There are 3 player models for both factions (bohm, ed, sett for be; kant, nort, tenn for NF). Are they all randomly picked in the game or is one used per faction?
Whilst I could be wrong here, I believe they're randomly chosen, and have incredibly tiny differences between them that are virtually impossible to see ingame. I'm not sure if they're related to sometimes seeing non-camo and camo infantry side by side on the same map.
I tested it by colouring a white area on one of the nf faces and noticed that only some of the players had the white so you're right.
Actually, I believe all 3 models use the same texture, so that's not necessarily true. But I mean, if you're just making neon-glow-skin-hacks, then just editing the texture will do you fine.
The face skin is the only difference between models AFAIK. One of them isn't used (he has a beard) one has a scar I believe and the other is just a guy from memory.
The face with the beard doesn't fit the models that are actually used. The camo versions have some minor differences between them, some have camo helmets/batman utility belts/boots and some don't.
Well it's not that I want to make glowing neon skin so I can see everything, I wanted to see if some are chosen specifically for classes, but they aren't so yeah.