name you subliminal religious article.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by bossekille, Oct 28, 2006.

  1. bossekille

    bossekille Member

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    or game. seen lots of titles latly with religious propaganda.and movies.
    like prey or dark messiah and diablo. etc etc.
    now im not sure why they are in the game world, becouse most people there is not religious but they maybe are subconciously becoming.
    and not viking gods or buddah, mainly the christian beleif.
    im not sure why or if they have some monopoly on items in large.
    seems to go better if you name your game something religious too for some reason. or movie. gets creepy after awhile. wondering where the normal stuff is. you know like those old car chase movies or the fighting movies that had no meaning but fun fights.
    have to mention that im basicly an athiest myself, but i find the viking gods to be cool and strong hehe.
    hope i dont step on any toes here, not sure how dedicated someone could be for his religion.
    and if this is offencive in any matter. just a mind blur, watching the diffrent titles. thinking of the mutlitude and reach of the religions in every market. and without needing to pay for marketing prices either. must be the most smartest marketing plan ever, if its even planned of course. or that just the companies are that religious.
    imagine free pr for your company. and you get lots of followers just by doing that. more money for your buildings and you can spread your territory even more. and without it seems spending a dime. hope someone do that for one of my ideas someday hehe. my thoughts on this is, if the religious sector makes money from this in form of followers and their gifts and support. then they should pay a large sum of money for the marketing deal. or am i missing something?

    anyways, try to name as many religious articles as possible.
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2006
  2. ^Dee^

    ^Dee^ Former Super Moderator

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    churches seem to have a lot of christian propaganda.
  3. Shinzon

    Shinzon Member

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    I wouldnt call those titles as religion... but more as "Fantasy" last time I checked the devil didn't posses a single hero who slaughtered everything in hell...

    It is more of fantasy taking inspiration from a well established thing. I don't see this as propoganda in any way...
  4. Pope_Homeless_XIII

    Pope_Homeless_XIII Member

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    I remember Xenosaga for the PS2 had alot of religious content. Actually I have an over religious english teacher (I mean OVER-RELIGIOUS, she only listen to Christian music & wears shirts with "God is Gansta" & "Jesus is my Homeboy" written on them & won't shut up about the bible) this year that finds so much biblical crap in stuff that doesn't even look religious at first glance, like the Harry Potter & Narnia books.
  5. bossekille

    bossekille Member

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    well as i stated, isnt it intresting that even when lots of money is involved by followers and support. the church seem to evade paying money for the market. i see it as another big company with its employers and cheifs.
    and they hold lots of power still. but why dont they need to pay money for this? its like coca cola wanting their name on every pruduct that is relesed.
    the dark master of cola. or coca cola grand turismo. its basicly the same.
    and fantasy in all honor, people seem to do very disturbing things with religion. many seem to kill for some nice god. and then blame it on some bad god. as fantasy it whould still be a product. and the product sells and gives certain men power and influence and money. so why has the market decided to evede that? is it the old fear of going to hell when confronting preists of any kind? as they are not eager enough to send every man there.

    many might think that religion is a silly fantasy thing. that keeps people going.
    but some lets take for instance in middleeast the suicide bombers that thinks that they will get a blowjob in heaven by 12 virgins after is not very comforting considering the mature human race.
    grown men thinking there is things like crom and thor. makes no sence.
    and fact in history has proven that religion has killed and destroyed more then any other whats it all about? eridicated all the strong cool gods, and left us with nothing but femenine gods and such.

    so with this in mind, a bigger reason for the religious sector to acctually pay for the marketing. somehow. its not copyrighted as far as i know. but somehow they should.

    what if we should include the name empire on everything that gets released.
    not that its the opposite, but just an familliar example.

    just not like to be controlled with my way of thinking. like to leave a clear mind. and try to filter all the proclaimed ways of thinking that is on products and such.
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2006
  6. rampantandroid

    rampantandroid Member

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    My religion teacher in HS (Yeah, I went to a Catholic HS when I wasn't Catholic) told us a little observation a Philosopher had made:

    Either there IS a god (or Omniscient or omnipresent being), or there IS NOT. If there is a god, and we fail to believe in him, we go to hell. If we believe in a god, and there turns out to be none, all we've lost is a bit of time (not like we'll be able to care, we'd be dead!). Thus, it is to our advantage to put our belief into some supernatural being.

    Now, that has its flaws, but it also makes a very good point. I forget what Philosopher said that,I almost said Nietzsche, but he'd never say something so intelligent....

    Games that have religious references? Eidos/Looking Glass Studio games did - Thief series, System Shock (?), Deus Ex (1 & 2)....
  7. Shinzon

    Shinzon Member

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    How else can you make someone save the world? Aliens? that has been done... Evil bad guy with 1337 powers, also has been done... An invasion from hell? hell thats been done too...

    They just give context to the actions of some charachters (The new games that are coming out, are based on their own religion; where usualy the good gods are nowhere to be seen, and the bad gods are right in your face running around on the contryside...) Just a gameplay mechanic to making the player do all the work...
  8. Niarbeht

    Niarbeht Member

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    It's simply an attempt to use familiar mythology. You don't want to start using all kinds of Babylonian mythology, since no one would get any references. References to more modern mythologies usually have more immediacy about them, more recognizability, and as such players are more likely to feel immersed.

