Mercenary Merchant?

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Rexz, Dec 3, 2007.

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  1. Rexz

    Rexz Member

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    Do maybe each team can have their own weapon/supply dealer guy. The shop locate right next to the ammo/healh resupply place.

    I'm getting this idea from Savage btw. A game with very similiar game play compare to this mod.

    So each time you kill someone, you get a certain amount of credit, the credit maybe the same for every kill, or maybe depend on the person who you kill (kill a high rank person = more credits, or something like that)

    You can use these credit to trade in for different stuff, such as a better armor for your guy, health pack, weapon modification. That kinda stuff.

    What do ya think? Only problem though might be adding it, or comming up with ideas for a decent amount of stuff to put in it. :3
  2. The Buttery Lobster

    The Buttery Lobster Drama Queen.

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    /me facepalms.

    In the current game: every kill or objective accomplished gives you a point. Every ten points you get a new skill, such as better armor for your guy, more health, weapon modification. That kind of stuff.

    I didn't say I'd like the suggestions, I just said you should make em. :D
  3. mr_quackums

    mr_quackums Member

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    or not making this game like every other game out there

    or making it fit withen the empires universe (why would BE need to buy anything from anyone, and who would sell to NF)

    or finding an excuse to make this neccicary (between getting skills and BUYING TANKS, who needs to buy a flak jacket)
  4. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    Ooh nice try, but no cigar :p Keep on trying tho, genuinely people have struck gold (like the tooltip and handbrake suggestions)
  5. Private Sandbag

    Private Sandbag Member

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    This thread deserves a proper burial, instead of this laughing at him. I gotta say mate, this isn't gunna happen, it's not even likely. it's right up there with mechs.

    BUT it is a good idea, in the sense that it's an interesting and possibly workable idea. Don't get disheartened if people don't all jump at it.

    oh, and did I hear someone wisper "infantry research/upgrades?" oh yeah, it was me. that idea should get a revival big style.
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