Organize Stuff

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Krenzo, May 11, 2006.

  1. Krenzo

    Krenzo Administrator

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    Already there are a lot of posts for things to change. I think someone should be nominated to be in charge of organizing the ideas and collecting them into an easy to read list with pros and cons. Anarchy really doesn't work for me.
  2. dizzyone

    dizzyone I've been drinking, heavily

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    Basic rules before posting your suggestion:

    - Suggestions only, discussions will be deleted after a while.
    - Your suggestion requires to have its own thread in this forum, where everyone can discuss your suggestion, only after a good discussion you may make up the pro's and cons derived from everyone's opinion.
    - Do not leave out cons you disagree with.
    - Use a proper format on submitting your suggestion, below is an example you may use.
    - Once a suggestion is in here, rest assured that the devs will read it, do not push the devs in implementing your or any suggestion posted in here, there is no guarantee it will be implemented.

    Suggestions in this thread may be deleted without warning, so make sure you follow these rules.


    When submitting your suggestion in this thread, please use the format below as your suggestion template. Simply quote this post, delete the quotes and fill in the blanks.

    original thread:
    • -
    • -
    • -
    Last edited: May 26, 2007
  3. dizzyone

    dizzyone I've been drinking, heavily

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    + Recycle walls (implemented)
    • missplaced walls by commander can be recycled
    • unneeded walls can be recycled
    • needs to be coded
    • walls are selectable (?)
    • engineer can recycle walls built by the comm
    • commander can recycle walls built by an engineer
    +Vehicles damage themselves. (implemented)
    • Arty will not be able to do close range damage, like shooting straight up, or shooting walls, without hurting himself in the process.
    • Tanks will not be able to shoot against walls near them to hit infantry beneath their aim, without hurting themselves.
    • NF light tanks will not be able to stick against an AFV and shoot it from close range without hurting himself. (where the AFV cannot target the light tank)
    • No sticking to enemy vehicles in general and shooting them.
    • Tanks will not be able to attack artillery's by sticking to them, instead they have to keep a bit of distance which might be dangerous.
    • Sticking might be used to suicide the firing tank. Faster engines might be rendered ridiculously superior.
    • Tanks will hurt themselves trying to unstuck, while the cannon is aimed down to the ground.
    • Infantry can get up close to a vehicle without having to worry about getting shot down by blastdamage, might be misused.
    • Only used when FF is on.
    +Vehicle damage to players. (implemented)
    original thread:
    • Players do not get stuck in hollow structure of vehicles, which can be abused.
    • Realism, driving over someone at high speed.
    • Fun to kill people with jeeps.
    • Enemy engineers will not be able to easily dissassemble a vehicle without having the chance of getting run over.
    • ??? Performance ?? (read reason why it was removed...)
    • Getting run over by team vehicle, as in teamkill.
    • Might not encourage engineers to repair their team's vehicles, in fear of getting run over.
    • Engineers will not be able to easily dissassemble a vehicle without having the chance of getting run over.
    • Friendlies get bumped away from the vehicle instead of killed.
    • All players get bumped away from the vehicle, no more getting stuck in vehicles.
    +Restrict vehicle to vehicle creator.
    original thread:
    • The creator of the vehicle can step out of his vehicle to repair it, or do something else, without having to worry about someone (teammate) stealing his vehicle.
    • Driver of the vehicle cannot be changed easily without getting permissions/keys to the vehicle by the vehicle creator.
    • Might be abused by spending all the resources on a tank or tanks.
    • Ownership only lasts for certain period of time when the driver is outside of his tank.
    • When the owner of a tank is too far away from his tank, anyone may enter the vehicle.

    + Half damage to units.
    original thread:

    • Makes arty less overpowered against tanks and infantry.
    • Designs artillery to siege defensive structures, and buildings in general.
    • Arty is not effective in clearing chokepoints.
    • Arty is not capable of defending himself against tanks or infantry and vulnerable without proper backup.
    • Arty is not effective in clearing chokepoints.
    • Arty is not the game ender but a teamplayer.
    • 80% damage to vehicles.
    • 100% damage to infantry, 50% damage to vehicles.

