PVK 2.1 Released

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Ikalx, Jul 21, 2008.

  1. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    [Thought i'd make a new topic as the old one is 5 pages down.]

    PVK 2.1 has been Released! (well actually it was a few days ago, but I don't check it all the time, yo).

    http://www.pvkii.com/ [The download is ~ 110 megs]

    I know alot of you liked it for a while, but found stuff like the booty-tag and the map balancing pretty crap, well they've gotten rid of holding chests for 3 minutes in a dark corner and reworked a lot of the maps. No new classes this time round, they've just reworked pretty much everything but the melee system.

    New Game Modes:

    - Holy Grail now replaces all Booty Tag maps. Players fight as a team to take control of the grail. The grail will give the player who holds it special buffs which will also be given to nearby teammates. The counter for your team shows how many kills you need to achieve while buffed by the grail. End the round in victory when your counter reaches zero.
    - Last Team Standing is a new round based game mode. Players all spawn at the beginning of the round and work together to kill off all enemies before the timer runs out. When the timer reaches zero, Sudden Death begins. There's no telling what may happen during sudden death, so you had best kill off all players on the opposing teams as quickly as possible!
    - Objective Push is a new, mapper controlled game mode. Mappers will have almost complete control over this game mode, setting up objectives and time limits. Certain teams will defend while the others attack, trying to complete all of their objectives in the allotted time frame. Failure to do so will result in the defending team's victory! Any entity with an output function will be able to act as an objective, so believe me when I say mappers will have a lot of control!

    - Booty game mode now shows how many chests a team has under their counter, timer of the team with most chests blinks red.
    - Grail icon to give away the Grail's position in the map. Fades at a distance and only updates every 3 seconds.
    - Traps can now give frags to the player who enabled them.
    - Mappers can now disable a team, causing only 2 teams to be selectable. Maps with this ability will no longer be annoying with auto-balance enabled.
    - Muting can now be done to player text in addtion to voice.
    - Melee crosshair can be disabled from the multiplayer options menu now.
    - Improved hit tracing for melee weapons.
    - Shield Bash can now push kegs. Shield charge can push them even further.
    - Added Trails for projectiles
    - Flame effect at the end of Captain's barrel to show his special is loaded.
    - New kill icons (chest, shield bash, etc) as well as custom death icons for map entities.
    - Hud element added for picking up ammo.
    - Parrots now randomly poop as they fly around the map. Pooping frequency increases under times of stress, like when pecking at enemy faces.

    - Huscarl and Skirmisher special dynamics changed. Both have increased hit detection with modified damage.
    - Specials now have a maximum damage.
    - Reduced Greatsword damage slightly, no longer achieves full special bar in one hit
    - Attack speed while berserking tweaked.
    - Huscarl Special turning ability reduced.
    - Killing enemy parrot now adds to special bar.
    - Parrots can no longer clip players.
    - Captain Special changes. Use the special to load the weapon, visuals let other players know the special is loaded. Slower movement of the projectile and less explosion radius, but increased actual damage slightly and explosion pushes players back. Can also walk while reloading the special only.
    - Increased maximum arrows held and picked up for Archer.
    - Special Values now class specific and tweaked for balance.
    - Parrot slightly buffed.
    - Increased Backwards attack damage of Sword/Axe combo.
    - Increased run speed of all classes, Captain slightly less than others.
    - Reduced throwing axes damage slightly and amount carried/spawned with.
    - Increased Archer special damage slightly per arrow, but can no longer hit one person with all three arrows.
    - Block penalty damage now depends on the normal damage value of the attacker's weapon instead of hardcoded values.
    - Berserking now adds some speed while holding chest/booty.
    - Decreased huscarl's speed slightly when loading the throwing axe.
    - Faster weapon switching for HK
    - Slightly Increased speed while holding chest
    - Slightly Increased berserk speed(special)
    - Slightly Increased huscarl special speed
    - Added little armor and hp for huscarl.
    - Increased blunderbuss spread slightly.
    - Slightly reduced attack speed bonus while Berserking.
    - Added an ability for huscarl's special to push kegs.
    - Slightly increased speed for walking archer with bow drawn.
  2. Lala

    Lala Member

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    hmmz, time for a new server for [z4g]! :D

    EDIT: Server online for some ppl at
    [z4g] PVKII Server

    Last edited: Jul 21, 2008
  3. Mr.Bungles

    Mr.Bungles Member

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    i lol'd
  4. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    2.2 was Released on Friday.


    It fixes quite a few of the gameplay issues of 2.1

  5. Krenzo

    Krenzo Administrator

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    I've gotten pretty bored with PVK. It just isn't fun anymore.
  6. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    PVK, Eternal Silence, The Hidden, Insurgency...yeah pretty much bored of all of those. I still play them from time to time, but the only one I come back to is Empires ^^

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