My view on empires

Discussion in 'Archive' started by flatmush, Apr 30, 2007.

  1. Shinzon

    Shinzon Member

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    In Empires you cannot turtle and, the gameplay just doesnt allow it...

    The resource model was built around quick expansion, this starts the conflict early on (Needed for multiplayer games) camping at your base or turtling a single area does nothing but empervish you from res...

    The team that expands the fastest, builds the most res towers, and controlls most of the map wins. Even if you are holding an area, but are compleatly surrounded, chances are very low you are going to win.

    If the resourse and ressearch models were diffrent, then they would allow for turtling, but as it stands now, turtling doesn't work period...


    I would like more viorety in Empires, but that will come with the Aircraft were the commanders can branch off and focus on either aircraft or tanks, or try a combination of both. Right now there are proved strategies that work, and those that don't...

    There is no point in structures like pillboxes because once you need them, you already lost (Base defense, on offense that same res would have been better spent on a tank). Perhaps thats a bad thing that you cannot turtle for some "Super Unit"; thats whats turtling about, teching up and pumping out super units, then sending a steamroller wtf upon the enemy...


    Whats the point of a gate, if no one builds ALL of the walls any way, they act just as simple funnels.
  2. Cyber-Kun

    Cyber-Kun Member

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    One of the issues here is no one is NPCs. Things that could work in a game with NPCs like gates and making it easy for you to do things doesn't work due to no bots.
  3. Sonata Arctica

    Sonata Arctica Member

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    Sorry for giving you low blows (i.e. arty skill). I was ticked off at the time :P.

    Anyways, engie is supposed to be the most important class. You can't make a base without them (technically you can but you would get raped in the ass).

    We don't need CV armor upgrades, it just makes it too overpowered... We'll need ninja parties to destroy the CV.

    Part of being a good comm is seeing where everyone is at. Given that this is a beta, sometimes thats impossible :P. Most of the time, i can set a ref before they can even press the talk button.

    I play my games fast. They're more exciting than drawn out riflemen battles. Cause if both team rushes and they're of equal skill, we trade base locations at least 10x before showing any signs of faltering. Again, very fun :).
  4. MOOtant

    MOOtant Member

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    "Camping base" may work on emp_crossroads. I don't remember if my team was retarded or we just stayed at base without any reason. We researched artillery first and constantly shell spammed anyone who was getting near our base. Somehow we even won.

    There are more maps than just crossroads where you could win like that.
  5. The Buttery Lobster

    The Buttery Lobster Drama Queen.

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    shouldn't this whole thread just get moved to the General Discussion Forum?
  6. Private Sandbag

    Private Sandbag Member

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    yes probably.

    now talking to all the experienced members of the community:

    this is a word of warning, not 'telling anyone off', but a prediction of what could come. we could fall into the trap of thinking that our game is good how it is. that we don't need suggestions. if you can't use artilliary, too bad. if the scout binoculars are useless, you're using them wrong. and I'm not disagreeing. but one of the ways this game has become so incredible is that the community has always been forward thinking, thinking about how the gameplay can develope, evolve. There are many games, especially from my experience 'the specialists', where people making suggestions are not just instantly rebutted, but insulted, repelled with a long spam of in jokes. let's not become this. if a completely stupid 9 year old comes along with a golden idea, this is our opportunity to spot it and grab it.


    but anyway, enough ranting. I totally agree with you guys, there is no need for more defence, the time it takes to build up an unstoppable defense is long enough that you've lost the map. which is GOOD. no-one likes defence.
  7. Caelo

    Caelo Member

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    I would love to be that 9yr old dude but unfortunately I'm not 9 :(

    Anyway. What I would like to see is 1 more support class and more tanks :D

    class idea
    engineer: building bases
    grenadier: destroying bases
    rifleman: killing people
    healer: reviving and healing people
    scout: spot targets and covert ops

    Tank idea
    light/medium tank: quick and versatile
    heavy tank: slow and near unstoppable
    anti-tank vehicle: only good against tanks
    artillery: only good against buildings
    APC: good against personnel
    jeeps: fast transport
  8. Krenzo

    Krenzo Administrator

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    I'm still not adding classes for the sake of adding classes. More classes means less likely chance you'll have someone who is the class you need in a situation. I've discussed this in every version.
  9. Caelo

    Caelo Member

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    I know you did. I'm not expecting to see this anytime soon :) I'd much rather have working aircrafts available :D
  10. dizzyone

    dizzyone I've been drinking, heavily

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    Why have a anti tank tank when almost all weapons on a tank are anti tank?
    tank tank tank tank tank :D
  11. Broccoli

    Broccoli Member

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    I think we're all waiting for the concept sketches of the anti-anti-tank tank.