    +Deploy arty to fire

    original thread:
    • stop arty from firing while moving
    • generally nerfing the arty so that it cant be used as a assault tank
    • arty can rotate its cannon 360 degrees while deployed
    • arty are sitting ducks
    • arty needs lots of cover
    • arty cannot retreat without having to undeploy first
    • arty cannot fire while undeployed
    • arty cannot respond as good to fleeing units (as in fleeing out of sight but still in range)
    • arty can still fire undeployed, but when deployed fire damage is increased or 100%, to how it is now (starcraft style)

    +Increase minimal firing range / 20-30 degrees cannon angle.

    original thread:

    • Arty can't effectively shoot anything short range.
    • Arty is still mobile, but needs to be positioned better to shoot his targets.
    • Arty cannot randomly attack all targets in its view.
    • Arty will need a lot of space for targetting.
    • Arty needs to be covered by tanks or infantry to survive.
    • Arty will not be able to shoot certain targets. (map dependant)
    • different minimum and maximum degrees.
    +Remove classes from scoreboard. (implemented)
    original thread:

    • Enemy does not know what your team consists of and what to expect.
    • Enemy does not know who your commander is, not being able to predict what strategy is going to be used.
    • Enemy will not be able to plan a counter attack judging from the scoreboard.
    • class of tank driver stays hidden.
    • You might not be able to guess who you are fighting against by looking at their class.
    • No reference. (to plan a counter attack)
    • When spotted by a scout, the players class will be visible on the scoreboard.
    + New tech for soldiers
    original thread:
    • infantry benefits from research
    • more varied infantry loadout
    • more counters (to vehicles and infantry)
    • balancing
    • forum spam ( XD )
    • haha dno what else is a con except the already big balancing...
    • different research tree/building
    +Building types on minimap (Implemented)
    original thread:
    • easier to see which buildings you have and where
    • easier to see where defence is lacking
    • engineers know what kind of buildings need to be build
    • everyone knows too much about their own structures (lol?)
    • scout spotted buildings show building type icon on the map
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2009
  4. TheGreatHegemon

    TheGreatHegemon Member

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    Ooo, you mean like this?

    Scout XP for Spotting (implemented)
    Allows Scout to gain experience on par with other classes.
    Allows scouting to actually be rewarding
    Increases incentive to scout

    Possibly makes it too easy to gain experience as scout.
    Difficult to balance between point reward and

    Selective point distribution - give points for critical buildings, but not turrets.
    Points granted for spotted building/targets being destroyed.

    Of course, as this specific list indicates, certain things can be both a con or a pro, and may be interfered with by bias.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2007
  5. TheGreatHegemon

    TheGreatHegemon Member

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    I prefer your colors.
    +Friendly fire

    -Adds more skill to the game
    -Adds realism
    -Helps to balance artillery and other large radius weapons such as grenades


    -VERY realistic possiblity of griefers
    -'Stepping on your allies toes' on narrow maps such as escort.
    -Infantry may be rendered even more obsolete as friendly artillery would prevent their use.
    -Accidental TKs can cause aggravation as well.

    -Make a toggle for FF on serverside
    -Make different TYPES of FF toggleble (Such as only artillery, only running over, etc.) if implementable.
    Last edited: May 11, 2006
  6. DonMegel

    DonMegel Member

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    Oh wow, anyone want to do all those inf changes in my wishlist thread? Ive got work for the next two days...

    But I did see this one,

    Artillery Whistel (add whistel sound to falling shells)


    Sounds cool
    Alerts inf to incoming rounds
    Adds to emmersion into game world
    Already have the whistel (


    Could get irritating in a heavy arty map
    More asthetic than anything else, only worth while if its an easy code


    For a whistel? Um, not having a whistel?
  7. Chahk

    Chahk Member

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    +Grenadier: Show active (placed) mines counter. (implemented)
    • No more keeping track of how many mines you've already dropped.
    • No more guessing how many mines were set off by an explosion.
    • Cluttering up the HUD.
    +Grenadier: Show own mines on minimap.
    • Grenadiers can see which areas are protected.
    • Further cluttering up the minimap.

