number of tickets on district X 5

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Private Sandbag, Jun 17, 2007.

  1. Dubee

    Dubee Grapehead

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    k all this revive talk wont help the 17 level 3 mgs in one area
  2. knighttemplar

    knighttemplar Member

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    Wicked Idea Broccoli!

    man that's really good, maybe make reviving give more health than normal healing, to make the decision to fully revive or revive a bit and retreat more important. I can see an engi reving 4 soldiers all at once then retreating to a health crate

    And for Dubee's suggestion, I think engi walls might be useful, or smoke disabling turrets, or concussion grenades working
  3. SwampRat

    SwampRat Member

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    As far as I see, one of the best bits about revive is the way that sometimes you end up sprinting across streets with a certainty of being shot at in an attempt to save a chap. If it were to take very long to heal then this wouldnt work so much.

    Would it be possible to just frag corpses if they get below a certain hp? that way if someone takes a bullet or two too many and drops back down, or gets sniped etc, then they end up on 0 to -150 and can be revived, if you stand over a body and pump it full of bullets, its on -lots and cant come back? maybe having quite a range of negative hp that would still work to mean people put some effort in.

    Downside being things like being run over with tanks, which should be recoverable in my book - but which would do lots of damage? (being an instakill that can take a little while to move off of you).

    This is probably a bad idea as firstly its obvious so would have been thought of and dismissed before, secondly as it doesn't really stop the problem of repeated revivals in quick succession, thirdly unless the dead had some immunity to splash damage then it'd never work where people die by arty (again where you sort of want a quick recovery to be possible).
  4. MomoZMonster

    MomoZMonster Member

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    the whole increasing rev time may cause people to say screw it? It's not much fun as a revving engi as it is, then add time it would take to rev each person? People would really start screaming at the few who can't help but attack. It is somewhat crazy that one is revved with full health and ammo...I like it, but it is crazy.

    On the stagnation of district ...perhaps a timer that would be boosted by capturing flags? So capturing flags would add more time. Camping the last flag would be detrimental. Though I could see on an evenly match game..the 2 teams keep capturing the same flag back and forth... I dunno what would happen then.

    Could always limit the turrets or ..simply let engis build their walls...or no turrets at all would really keep that map moving.
  5. Align

    Align Member

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    I like the idea of heal revive or whatchamacallit, but would it still cost half a bar regardless of how much you heal on the dead person? Because if it just cost a little bit to revive someone with 1-10 hp you might get some insane revive orgies.
  6. Broccoli

    Broccoli Member

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    Yes, it would always take half a bar of ammo to revive, no matter how much health you pump into them. This way, healing is "free" if done while reviving, whereas it takes more ammo to do afterwards (if you just want to get the body up quickly). This is the trade-off.

    And instant revives are still possible, it's just that the player will start with very little health (say, 10), and so will have to get out of there pretty quickly.
  7. Private Sandbag

    Private Sandbag Member

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    @swamp rat: we decided against the ability to totally finish of corpses in the end because then everyone would automatically put a clip into each corpse. which we decided was rather phycopathic.
  8. Razorbud

    Razorbud Coder

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    Some ppl do that to me anyway, usually accompanied by a taunt :D
  9. Destroyer224

    Destroyer224 Member

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    Engi walls should be enabled on district. I know that they work well to stop all the camping because of several times when (Beerdude?) spawned a CV on district. The walls will not cause camping because, 1) they block the enemy's sight of you, but they also block your sight of the enemy, so they can simply rush up and nade/deconstruct the wall with a rifleman crouched and ready to spray some lead, and 2) it stops the turrets because it blocks their line-of-sight thus making them unable to fire at people behind the walls. There isn't enough room for wall-castles so that should not be a problem either. During those games, both teams were able to rush quite frequently.

    And that was WITH the 30+ lvl 3 MGs/MLs that each commander could place.
  10. Lollum

    Lollum Tester++

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    Another critical point: turrets in the sewers. Someone build 2 lvl 3 turrets at the entrance to the sewers of the NF-team and everytime you jump down you get killed nearly instantly. You cant nade/mortar them! And the one who build the turrets camped near them so its not a problem to repair the turret when someone throws a nade!
    With this, the turret-builder sealed the 2nd way for the NF-team like the sewers were never there!

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