Learn 2 Tolerance, Britain!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ImSpartacus, Nov 14, 2013.


Best description of diversity acceptance in Britain?

  1. [img]http://i.imgur.com/yzUodAm.gif[/img]

  2. [img]http://i.imgur.com/pBUDolH.gif[/img]

  3. [img]http://i.imgur.com/rue1t.gif[/img]

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. ImSpartacus

    ImSpartacus nerf spec plz

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    I was kind of upset by this video that I saw on reddit or somewhere.

    Free speech doesn't care if your protest subject has no rational grounding. I don't care about that shit. That has nothing to do with their motives.

    One of their group was arrested because her spouse committed a terrorist act two years before. I didn't hear that the two had colluded in this terrorist act. It sounds like the woman was arrested just because she was married to this terrorist two years before.

    So her friends got pissed. And since they are in urban-hippy-land, they protest. They yell all sorts of crazy stuff about how the police will go to hell because of the sinful act of arresting the woman. However, they don't physically damage any people or property. That's a peaceful protest in my book.

    But the british racist woman didn't really complain about the protest, itself. She uses the word "muslim" to describe the group, I'd say this is solely about her religious bigotry.

    I wasn't surprised that there's a racist woman with access to a video camera. All places have some people that are intolerant fucks.

    I was surprised that reactions ranged from "meh" to whole-hearted agreement. While a few individuals might be racists, I expect the collective people to be welcoming, especially in hippy Euro-land.

    It got on reddit's front page with a title that supported the bigoted woman. I live in a pretty rural part of Midwest Murica and I've never been in any community that publicly supports discrimination like that. What. The. Fuck.

    Luton is urban. The rest of Britain is a very population-dense, urban-ish island. Surely they couldn't support this kind of intolerance on a large scale. Right?
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2013
  2. D.D.D. Destroyer

    D.D.D. Destroyer Member Staff Member Moderator

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    Of course it is it's foggy there 24/7
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2013
  3. BigTeef

    BigTeef Bootleg Headshot master

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    You expect a country of people who invented and modernized racism to act tolerant to the various colors and ethnicity that are immigrating to their country?

    You expect a nation that arguably stood around longer than any other has, that has been attacked by every single person in the world at some point in history, stood against invasion after invasion attempts to be nice and cheerful to outsiders?

    Fuck no, they were born to be isolationists at heart, and they were cultured and bred that way.
    They hate everybody because everyone took a shit on that at some point in time.
    It's in their DNA and its subtly mentioned in the back of their heads.

    If you want to combat their racism.
    Give the Irish, and scottish money and you will see how regretful they are when they go on hate campaigns.
  4. ImSpartacus

    ImSpartacus nerf spec plz

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    Britain was (is?) an imperialist nation. That's kind of the opposite of an isolationist nation...
  5. BigTeef

    BigTeef Bootleg Headshot master

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    You are aware there that the majority of it's citizens hate their government.
    And riots happen frequently.

    Also you didn't read the part that says
    "They were born to be isolationists at heart."
    There is a separation of citizens and government, what the gov want doesn't reflect what it's citizens want.

    They won and reaped the rewards of all their wars and conflicts and kept their spoils and arguably changed them for the better.
    Us and India are the only people who didn't tolerate their bullshit and forcefully made them leave.
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2013
  6. Sitka

    Sitka Member

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    I thought we already established that sarcasm went in boltalics
  7. Candles


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  8. Freaknovich

    Freaknovich Member

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    guys put some clothes on srsly ur naked
  9. Mahtipakarat

    Mahtipakarat Member

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    I thought there was a difference between tolerance and sticking up with bullshit you don't like.

  10. Fooshi

    Fooshi For fuck's sake Fooshi

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    omg merica pls
  11. Beerdude26

    Beerdude26 OnThink(){ IsDownYet(); }

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  12. A-z-K

    A-z-K Member

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    Firstly there is no place in any Western democracy for any religious extremism.

    Secondly luckily we have mobilised our most eloquent and knowledgeable public speakers to counter the muslamic threat
  13. Beerdude26

    Beerdude26 OnThink(){ IsDownYet(); }

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    That is the most deliciously white trash video I have ever seen
  14. Fooshi

    Fooshi For fuck's sake Fooshi

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    Dem mossies comin' to my cunrie, ye, takin aw jobs inni fukin rite m8
  15. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    I'm sorry, what? We had one set of riots a couple of years ago, and that's pretty much it. Sure, we have protests just like any country, but riots? Nope.

    While I didn't watch the video due to lack of bandwidth available (so I don't know how bad it actually is), I can say that it cuts both ways. We have areas in the UK that have been (illegally) declared "Sharia zones", in which anyone who walks in smoking, drinking, playing music, or as a woman who isn't dressed "appropriately", they'll essentially be attacked by the people there. It's pretty atrocious. The police won't go near it because it'll just stoke racial tensions.