    +Engineer: Show active Turrets' status via squadmate-like window.
    (similar feature implemented)
    • Being able to track the Turret's location, health and state (idle, attacking) would be invaluable.
    • Acts as an early warning signal when a turret is under attack.
    • Can replace the "I'm losing this turret!" voice prompt.
    • Harder for enemy to discretly incapacitate Engineer-placed turrets.
    • Cluttering HUD even further.
    + Engineer: Different color for own Turrets on Minimap.
    • Makes it easier to find your own turrets on the map.
    • Makes it much easier to distinguish your own turret among several placed nearby.
    • None that I can see.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2007
  8. palehorse864

    palehorse864 Member

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    +Give Scouts a Laser Mic to Listen to Enemy Conversations.

    Premise: Scouts will be given a Laser Mic and possibly be allowed to hear nearby enemy teamchat and voice communications. The laser will be shone on or near a target the scout wishes to listen to with a small area of effect to compensate for the difficulties of following a target exactly.

    • Allows players the fun of eavesdropping on enemy conversations.
    • Gives scouts a way to gather valuable information, currently their only advantage in this area is artillery spotting.
    • Would provide beter information than just staring at an enemy base. "Three enemy tanks moving to ref at E4" is more useful than "Three enemy tanks leaving base, I don't know where they're going."
    • Would give scouts a reason to actually perform their scouting role.
    • Would require scouts to communicate. Only they see the conversations and must report the important info to their team.
    • Since the scout relays information, the team would not be spammed.
    • The function could be attached to an existing weapon to save slots, either the binoculars or the scout rifle.
    • Gives scouts a reason not to show themselves or fire on the enemy. They want to stay alive to listen.
    • Allows a wily scout to pass false tactics across all-chat if the enemy is not paying attention to who is doing the talking.
    • Allows commanders more options for actual strategy. They can divert units and armor to a weak point if they expect it to be attacked.
    • Routing enemy voice chat only to the scout may prove difficult to code? Krenzo can determine this.
    • Scout might not always get good information depending on conversations passing.
    • Possibly difficult to allow scout to listen in on vehicles as he will not be pointing directly at the player.
    • If information is not relayed fast enough, turrets could be built, vehicles could reach reported destinations, or other factors coudl happen before scout reports them.
    • Clan matches may use Ventrilo or Teamspeak, this ability would not work in those situations.
    • People might not like valuable information getting out at first?
    Solution and Counterpoint to Cons:
    • Not sure how difficult vehicle listening or voice listening would be. I will leave this up to a coder to determine.
    • While the scout may not always gain useful information, I feel that he would gain more than he currently has while not being overpowered. I often pass valuable information along team channels but this is not always the case. I think this problem though is solved by the fact that this would currently be better than what the scout already has and that you do not always want the scout gaining valuable information. This issue would actually balance this ability out. Sometimes scouts will get some intel, sometimes they won't.
    • As for people not liking their valuable information getting out at first, the information will likely not always prove useful and cameras can be set up around base rather easily as counter-espionage equipment to detect snoopers.
    Last edited: May 14, 2006
  9. Jimather

    Jimather Member

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    +New Commander Building Type - Small Bunkers

    Small Comm dropped buildings similar in size to an armory, costing the same as two to three turrets, designed specifically for defending an area.Would contain a permanent ammo crate but no med chest to encourage teamwork by preventing one person from having too powerful a position. Must be resistant to artillery fire and explosions from most positions inside.


    - Would be an incentive for building less turrets (generally considered to be a good thing)
    - Reduces the pwnage potential of arty (generally considered to be a good thing) as they need to be cleared by infantry or a skilled tank.
    - A new facet to the game for players
    - Commander has a new defence building


    - Involves modelling and coding (however i believe someone has already modelled an extremely good looking BE bunker)
    - Could prove too difficult to destroy or neutralise
    - Might be spammed just as much as turrets

    Ill think of more and add them as i do. if u think of some then pm me and i will edit them in.
  10. Soldier in White

    Soldier in White Member

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    +Scout: Spy Abilities (similar feature implemented)

    By this I mean, actually giving the scout some espionagesque abilities, Including but no limited to my strained imagination...

