Mark each vehicle with builders name. The name can be displayed while you are in the driving seat. Pros: You know if the vehicle that you are driving is yours. Also, you can track down the sucker that stole your tank and fack them in the oss. Cons... One more variable for the tanks, coder time
One way to customize your tank, and a way I got a stolen tank back was unique weapon binds. I always have all my weapons binded to the 6th slot never 1.
Make it similar to how turrets work. Just some text in the UI. I'm sick of your bullshit avatars anyway.
I support this. Unreal Tournament 2004 had your name on the plate at the back, was pretty cool. I support it again.
Hey you, your name is cool, make me a tank. Code: alias "tankname" "setinfo name Badass Muthafucka" alias "myname" "setinfo name Demented" bind "=" "tankname; buildpresettank; myname"
im for, is pretty cool and makes abuse pretty detectable would be ultra cool if combined with your steam avvie