autoreload should go, if you reload you reload... if it goes automatically why bother with a button? just unload the magazine on a rock and walk up to a crate
As gren at some points in the game you are toe to toe with your pistol trying to take the bitch down and if you used both shotty ammo you are basically screwed, plus they would use machine pistol and be screwed by it's fast drain.
I'm pro for this suggestion, its just annoying when u run out of ammo and he is so close u can melee and then the auto reload kicks in....
I personally think, your melee attack should be less powerful than bullets; but also attempting it during a reload, should cancel the reload. Even if the clip of ammo is lost, it would be worth it, to defend yourself when in a tight spot.
The idea that you can fire whilst the animation is going, it will be faster, and that you can reverse it part way through.
+1 autoreload is just deleting part of the gameplay experience, (being more aware of the own ammocount, get a better feeling for when your weapon goes *click click* and you have to reload). If it were for me autoreload could be gone completly. On the downside, autoreload off means someone has to design some *click* sounds for when the weapon is out of ammo and you try to shoot.
Found the place in the code where this is set, but I need to send the option to the server too so it doesn't screw up prediction. Thats a bit more work, which I'll hopefully get around to do this weekend (Disable autoreload, not animation stopping).
Krenzo had disabled auto-reload for like 1.04 or whatever the fuck it was, cause peeps didnt like auto reload for the exact same reason as this thread. Do you remember why it was re-enabled? maybe there was a "too much work" bug with whatever your talking about brutos EDIT: 1.05 -Removed: auto-reload for those players who were complaining that it interfered with using melee after unloading a clip there is no log of anyone re-enabling it so someone snuck it in there at some point.
The code is really confusing, basically if I disable the autoreload part, you can keep shooting forever, and I have no idea why. Need to spend some more time reading the code.