New weapons for empires

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by angry hillbilly, Jun 12, 2008.

  1. angry hillbilly

    angry hillbilly Member

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    These are weapons that i have come up with over the past few days. I have designed their damage and all other factors of the weapons around the already exsiting weapons to help balance. I have taken time to work out what will balance and what will not balance in Empires. The red writeing are cannons and the green are missles. Plz take time to read these:

    1. Improved HE cannon

    Cost: 40
    Dmg: 85
    Clip Size: 15 Shells
    Slots: 3
    Weight: 90
    Added Heat: +17
    Explosion Radius / Force: 450/ 250
    Shots per sec: 0.30
    Extra info: Shell would be slower and have less range than other cannons and also have less shells for balance. Reload times over an ammo box would be increced as well.

    2. Shaped Charge Cannon
    Cost: 25
    Dmg: 50
    Clip size: 30 Shells
    Slots: 2
    Weight: 70
    Added Heat: +15
    Explosion Radius / Force: 150 / 100
    Shots per sec: 0.75
    Extra info: Would do extra dmg to tanks that have reactive as dmg is focused on one place. Good Anti-Tank weapon

    3. Light Auto-Cannon

    Cost: 20
    Dmg: 30
    Clip Size: 15 Shells (4 clips)
    Slots: 1
    Weight: 60
    Added Heat: +13 (per shot)
    Explosion Radius / Force: 100 / 50
    Shots per Sec: 2
    Extra info: Because of the small calibre of the shells, dmg is reduced to armour such as reactive. Good vs absorbent

    4. Medium Auto-Cannon

    Cost: 25
    Dmg: 35
    Clip Size: 10 Shells (4 clips)
    Slots: 2
    Weight: 70
    Added Heat: +14 (per shot)
    Explosion Radius / Force: 100 / 50
    Shots per Sec: 1.5
    Extra info: This is a slightly larger variant of the Light Auto-Cannon but still has the same weakness as the Light Auto-Cannon vs armour. Good vs absorbent armour

    5. Heavy Auto-Cannon

    Cost: 35
    Dmg: 40
    Clip Size: 10 (3 clips)
    Slots: 3
    Weight: 80
    Added Heat: +14 (per shot)
    Explosion Radius / Force: 150 / 75
    Shots per Sec: 1.5
    Extra Info: This is again a large variant of the Auto-Cannon but still has weakness vs reactive due to shell size. Good vs absorbent armour.

    6. Heavy plasma cannon

    Cost: 35
    Dmg: 50
    Clip Size: 30
    Slots: 3
    Weight: 80
    Added Heat: +16
    Explosion Radius / Force: 350 / 150
    Shots per Sec: 0.5
    Heat per hit: 10
    Extra Info: This is a larger variant of the plasma cannon which does more dmg and deals out more heat that its little brother.

    7. Flak Shell Cannon

    Cost: 20
    Dmg: 10per peace of shrapnel (10dmg on tanks)
    Clip Size: 30 Shells
    Slots: 1
    Weight: 50
    Added Heat: +15
    Explosion Radius / Force of flak: 400 / 200
    Explosion Radius / Force of Cannon Explosion: 100 / 50
    Shots per sec: 0.75
    Extra info: Is an anti-infantry cannon and is not good if vs tanks. Only 10 dmg done if shot at tank. But can still kill driver and passenger of jeeps This weapon fires a shell that on impact breaks up into lots of small fragments that damages the surrounding enemys.

    8. White Phosphorus Missle

    Cost: 40
    Dmg: 45 if direct hit (10dmg per sec in the phosphorus cloud)
    Clip Size: 1 missle (5 clips)
    Slots: 2
    Weight: 50
    Added Heat: +6
    Explosion Radius / Force: 250 / 50
    Extra info: this weapon is similer to the Bio Missle but instead of a large explosion. The Missle Breaks up into a large thick white cloud (does not look like smoke grenade smoke) which does dmg to all infantary that are in the cloud. Has the same bonous as the Bio vs armour. This weapon does not affect other armours in the cloud exsept standed and re-gen which take 10dmg per sec while in cloud. Once out of the cloud dmg continues for 5 sec. The cloud will last 10sec.

    9. Upgraded ML Salvo (UMLS)

    Cost: 40
    Dmg: 60 (per missile)
    Clip size: 4 missles (6 clips)
    Slots: 3
    Weight: 100
    Added Heat: +5
    Explosion Radius / Force: 100 / 50
    Extra info: This weapon is a large salvo weapon that takes up 3 slots and deals out more dmg that the smaller variants.

