To support my ongoing efforts, mostly in the form of getting concept art done, i've started a Patreon page: Any donations of $15 or more will get the game once it's released. I don't know if you can attach comments or whatever to your donations, but if you can, include your steam username. Naturally I also urge you to donate to the EmpiresMod Patreon.
It's unlikely you'll get much from this. It looks like you spent all of 3 minutes slapping that up there, but promising to spend gobs of time building a game if you just donate. I recommend you put up some art, a video, some discussion of the plan and who's involved. I've heard all to often promises of UT4 conversion, and so many other things that never come true. I wouldn't GoFundMe until you have something to show.
I would need more stuff like the (CA) BE med tank (Professional work, post more to this thread...), to be sure that You are absolutely sure about developing the next Empires. And then You might own my share of patreon. (to support the development) (TBH I like the 15$ goal, better than nothing) Simply I somewhat lack the feeling that You are sure about this enough to pull this to the end (finals) of it. But there is no specific reason not to trust You. (to be clear) Just not enough to DO trust You. So, just keep it going. (Dev streams, concept art, ...) Iam sure many have similar feelings, so thats the one you might need to focus on, to get any more financial support I just need to be sure that you really mean it. And the reasons why you actually want to do it. EDIT: Continued here:
Honestly, i'm not expecting that much support until I show a video of most of/all of current functionality in Source, in UE4. I'm taking leave off for the entire month of December at my place of work but just working on Empires so that should get through quite a bit.
Duke, You're smart for doing what you are good at and that you enjoy. But to succeed in this venture you need a team. Someone in charge of marketing or more specifically getting you what you need, whether it be a Patreon, or working with others to provide items you need. That is why there are Project Leads, and Project Managers. One key to success in development is to be willing to give away your work so others can help, it's called being part of a team. I've worked for a huge company that went bankrupt and over a six year period they shrunk the workforce from 70,000 to 2,000. I made every cut, because when someone asks for my stuff, I stick a fire hose in their mouth and give everything away. I worked for three years to train a team in China about all of my work, writing design documents and still they couldn't get rid of me. Every developer should write a High Level Design for every project. They work from a requirements document that is constantly being updated by the team/project leads. I write a Developer Notes document as well. When you communicate with others, the final agreed upon work has to be in a document, not an email. If you are exposed to the community, you will be pulled in 20 different directions. Leave it upto a Team Lead to help filter that out and working with you get to the core of the requests more quickly than you would if you spent four hours a day reading here. Watch that Shark Program where people are trying to make money and expand and willing to give 50% of their company away to do so. They always have to have some prototype and usually customers in the pipeline showing the value of the company before anyone will take interest. A good project manager will pull from the toxicity the data needed to help you, Trickster did that in earlier versions. Also I don't see how one dedicated person can do everything, I'm sure there are others willing to help if you let them. I wish you the best. I've always thought Empires should have a $ cost to help devs and the server owners. Unfortunately from what I've seen, that would only escalate the demise of the game.