My idea for Achievements/Unlocks. LONG TEXTWALL!!!!

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Tovarich Cookie, Apr 22, 2009.


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  1. Tovarich Cookie

    Tovarich Cookie Member

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    Just thinking, since we have ported to the orange box engine, achievements and unlockables are now possible. I am just wondering (in the farrrr, FAAAAAAAAAR future) will we have those? I think the community would not mind some achievements... something to play for, i believe.

    And as for unlockables, they are not just straight-up buffs of current weapons: instead, like in TF2, add special effects and nerf certain aspects at the same time. (example: unlock shotgun has 20% more pellets, 20% less DMG, pushback effect and -60 percent clip size than the normal shotgun)

    Unlockables should be unlocked by gaining achievements for the class.

    Here is a few possible: i know there is a make-your-own achievement site somewhere, but i CBF finding it:

    General achievements:
    Commandant: Spend 10 hours commanding.
    For the greater good: score 50 or more rank points in a single game.
    Game ender: Destroy 15 command vehicles.
    For the Empire: Win 3 games in a row as BE.
    For Jekotia: Win 3 games in a row as NF.
    Leader of men: Earn 1,000 lifetime squad points as a squad leader.
    Informer: Give 2,000 targets as a commander.
    LISTEN TO ME!: Spend two hours talking.
    Marathon runner: sprint more than 1KM in a single life
    Team work merit 1: score 1,000 lifetime rank points
    Team work merit 2: score 5,000 lifetime rank points
    Team work merit 3: Score 10,000 lifetime rank points

    Grenadier achievements:
    Ohh, a pie- *boom* : Have 150 of your mines detonated by enemies.
    Tank killer: Destroy 5 vehicles in a single life.
    Demolition expert: Destroy 5 turrets in a single life.
    Indirect fire: Kill 5 enemies with the mortar when they are over 30 Meters away.
    Rocket sniper: Kill an enemy infantry unit with your rocket launcher when the distance is over 100M.
    Anti-tank expert: Have 500 lifetime vehicle kills.
    If you built it... : Destroy 500 buildings.

    Engineer achievements:
    You are alright, comrade! : Revive 10 players in one life.
    Man's best friend : Heal 1500 health in one life.
    Vehicle's best friend: Repair 1500 hull points in one life.
    Second hand killer : kill 10 enemies with one turret.
    Let me *fix* you up : Kill an enemy with your repair tool.
    Construction worker: Earn 1,000 lifetime construction points.
    No harm done: Play an entire round as engineer earning at least 30 points without dealing any damage.
    Ammo here! : Drop 500 ammo crates.

    Rifleman achievements:
    Bullet magnet: survive 1000 points of damage in a single life.
    Dakka dakka dakka... : deal 1000 damage in a single life.
    Last resort: killing an enemy with your pistol when all other weapons have no ammo.
    Nice catch! : survive a direct RPG hit.
    Dealer of ammunition: Have 5,000 bullets hit enemies over your career.
    Tank: Take 100,000 points of damage.
    Sticky death: Sticky grenade two enemy infantry men in one life.
    Need a bazooka for this shit! : destroy 100 enemy vehicles.

    Scout achievements:
    Ninja: Spend 1 hour cloaked in a lifetime.
    Saboteur: Sabotage 200 buildings.
    Silent assassin: punch 150 people to death while cloaked.
    I am not here: Capture 50 flags while cloaked.
    The heat is on: Sticky stun 25 vehicles that gets destroyed within 10 seconds.
    Spot on: Earn 100 lifetime 'spot then die' points.
    Scunt: Get 100 kills with the scout rifle.
    Close and personal: Get 10 kills in one life with the shotgun.

    I realise these achievements seem a bit harsh to get... i will think about it for a while.

    Now, to unlockables:

    We have two options. One, is just remove all the secondary weapon choices and make them unlockables, and/or keep them, and make new weapons. I am going to presume the mixed choices for the purposes of this thread.

    Grenadier unlockables:

    IT-52 Advanced anti-vehicle weapon.
    20% Less ammunition.
    20% Slower reload speed.
    10% Slower flight speed.

    30% Greater damage.

    'volcano' Mines.
    50% less damage to vehicles. (100 dmg to infantry)
    no splash radius.
    50% less ammunition.

    Overheats vehicles that run over it.

    B-35T Flechette mortar
    20% Less ammunition (clips)
    40% Less damage
    20% slower reload speed

    Clip size: 2

    Engineer Unlockables:

    MX-355 advanced construction unit:
    30% less held charge
    Overheats with excessive usage

    40% Improved build speed

    'Defender' Sub machine gun:
    Essentially, the SMG2.

    Rifleman unlock:

    This is a tough one, as there are already 3 weapons. I am going to assume that we only get the standard assault rifle as the only starting weapon.

