Problem with mapsize and scale

Discussion in 'Mapping' started by w00kie, Oct 20, 2008.

  1. w00kie

    w00kie Mustachioed Mexican

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    First of all, I am a complete n00b to mapping in hammer :D

    Here's my problem [​IMG][​IMG]

    the map was created out of this:


    I just dont know how to scale the map right, whatever I create using dispgen end up in a map as large as 2 VF's :(

    Any advice would be very aprecieted
  2. bitchslap

    bitchslap Member

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    you see those first two box's in dispgen? set them to like 25000 units (roughly) and go from there. It will keep you from having to rescale everything inside of hammer so much.

    even better, try some settings like this :

  3. BumGravy

    BumGravy Member

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    You can either do as bitchslap suggested and scale it with dispgen, but I prefer to scale it in hammer, that way when it is first imported into hammer you can see the whole map at once and get a better look at your terrain.

    To scale what you have there, select only your displacements and go tools > transform , and make sure the Scale button is check and enter scale factors in the boxes. Try and keep to powers of 2 so you will always be on the gridlines, you probably want to scale that by 8 to start with.

    Also I find it helps to have those boxes in dispgen checked, to Adjust Terrain and Run Smoothing, as bitchslap has done in his dispgen. You can also try different Smooth values if you don't like your initial results.

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