    Please can you make any comments on what would need to be improved etc...
    Last edited: May 10, 2009
  2. Emp_Recruit

    Emp_Recruit Member

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    1. Shots per second .25 is 1 shot every 4 seconds which is a DPS of 20 almost 1/2 HEs current. Even ignoring that and assuming ROF stays same there is so little different (5 dmg with extra heat) the difference is pretty much non existent.

    2. No way to make weapons do extra damage to reactive. DPS isn't great, radius is dismal no one would tech.

    3. Again you can't do this good vs absorbant bad against reactive exeter exetera. I recommend you look through the scripts and see what the diffrent modifiers are. Also the DPS on this is crazy high like up their with rail guns high but the heat is insane.

    4. You've actually managed to decrease the DPS for the supposedly larger version.

    5. This has the same DPS as the light auto cannon but at least the heat per second and heat per damage is somewhat more reasonable.

    6. Actually not bad but I'm not a fan of plasma in general.

    7. With HE as good as it is against inf and tanks and infantry not being that big of a threat to tanks and other ways to kill inf I don't think this is going to be useful, no one will give up their cannon slot for it.

    8. requires coding

    9. not sure what you mean by added heat. If thats extra heat per missile or what. weight seems high as well for reference rails are 80
  3. Cyber-Kun

    Cyber-Kun Member

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    I wish you where banned.
    This is horrible weaponry.
  4. Cokemonkey11

    Cokemonkey11 Member

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    I'm just glad people are trying for new weapons :)
  5. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    You should be proud! Simon actually thought #6 wasn't bad...that's so much better than the binning I thought you'd get that it's unbelievable :D
  6. Private Sandbag

    Private Sandbag Member

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    you can't critisize it because of balancing, that can all be ironed out with absolute ease.

    i like this, i think.
  7. Chris0132'

    Chris0132' Developer

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    I like the idea of autocannons but their benefit should be how easy they are to use against fast moving targets and while moving fast yourself, basically an advanced cannon for light tanks which allows them to make full use of the late game fast engines without requiring great skill, so a few lights can pepper a heavy with shots and wear it down, while being harder to hit because of their speed.
  8. Emp_Recruit

    Emp_Recruit Member

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    DUMG/HEMG pretty much work like an autocannon would. Adding an autocannon that used projectiles would probably pwn performance.
  9. Chris0132'

    Chris0132' Developer

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    Don't see why, just make it work like the crossbow except faster, or even write your own system so that it doesn't drop off or anything and make it like a halfway point between hitscan and physically simulated.

    I'm sure you could balance the ROF and projectile speed to ensure you don't need much time to handle the projectile and minimise the number in the air at once.

    Basically it should be like a more powerful DUMG with low enough speed to make it require a lead if used over distance, and with a more cannon-like feel to it, with small explosions and recoil from firing, basically like the APC guns in BF2.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2008
  10. Vaun

    Vaun Member

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    I like the phosphorus thing, i already suggested mustard gas nades for the apc. Also, the plasma shells need a residual heating effect if you hit the target, since its supre heated, it would actually make the armor hot.
  11. arklansman

    arklansman Member

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    Most of these are redundant, as are a large amount of current weapons. #7 is an interesting concept, but Simon pretty much nailed the redundancy issue there.
  12. angry hillbilly

    angry hillbilly Member

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    When I made these I knew that the dmg and things wouldnt be set in stone and about the Improved HE cannon. I was trying to make it balanced because I know how powerful the HE already is. I didnt have exact fireing times and was trying to imagne them in my head (as you can tell the fireing rate is slower in my head :p).

    I just tryed to balance it as much as i could based on weapons that are already in the game. The UMLS (upgraded salvo) 60dmg is PER missle.

    The numbers can be modifyed if u want and also the doing more damage to certain types of armour. How come rails rip reactive apart but not absobent. And Bio does x2 dmg to plain and regen armour.
  13. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    But doesn't bio do double damage against regen and plain armour? So surely it can be done in fact and it is in the script.
  14. Emp_Recruit

    Emp_Recruit Member

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    If your going to post making claims about what can be done with scripts at least take the time to uhhh I don't know, READ THEM? The only real way you can get a weapon to do different damage to different armors is via the speed modifier or setting your weapon as a MG which negates the angle modifier. ie fast low dmg per hit weapons(cough rails) do poorly against absorbant however slow high damage per hit weapons(uml) wtf pwn it.

    And actually reactive per plate does about as well maybe even better than absorbant against rails.
  15. Vatra

    Vatra Member

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    well not bad, has any1 some cool weapon skins for Emp.?

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