Escort style map... except your to escort a com tank to the end to win. Now with the ability to swap bases we can have either side play as the escort. (Speaking of which... can escort have NF swap in now???) Premise: The enemy is closing in on your compound and you are surrounded. Your formation has been ordered to evacuate. There is only one way out left. Secure the route and move out!
not sure if flags would swap correctly, i think it only switches entities. and even if they do, you get tickets via triggers and chances theyd not work is really high.
We are talking in essence of escort with... com tank and no flag victory. You HAVE to drive the com to a certain area to win. Your team needs to clear out the route like you would in emp_escort and keep it safe while you drive the com tank to the end. Victory for the defending team can only be had by holding out till timer ends or destroying the enemy com. Ticket victory not wanted. The attackers can have one or two spawn points that can not be gotten into nor captured. Walls will of course be disabled. Although there will be plenty of barrier walls that can be built. This will make it difficult to win if the escorting team doesn't have their shit together and keeps the enemy off the com when they decide to roll it down the street/road/path. Ticket wise, I would like to see the tickets start low for the attacking team but, have a low positive flow since they are slowly surrounding the enemy compound. 1 every 10 seconds?
1. Add Comm vehicle to emp_escort 2. ??? 3. GAMEPLAY. I think if comm vehicle dies, you always lose, even on emp_escort.
that wont work -> fall back to last flag, wait for cv, kill it. its too easy, you either get it stuck on a turret or throw stunstickies down, grens do the rest ... i dont see this working on emp_escort, if its supposed to work it needs a special map and even then its questionable - balancing the very last flag will be incredibly hard, if you make it too wide you can just run through no matter what, if its too tight engis or scouts will get you. for the rest escort would work as is, as you could just hang back a flag and would be in relative safety ... buuuut, i always dreamt of a asymetric map aswell. not escort though. one side would have a prebuilt base inside some fortifications that favors them*, the other is invading with a cv. the prebuilt base guys have good amount of income (from ref spots) but no starting res and only limited tickets, the attacking team has virtually unlimited tickets, some start resources, not overly much but something to get an attack rolling and no income till they capture the first ref spot. also, since the defenders wont have a comm, theyll have preset research - id say good mediums from start, at least compo, coolant (i know), hecn, bioml, ... you tell me, i dont really care, as long as its limited but not crap later - the other team would have no research but a commander and wouldnt be limited in research at all. tbh, i actually would want a map like emp_echelon for that ... *the further they get pushed back the more their terrain advantage should get. edit: oh yeah i forgot, ofc it needs flags so the attackers can win - for the defenders its classic empires victory condiditons :D