I've done some digging but didn't come up with much personally. i was looking for plugins and as i said i couldn't find much if anyone has a plugin link, download or thread etc that would be useful in a modern empires server, id love to see it.
Metamod/Sourcemod is pretty much the go to admin mods for Empires. The Empires Wiki has some info on useful plugins: https://wiki.empiresmod.com/Dedicated_Server_Setup Besides that, the ones that seem to be common are: Ultimate Mapchooser 3: https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?p=1258816 Empires Ungrief: https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=89361 The Allied Modders forums are a great place for SM info and plugins (I plan to submit the PUG plugin there once I get the major bugs worked out). If you're setting up a server for testing purposes (like me) I've also found this Fake Clients plugin to be useful: Fake Clients: https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?p=571889
Might be good to include what this actually does, for people who don't already know; like myself. (I don't want to read the source)
But what is tankwars... (What cvars does it change?) ...NVM here is what it does: Code: "emp_allowspectators 0" "sv_alltalk 1" "mp_autoteambalance 0" "mp_teams_unbalance_limit 0" "emp_sv_max_turrets 2" "emp_sv_refinery_multiplier 50" "emp_sv_research_complete 1" "sm_jetpack 1"
Can we get a plugin made to restrict spectate for the first 5 minutes of a match and automatically re-enable it after?
client change level https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=295121 Plugin command is !pplchoice used to change map right away without admins requirements. Fixed to one map only but would add multiple plugins with different name.
You can find an overview of other plugins here: https://wiki.empiresmod.com/Sourcemod_Plugins (It would be great if you could add useful plugins here) Also you might need the attached file with offsets (valid for 2.12)
Me and Wired_4fun are trying to build up a list of Sourcemod plugins that work with empires, as we are trying to add new plugins to Memehouse. They might include small empires specific fixes for them and etc... Iam still in the proccess of digging for more and testing. And there are TONS more plugins so far on my "not yet public" list, which I could see useful for empires. Just gotta dig some more, select the good ones and test them. https://wiki.empiresmod.com/Sourcemod_Plugins Anyone can add to it. Lets finally make a list of empires useful plugins (/updated). ( guess I should add the ones listed in dedi server section...soon ) That might actually be quite easy to script. I might even try. Or maybe I will just find some timer plugin for commands. ---- EDIT: OH WHAT?? damn you thexa such post steal
Potential plugin for that. https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?p=1260021 Time travel for empires --- btw: Only took like a minute of search --- So lets say you set to disable spectators in server.cfg (emp_allowspectators 0) and you will also add command "sm_future 5 "emp_allowspectators 1"" and done that is if the plugin works from the start for emp, but it doesnt seem game specific will probably test over weekend
client_commands https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=295136 Plugin command are !kill, instant kill uses tickets and make fun you !recwalls, recycles eng walls !fartpack, used when jetpack plugin (34) is enabled !jetpack same as above
what I meant was, that hopefully there wont be any code fixes needed specific for empires like with some plugins. But I think not.
yes i see. nice find by the way i was thinking of starrting from scratch but nice find in deed. which this plugin you could also do other things like. 1) increse res after a certain amount of time 2) force reseach complet after 1 hr. or 3) reduce ticked 4) give free squad points every 15 mins so many possiblites i like number 2 and 4 the most though
Hell, I even found a plugin with which you can execute configs on specific player number or even game events. That might be better for some things you mentioned. Or...well..you could even combine them. Execute configs: https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=67620 Seems I actually forgot to add that one to wiki...will do I did test this one. EDIT: Also I was thinking about using this plugin to easily detect what game events happen when. Not tested yet though. Event detector: https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?p=760151 I might have a feeling that you might need to add empires events into it first, but not sure.
Also I wanted to mention, that it might be much better just using this plugin, which I mentioned in wiki. Chat triggers: https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?p=585758 So you can just easily add more chat commands into the config of it, instead of scripting each one. But I was also quite thinking about just simply coding each command as it seemed simple enough. But I always knew that this was by default possible in mani admin plugin (which was awesome and had pretty much all features that we are now trying to get into SM). And then I found that plugin which was trying to get this functionality from mani into SM. Just you might need to figure out the flags and sometime the proper flag for client command is C (client command) and sometimes its F(FakeClient command). And you might also want to consider changing command triggers_rcon to include other admin flags and using R flag for the linked commands for RCON side commands, if you want admins with less power to use rcon commands. (or use the Rf{} flag, but I might have had trouble with it) Everything is described in its config file. Examples: Code: !us C emp_unstuck !unstuck C emp_unstuck !recwalls F emp_eng_recycle_walls !addtime R emp_sv_vote_commander_time 250 !fixsound C snd_restart !enablespec R emp_allowspectators 1 !disablespec R emp_allowspectators 0 Those should be set correctly, you just need to define command triggers_rcon into server.cfg if you want to for example let admins with cvar flag use them (triggers_rcon rzh) --- Seriously, if you dig deep enough, you might find a plugin for almost everything, unless its empires specific.
This seems to work perfect for teamswitch: https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?p=587405 It integrates into admin menu and you can even switch people after they die. Will add to wiki.