    BE Assault carbine:
    self- explanatory.

    NF 50.Cal Repeating rifle:
    also self-explanatory.

    Heavy machine gun:
    yet again...

    Heavy body armour:
    75% stamina reserves
    25% resistance to damage (instead of the standard 10)

    Scout unlocks:

    Yet again, this is assuming that he only has the SMG1 to start with.

    Imperial Arms DZ-55 shotgun
    The planned shotgun : )

    Striker sabotage unit (in built as a different set of binoculars):
    20 second recharge
    Instant building sabotage

    Anyway, here is what i think. And the system for the unlocks are as follow:
    earning one of the class achievements will earn you a point. A general achievement will earn you half a point.

    The first unlock can be chosen when you reach 1 points, and then 3 then 6 points of that specific class.

    So, an example. You have done 2 general achievements, 2 Grenadier achievements and 4 engineer achievements.
    You will have 3 Grenadier points and 5 Engineer points! (2 grenadier achievements = 2 points, + 2 General achievements worth half a point each. Work the engineer one out yourself :))

    But wait, how do you know what to unlock?? Here is the solution: Field upgrades!

    Firstly, you have to be in a squad.

    It is very, VERY simple. Whenever the squad earns 10 points (squad power points), you get a field upgrade! You can temporarily choose an unlock to 'try before you buy' so to say. The field upgrade only lasts for that round: so get working with your squad!

    So, i am going to go to sleep now. Have fun discussing!

    Moar ideas will follow soon. Stay tuned!
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2009
  2. dizzyone

    dizzyone I've been drinking, heavily

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  3. -=SIP=-

    -=SIP=- Member

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    Please never add something like this.

    It will result in less teamwork, because people try to get the achievements.

    And teamwork is the main part of Empires. Being the godlike heavy tank driver can be usefull in the same way as being the engineer camping at main base.

    Also good players will stuck together even more, because then they get achievements much faster. Maybe some will banish noobs from their team, because they are bad for achievements.
  4. blizzerd

    blizzerd Member

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    teamwork promoting achievements... ;)
  5. LordDz

    LordDz Capitan Rainbow Flowers

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    Depends on it. Things like "repair without dealing damage" "get 100 scunt kills"

    Would seriously hurt your team.
  6. Morcam

    Morcam Member

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    Hah, you ripped some of this off battlefield.

    I can't say I particularly like the achievements, although the field upgrades sound decent.
  7. SirSnipes

    SirSnipes Member

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    i like this
  8. Meliarion

    Meliarion Member

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    I think that the achievements are nice but having unlockable weapons is just not a good idea. Even if all the weapons were balanced perfectly there will still be cases where you lose because you brought the wrong weapon to a fight, even though you did not have the potion of taking the right one.

    This will really be evident when you get the new rifleman trying to lay down suppressive fire with his assault rifle because he does not have access to any other guns. When you try to organise a squad to set up that ninja barracks but realise that not everyone has the advanced construction unit and will therefore build it slower.

    By increasing differences between new people and veterans in not just skill but also equipment choices you make it harder for new people to be useful and encourage stacking. Who wants to play on a team with new people who only have standard equipment when you can play with people who have rapid build tools, long range carbines, insta-sabotage and mines which disable vehicles? It will make commanding or detailed teamwork harder as you will not be able to assume that every player has every gun and will need to spend valuable time working out who has what weapon. Trying to set up a killzone for tanks using volcano mines is not much good if the grenadier in question does not have them.

    Tying it into squads will encourage some squad work, but mostly it will encourage squad point farming. Also the people who will use it the most will be the ones with the most achievements, i.e. the veterans, exactly the sort of people who shouldn't need to be told the benefits of sticking with their squad.
  9. CptnobviousIII

    CptnobviousIII Member

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    need an achievment for rage not sure how this would work but you need an achievment for rage [perhaps like tf2's wtfbbq]
  10. Tovarich Cookie

    Tovarich Cookie Member

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    as far as i am concerned these weapons are just a different means to the same end... and this is meant to be a speculation / input your weapon idea / input your achievement idea thread, not to actually discuss the impact in game.

    I jsut want you guys to put your own weapons/ achievements in.
  11. Metal Smith

    Metal Smith Member

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    If you don't want individuals in your gaming, go play starcraft.

    At least starcraft has exact formula's where x number of y units with z upgrades will always win against target A.

    There is no inherent deunification of a team that comes with stats or achievements. How many people will join a free mod with a tight closed off community to brag that they got the 100 scunt kills achievement?

    Everyone in the empires community hates dumbasses who don't play as a team, adding achievements won't make people want to brag to this particular community about not being a team player, as it will get them black listed forever and a day.

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