Solokiller Member

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    Jeeps are easy compared to tanks, since all you need is armor and engine, not any weapons with slots.
  16. knighttemplar

    knighttemplar Member

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    So they're 33% easier? (not counting the variety of weapons <.</>.>)
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2007
  17. Solokiller

    Solokiller Member

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    I'd say 60% easier.
  18. Pimp Recruit (formerly Don Music)

    Pimp Recruit (formerly Don Music) Member

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    It would not really be easier, but less work.
    Saving 2-3 lines of simple code and about 20 lines fgd to assign names to numbers.
    Both of which has to be done in a similar fashion anyways, so I'll say 10% easier at most. ;)

    But difficulty isn't exactly the problem anyways. :p
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2007

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