    * Utilize enemy radar to track movements - either by being in building or "hacking"/placing transmitter

    * Ability to view "Research" of enemy commander

    * View troops orders/waypoints on minimap

    * Sabotage ability - stop building function for 10,20,30 seconds or some reasonable time limit. (I HAVE A NERF GUN TOO)

    - Potential for experience for utilizing abilities on buildings (radar) a la engi building sctuff


    * More scout like abilities
    * Reason to play scout on real maps (ha.)
    * Intent - to add to strategic purpose of gameplay


    * More work for the game
    * Could work too well?

    I realize that this would change gameplay a lot, but I still present the idea so that it may be implemented if not completely, to some extent to further refine the, as I believe, underrealized scout class.


    Some kickass tunes.

    If the rain keeps fallin', the levee's gonna break.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2007
  11. Jimather

    Jimather Member

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    +Allow Commander to draw team objective areas on the map.

    The areas would be of two types, defend and attack, any player within the area receives a rank point multiplier/boost/benefit. The circle would show on a players minimap with a small hud icon to show he is in an objective area. from the comm view, the ground would also be shaded (in the obvious colours).

    the area would have a maximum and a minimum radius, no more than a certain number of each type of objective area would be allowed and the comm can only draw circles at a certain rate, all to avoid exploitation. they shoudl be allowed to overlap but obviously with no double points where they overlap. the comm will just gain more flexibilty in the types of areas he can instruct his team to do stuff in.


    - The team is quickly rewarded for coordinating
    - It is much much easier for a comm to coordinate a team
    - People get more rank points in the name of their teams actual objective rather than rambo missions.


    - Requires coding and debugging
    - The commander could potentially exploit or grief (but i really think the second paragraph above stops everything we can possibly guard against and remember we have a kick comm option)
    - the rank point boost/benefit will almost certainly need tweaking


    - make them squad based: when ever a whole squad (or 4+ ppl from a large sqad) is in a zone give them 1 squad point/x seconds, and\or double squad points for all actions. this would give squads a larger purpos.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 22, 2006
  12. zachtos

    zachtos Member

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    Missile Launchers no longer attack structures

    • Solves problem of commanders building LVL 3 turrets to destroy an enemy base
    • Prevents engineers from destroying Turrets with Turrets
    • Helps solve stalemates on FLAG maps by removing ML wars
    • Removes some usefulness from engineer ML building
    • Engineers would be able to build MLs in base that would attack vehicles w/o warning if no MGs are present.

    ML thread
    Last edited: May 23, 2006
  13. zachtos

    zachtos Member

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    v1.05 - Lower Research Times 40-50%, lower costs 30%
    • shorter games w/ more intense/exciting action, (makes games for fun by shortening the time spent playing with vanilla tanks)
    • allows for more diverse strategies and battles
    • allows losing team to have a chance to upgrade enough to fight back
    • makes it easier to research extra "future" upgrades in addition
    • makes commanding more fun, very boring watching a clock
    • tickets wont run out as often before commanders are done researching what they want
    • may promote very early rushes, causing TOO short of games
    • reduces strategy somewhat by allowing room for commander mistakes
    • current "overpowered" artillery will be available too early
    • lvl 3 turret rushing
    *Still open for debate: Ideal game length

    research times
  14. zachtos

    zachtos Member

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    Increased Commander Powers

    Commander assigns squads

    • many players never even join a squad
    • reduces time wasted forming squads at game start
    • commander can create more organization this way
    • commander can assigan a useful squad leader, not just the first man to form it

    • some players may want a different squad
    • commander may not remember to get EVERYONE into a squad in late game
    thread link

    Commander consent on vehicle creation
    • reduce the amount of resources wasted per vehicle
    • it will give the commander an extra job once all the research is done.
    • stops wasteful players
    • "It's a way to nudge your team into building... better things"
    • can serve as a quick check on binds, and helps you know what is on the field
    • can be abused
    • disagreements between commander and players will occur
    • borders micromanagement

    thread link
    Last edited: May 23, 2006
  15. Jimather

    Jimather Member

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    ^^ tsh get with the format guys :P

    +Toggleable Fire Modes for Assault Rifles

    The ability to switch between full auto, 3 bullet burst and single shot on the assault rifles only. Maybe just for Nf to balance the assault rifles, but maybe both teams as well.


