Pillbox / Wall Upgrades (with concept pics)

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Ryland, Jun 11, 2006.

  1. Ryland

    Ryland Member

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    Alright, last chance :P tried to post this three times, everytime i do, my internet dies and it asks me to log in to the forum again (lossing what i typed)

    Ok, So first, I'd like to say, this mod kicks butt, but it needs some things added (in my opinion)

    Firstly, I think there needs to be a Pillbox that Riflemen and engis could build fairly quickly something very plain, and very low poly, so people on old computers don't lag out like in barracks and such, cause then the pillbox would be a disadvantage to some lol.
    To show what im talking about, here is just a concept of how basic it would be. >>> Bunker <<< It would be basic, Door and a window high enough to stand up, but covered if you crouched, it would give Arti cover, as well as a nice riflemen outpost.

    Walls, I strongly think that the walls should have 3 ranks just like the turrets, but only unlockable by research from a commander.

    Rank one, would be what we have now. Low HP bullet eaters

    Rank two, would be a little taller, 40% stronger then the rank one,It would have a ramp to get up to the top to shoot from>>>Rank Two Concept<<< Note, that is the back, the front is like the rank one, smooth, The white blocks are just that, to show they are blocks to hide behind (also known in the medieval times as cersots)

    Rank Three, As my Faverite, Its just as tall as rank 2, 110% stronger then the basic wall (To shield from tanks/arti for awhile) It would also have a hollow inside to use as a pillbox type structure >>>Rank Three Front Concept<<<
    >>>Rank Three Back<<< Note, the "window" and the solid cersot, would give a place for people to shoot from, while still having stuff to have cover from.

    Maybe the big ones are too big for all the time use, it could be selected like ML/MG Turrets? Where the ridgeline on top would be by itself without a ramp, needing a ramped one to get on top.

    Maybe have a Research skill for a mounted MG inside the pillbox, like in HL-2.

    And maybe have a scout tower, low defense, no weapons, just a ladder with room for 1-2 people in the tower itself, as a scout weapon inplace of the gernades(like you could pick, or maybe binocs? since its like a tool too) ? like the turrets, only one out at a time.

    (All the stuff would fit in with the design/look of the nations building/walls so it would look nice and tidy) :P
    So, those are my ideas, Your thoughts? And Devs, Are they even possible?
    Post away :P
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2006
  2. blizzerd

    blizzerd Member

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    i woud make the hight of the basic walls -50%, they are pretty high allready
  3. Artemas Ward

    Artemas Ward Member

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    I like this idea. I always thought wall needed battlements. Though, I think that the bunker is be two storied, and larger.
  4. Shinzon

    Shinzon Member

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    Walls really need a buff right now of some sort, since all they do right now are tank blocks...

    I think I have an idea for a gate as well, why not use the repair station as a gate? just make any enmy tank passing through it get damaged and loose its ammo... simple...
  5. blizzerd

    blizzerd Member

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    = unrealistic

    it woud be better if you yust had a gate that opens with a button
    and if a tank of the friendly forces approach the gate opens
  6. Ryland

    Ryland Member

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    How is it unrealistic?

    What about the pillbox/scout tower? They are VERY possible,

    There was more then just a wall idea there in my post, And i think you are missing the point that it would be a commmander built wall. So engineers wouldn't spam a rank 3 wall everywhere.
  7. Ryland

    Ryland Member

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    And maybe to cut down on scout tower spam, it could be placed by a com, and only built by a scout? same as rifleman pillbox (it would be like walls, wouldn't work in some places / some maps)

    To give you a idea of what a scout tower looks like, Here is a concept of one
    >>>Scout Tower Concept<<<

    and to
    This doesn't work, since the repair station is a building, they get points for blowing it up, so, they blow it up before they would go over it...
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2006
  8. blizzerd

    blizzerd Member

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    with this i mean the repair pad as gate
  9. Ryland

    Ryland Member

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    oh, hehe ^.^
    Yeah, i think a gate would be cool :P
  10. AnRK

    AnRK Member

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    really like this idea, would help gameplay alot. although when looking at your cool concepts i had a few ideas and and found a bit of a problem, basically (you probably already thought of this) it would end up with a staircase on every section of wall. anyway you probably already took that into consideration but i thought that upgraded walls and tactical vantage points could be 2 different areas of research, e.g. having different visuals for each level of wall and battlements etc to be something the commander adds to a section of wall

    i took the liberty of making a shitty paint drawing to illustrate my point with the research thing


    i thought this might work quite well with the shorter research times people are wanting, having alot of areas of research butreducing the time of all of them

    as far as mounted weapons are concerned they could also be implemented into the research tree or be stock with some of the higher level defences

    go easy on me if ive come up with really crap ideas cos its 3:16 and im really tired and going to go to bed
  11. Artemas Ward

    Artemas Ward Member

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    I think that is a few too many new techs to research. It would be better if they were streamlined into a little less than half what you show now.
  12. Genocide1812

    Genocide1812 Member

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    how about this

    Okay how about this.

    Simple. Normal walls for one, then walls can be reinforced. reinforced walls will be twice as strong, a little higher, and can have firing ports placed in them for free or cheap at the commanders discresion. maybe a nicer look... barb wire or shinier surface, w/e.

    Just a simple lift gate or 2door gate. Keep in mind a wall is only as strong as its weakest point.

    okay theres 2 ways i can see something like this going.

    1. Something very simple that the soldier can build without having to bother anyone else. Just something that provides cover and a place to mount. Like a trench or sandbag semicircle.

    2. The "bunker"s you see in rts games all the time. Soldiers can be sent into them to fire out of and the soldiers gain a minor attack bonus and cant be hurt untill the bunker is destroyed. This could maybe be upgraded to "reinforced" and be stronger and have a few automated weapons on board.

    Scout tower:
    I dont see the point.

    If anything i said here was terrible and a waste of your time, then my apologies. Although i play many rts, fps, and fps/rts blends, i have not yet played this one (415mb... 93%)
  13. knighttemplar

    knighttemplar Member

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    This has aready been suggested, and I completely agree with it.
  14. HornyRabbit

    HornyRabbit Member

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  15. AnRK

    AnRK Member

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    yeah i like that, looks very brenodi empire, cold and effecient :P

    my idea of having loads of research items was cos it seems that theyre wanting to reduce the artificial lengthening of games so i was just thinking it would reduce the length a bit and make it so some tech.s are researched and others not depending on a commanders style of play and circumstances in the game
  16. Artemas Ward

    Artemas Ward Member

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    Or it will just create a whole bunch MORE techs that people don't research.
  17. Genocide1812

    Genocide1812 Member

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    oh well sorry about repost then. And im glad you agree. I just played the game now and i think it would only really work(the bunker and the tower thing) if inside there were 2 things. 1: a single usable mounted anti vehicle weapon you press E to use. and 2: a health and ammo crate.

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