    Things should work like rock-paper-scissors though to a certain degree. This is how team fortress works, and I know that they're completely different games, but it is the principal. that nothing should be able to beat everything (taking into account power, time to research and res cost).
  12. Private Sandbag

    Private Sandbag Member

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    absolutely 100% correct. I almost feel like this needs to be added to a sticky.

    perhaps we need a sticky thread in the "suggestions" forum for ideas that are not going to be incorperated and reasons why.
  13. Caelo

    Caelo Member

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    woah! Great idea! :D
  14. flatmush

    flatmush Member

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    A separate bug tracker style system as suggestions box would be nice, but I think krenzo has all the ideas he needs right now, I didn't expect him to actually read my post, I was just wondering what other peoples thoughts were.

    As for the defense, like anything it would have it's situations, for example as buildings that are already placed at map starts (although bunkers can already be made out of brushes and ammo boxes really). Kinda the same as repair bays are used now, and I personally (I don't know about anyone else) would rather the game was drawn out a bit, as long as it remains fun. Also added defense features would be nice in glycen city as well as escort?(or whatever the map with 2 starting VF's is called), to stop the VF's from always getting destroyed.

    I agree with not adding classes, I just suggested making the rifleman the medic or something to spread the functionality across the classes (although a reviving rifleman would be too good on district), still I think giving the scout the camera/radar deployable would be a nice idea.

    An anti-tank would have to be like a horizontal artillery (like in real life), that took out tanks in one or two hits, they would be cool for defending but wouldn't really fit into empires I don't think. Also I think bombers will become a good anti-tank weapon when the planes are done (just guessing).

    Also after playing on district today I take back most of what I said about the weapon balancing, however there is still no incentive to use iron sights. I also don't get why the scout gun has a scope if it isn't good at sniping. An annoying thing on district and other tight maps is that there is no easy way (that I know of) of distinguishing between friendly and enemy mines.

    Also I agree that a post summarizing all the previous suggestions, and a list of responses would be good, it would have saved me the time of writing this post, and it would save the developers the time of reading them all.
    Last edited: May 1, 2007
  15. Petko

    Petko Member

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    ive got only a few really simple suggestion for future development, and i said these a year before... there are just things that dont need to rebuilding all the mod, and they are pretty simple and obvious additions:
    - make the hand weapons and enquipments into the tech tree, so they can also be reseached and only after that enquiped by that side. Rebalance them a bit that which are more powerful can only be enquiped after the research. Future weapons could be also put into the reseach tree like shotguns etc. (also armory could serve as a building required for hand weapon and enquipment research, maybe a separate tech tree for that?)

    - make it possible to script different vehicle engine sounds for different engine types (and not for chassis).. i wanted to do a cool engine sound pack a while ago, but i cant until this isnt done

    - also make it possible to not just script damage, range etc attributes server side, but vehicle enquipment prices and weight.. this could help a lot for custom balance experiments by anyone

    - upgraded turrets shoudnt have only the rate of fire and damage increased as leveling up but range also (and balance them with increased price and slower and slower building time, - also make it possible to build cheaper lower level turrets when higher level expensive turrets are researched)
    Last edited: May 1, 2007
  16. Caelo

    Caelo Member

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    They look different (white vs gray) and one gets you blown up, the other one doesn't :P
  17. Shinzon

    Shinzon Member

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    One thing that everyone more or less loved were infatry upgrades; heck just more upgrades in general...

    As of right now tanks are the bread and butter of Empires; a normal game simply cannot be won without tanks... Or at the very best scenario will take an insane amount of time to finish; and the game will end with a ticket war...


    As for the warning; I don't think this will ever happen to Empires; this happned here only because all of the things he has suggested were already discussed a long time ago, some were shot down some were agreed upon... No point in stalling in one place mourning the same thing over and over again. Pick your feet up and continue running foward...
  18. Caelo

    Caelo Member

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    comments is in the quote above :D
  19. arklansman

    arklansman Member

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    He means that server operators should be able to tweak vehicle prices, weight, etc., like they can with resources and damage already.
  20. Caelo

    Caelo Member

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    why would they want to do that?

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