    - As the players fire can be controlled, there would be less bullets flying around for the server to worry about.
    - Gives the player greater control of his rifle. (something that i think is greatly desired by the community)
    - Less boring runs back to somewhere for ammo
    - Greater gameplay depth
    - People dont have to write a script to do it and with config checking they wouldnt be able to use that script on other weapons unfairly becuase it wouldnt be there.


    - Makes it easier for a rifleman to snipe
    - Another thing for Emp_recruits to absorb

    Discussion Thread
  16. thelonetaco

    thelonetaco Member

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    The Armory would recharge players health and ammo automatically similarly to the APC.


    -Reduce finger stress holding USE key
    -Eliminate annoying part of game
    -Reduce "traffic jam" in Armories, especially for NF
    -Make it harder for enemy to pick off people getting ammo


    -Could lead to Armories becoming bunkers with infinite health and ammo for anyone inside
    -With NF, could lead to people idling in doorway


    -Only ammo recharges automatically
    -Automatic recharge only occurs when IDLE

    Discussion Thread

    edit: updated with dizzyone's suggestions
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2006
  17. blizzerd

    blizzerd Member

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    The commander can, in mid to late games when researched, build up to 5 flying ai controlled drones in the factory. these drones can be controlled by the commander with waypoints and will build/repair any buildings they see at there waypoint at the speed of a normal soldier builds with the use key
    it has no offencive capability's and 50hp, 1 armor slot and 1 armor plate slot
    speed, 75 % of infantry so it wont be usefull in battlefields, or risky areas

    cost is around 800 (without armor) to 1200 each


    -Engineers can do the dirty (fun) work, building at the battlefield
    -Eliminate annoying "base babysit" for the engineer
    -Reduce commander getting irritaded from nobody going as engineer
    -Reduce commander getting irritaded from disobediant engineers
    -Engineer will be a squad support class in stead of a commanders pet class


    -Coud lead to allmost no engineers
    -Coud lead to commanders who spend alot of money on somthing that is not needed (becous engineers like to base babysit or somthing)


    -Commanders can activate an autobuild function on a building needing built, at a price
    -Regenearating armor for buildings


    and alternative
  18. dizzyone

    dizzyone I've been drinking, heavily

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    +Scoreboard: Superimposed bar over own name
    original thread:
    • Finding your own stats and placement quickly
    • pimpage for screenshots ("yes that guy ontop of the list is really me")
    • must have XD
    • Coding
    • just a detail
    • I dont like that color
  19. Private Sandbag

    Private Sandbag Member

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    Just to get the ball rolling:

    +Statistics Registy
    original thread:
    • -It is interesting
    • -people can see which classes are being used on which maps - useful for tactics
    • -Easy to see where balencing is being required
    • -Could be a waste of time where work on the actual mod may be more required
    • -Different servers will have different tactics (such as Clan Servers)
    • ---which means that the stats may not be truthfull
    • -could take a lot more coding that people think
  20. knighttemplar

    knighttemplar Member

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    Restart Map, False Start
    original thread:

    If a game ends within 5 minutes, due to griefers or some other problem, the round resets without changing maps

    * Saves loading time
    * Allows a map to be played even if Griefer ruins it
    * allows team to coordinate a better strategy for dealing with Rushes or griefers the second time around.


    * Rushes are a legitimate strategy, and are affected by this
    * Loading time isn't so bad as to require this
    * Griefers wait 5 minutes before causing problems

    • Do nothing
    • Allow Admins the ability to do this
    • Allow vote after end game
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2006

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