    The exception, of course, being games like Oblivion, which use familiar images inside a slightly different context.
  9. L3TUC3

    L3TUC3 Member

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    Try Prince of Persia on for size. Excellent game with a great setting.

    Anyway I remember Eternal Darkness on the Gamecube. It had a mix of Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and a bunch of other stuff. The story revolved around ancient horror creatures abusing religions and nations to further their own advance. It was quite fun to play the monk and you regained some sanity by praying.
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2006
  10. Niarbeht

    Niarbeht Member

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    Note my use of qualifiers. I've played a Prince of Persia game, and while it was certainly in a different setting, I wouldn't say they pulled out tons of mythological references in that game. Perhaps the others are different.
  11. dumpster_fox

    dumpster_fox Member

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    The problem with this argument is that there are many, many exclusive religions and gods. It also assumes that if god exists, belief in him will get you into heaven.
  12. Shinzon

    Shinzon Member

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    Not entirley true dumpster; it will only get you into heaven if you truly seek redemption and other fluffy stuff like that...

    All of the religions of the world same exactly the same to me... with subtle diffrences like; wear a cipa/turban, marry only one/ marry many...

    But please tell me of one religion that states something radicaly diffrent from the other? And the diffrences that this entity might be this or that; un applicable...
  13. dumpster_fox

    dumpster_fox Member

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    I really need to just condemn myself solely to the Black Hole or something.
  14. dizzyone

    dizzyone I've been drinking, heavily

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    hah rampantandroid, I went to a christian school (first 2 hours of every day would be about the bible, and another lesson of an hour twice a week), while my mom is pretty much against religions, only god knows why she chose that school...
  15. knighttemplar

    knighttemplar Member

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    Really Shinzon, that's a result of religous dissemination. In the west, Judaism is the basis of Christianity and Islam. In the east, Hinduism is the base for all that Asian goodness that I have yet to learn about (Shinzon: I'm at Waterloo for Religion and Politics)
    When you leave those traditions, then you really get into different stuff. It all depends on what you know. If you know nothing about computers, they all look the same right? Same with cars and basically everything. When you learn a little bit about a religion, you can understand how evangelicalism is different than Catholicism, or how Sunnis are different than the Shi'a.

    Oh and rampant, It was Pascal who said that. Though many also have said that.

    Dizzy, I have to assume that was a Reformed church school, as I remember you saying that you were from the low countries, and at least here in Canada, most private Christian schools are Dutch Reformed. Was it? These kinds of things interest me.
  16. the_6th_monkey

    the_6th_monkey Member

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    Well with that logic everyone may as well believe in fairies as well because you can't prove if they exist or don't either so you can't be to careful :D

    Same goes for can't prove hes not existing somewhere in the middle of the sun, so we can't be to careful, lets believe in him as well :rolleyes:
  17. L3TUC3

    L3TUC3 Member

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    I believe in the god-coder Krenzo. He's got quantifiable results.
  18. dizzyone

    dizzyone I've been drinking, heavily

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    No nothing like that, it was a Antroposophic school, also known as a Waldorf School. Still heavily orientated around christianity, we'd start the day with a prair, listen to bible things, draw things out of the bible, write about the bible. We'd have 2 plays from the bible every year, every class had to perform a play about some part of the bible in their early years (I dont really remember what ours was about, but it was definitly from the bible), also we'd have songs from the bible (like mozes going to the pharaoh). I believe the first things we had to write and draw were how god created the earth. While other schools were teaching normal things, we would be a year or more behind because of all the godamn bible ish.

    Did I mention our class room was mostly made out of wood and wool D:
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2006
  19. dumpster_fox

    dumpster_fox Member

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    Yeah, my friend went to a Waldorf school for his first few years of education, and he despised it. They refused to teach him anything for a while because he hadn't lost any teeth yet or some shit like that. They thought it would make him evil or something.
  20. Sonata Arctica

    Sonata Arctica Member

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    Final Fantasy X was big on bashing christianity/cathlocism


    We were lead to believe that Yu Yevon was this great god that freed Spira from the creature named Sin. However, what actually happened is that there was a machina war and Yu Yevon was this nobody summoner. After Zanarkand lost the war and turned into ruins, Yu Yevon created Sin, destroyed civilization and started the Yevon religion with the survivors.

    Lady YUnalesca? First summoner to "destroy sin". She knew that there was no way to defeat Sin. Even with the Final Summoning (where the summoner would kill herself/himself to summon an Aeon), Sin would come back with the Final Summoning as his core. Best described as the spiral of death (Spira). Sin is created, a shitlaod of people dies, summoner dies to kill sin, sin comes back. Repeat.

    The high priests of Yevon are zombies. Their link to Spira was strong so they refused to die and they were corrupted with power. This might be related to the Catholic Church (except the zombie thing, lolz). Even THEY knew sin coudln't be stopped, but they keep preaching on how the Final Summoning would kill it. They take great joy in killing off people.

    *end spoilers*

    Why i typed this up? I don't know

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