    I've been working across the Middle East now for over 2 years, as well as spending time here previously. Honestly, the Muslims in this area aren't anything compared to the radicalists we get in the UK and parts of Europe. Most of the guys over here think the ones we have in Europe are batshit insane as well, not to mention they point out a lack of respect for the country they're in. They blame them for the bad press Muslims get in general.
  16. Freaknovich

    Freaknovich Member

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    Religion is the best scapegoat for douche bags to be "given the right" to behave like douche bags.
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2013
  17. McGyver

    McGyver Experimental Pedagogue

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    Lol Mahti, so much truth drawn so simply.
  18. BigTeef

    BigTeef Bootleg Headshot master

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    The UK has had a riot every single year from 09 to 11, and according to my friend who works apart of security for a bank in the downtown area he has been asked to suppress at-least 6 incidents for when he volunteered to the riot squads, and to stop these incidents before turning into full blown riots.

    If your country has zones where people will get attacked because of religious differences then you have a right to mobile the military and stop the bullshit, especially when yours is small and an island. We mobilzed the national guard when the jim crow started to attack black students, and we mobilized when gang violence got to a ridiculous point. Tell your gov to stop fucking cherry picking and solve this shit before a whole racial war begins over nothing.

    You don't want to experience a similar attack that is 9/11 because it will change how your gov works from the ground up and turn everyone into god fearing wimps.

    They need to share this technology with the world, everyone needs a ray gun.
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2013
  19. Devourawr

    Devourawr Member

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    People who discuss issues of tolerance and race usually miss the real issue.
    Race doesn't matter, so those who say it does can be written off and ignored. The real issue is self-segregation and multiculturalism.

    If you're black, asian, indian, south american, or any of the other subhuman categories, nobody gives a shit. But if you're a third generation immigrant who somehow still knows English as a second language and only interacts with those outside your culture only when necessary, there's a problem. Lack of integration is what harms a society. When people come to a country, they should be looking at the country and saying 'Wow, the people there have a much better life, I want to have a life like that', rather than 'Wow, the people there have some cool infrastructure, I want to live my current life with those things included.'

    Think of that cool asian friend you have. He's exactly like everybody else, just with straight black hair, brown eyes, maybe not as tall as everyone else, although if he has been eating the same food as you his whole life, he probably will be. He's successfully integrated because he has been brought up in the culture of everyone surrounding him, with only some influence of his parent's/home country's culture.
    Now think of that acquaintance you know of. He has a foreign accent, even though he was born here. He doesn't socialize much, and when he does, it's only with those like him. He never really goes out, just focuses on his courses, because his parents have brought him up to think that education is the most important thing in the world. He hasn't integrated into a new culture, he just happens to have the same citizenship that you do. That's unsuccessful integration.

    The 'Impose Sharia Law on the UK' crowd are the same deal. When you immigrate to a country, you should be trying to emulate the people of that country, seeing as you're trying to officially become one. When you don't, you get Muslim riots and protests like we've been having the past few years, from people who have gone about integrating the wrong way; not just keeping all aspects of your culture, but attempting to impose it upon others.
    That's not to say that when people immigrate, they should simply forget everything else except conformity. That's absurd and way too much to ask. But there is a limit if you want to be a successful member of society.

    Just for the sake of racial fairness, think of 'niggers' vs 'black people'. You know there's a difference, because people who aren't black can still be niggers. And black people aren't niggers. The difference is cultural integration.
  20. ImSpartacus

    ImSpartacus nerf spec plz

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    Of course. Any kind of extremism is probably bad and should be outlawed.

    But how do you find extremists to enforce the law? It seems like you'd have to target stereotypically traditional muslims and that's racist.

    It's a lot like racists in the US that suggest lethal force on any illegal Mexican immigrants crossing the US-Mexican border. How could you possibly know if someone is an illegal immigrant before you shoot them?! Brown skin doesn't cut it.

    Likewise, after Japan's Pearl Harbor attack in Hawaii, more than 100,000 Japanese-looking people were imprisoned just because they looked Japanese. Almost 2/3 of them were fucking US citizens. And it was a popular law!!!

    So while it sounds cute to say that you want to remove all of the extremists, but you just can't do it without getting your own citizens. That's unacceptable.

    There's no difference between tolerance and "sticking up with bullshit you don't like" as long as it is legal.

    The "stuff you don't like" is literally the only reason that tolerance is important. It's easy to put up with the "stuff you like."

    A cute, white, well-dressed british woman walks with a peaceful ~100-person predominantly-muslim protest. She eventually taunts one of the protesters with the standard religious contradictions that you or I know well.

    The protester reacts in the emotionally vulnerable manner that is common among religious people that are in it for the culture & community, not the theology. A few more cool-minded protesters make the woman stop acting like a douchebag.

    Basically, she acts like a southern american hillybilly around black people. That's the vibe, I got.

    That's insane. I've never heard of that before.

    I can't believe it, but I think the US is the exact opposite (at least in Europe-caliber population densities). Instead of cordoning off cultures that we don't accept, we slurp that shit up.


    I went to school in Columbus OH. Columbus is the second largest Somali refugee site in all of the US. I frequently shopped near one of the larger Somali neighborhoods in the city. Just a few miles away was an LDS (Mormon) Temple. There are only like 100 of them in the world, so it's kind of a big deal. Columbus didn't have "Sharia Zones" where the Somalis live or "LDS Zones" near the temple. Why can't Europe be that way?
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2013

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