keys unbinding

Discussion in 'Support' started by Lanic, Jul 3, 2006.

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  1. Lanic

    Lanic Member

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    this started happening after i patched 1.06. i went into the game and normally when i play i have crouch bound to the alt key, i noticed when i patched to 1.06 it set it back to the default ctrl key so i rebounded it to alt. after about 10 minutes of play i was trying to switch weapons (primary to secondary) and none of the number keys worked. after i died i look at my controls and saw that weapon keys 1-4 had nothing bound to them. so i rebounded them and respawned but still had the same issue. so i asked in game if anyone know what was going on and the admin(console on the official server) told me to delete my config_backup.cfg file and it should fix the issue, so i exited out deleted it(still in my recycle bin) and went back into game. i still had the issue when i got back in but i noticed in my console that i kept getting the message "cannot write to userconfig.cfg" so i exited once more and went to see if i could find this file. when i went into the empire directory there was no userconfig.cfg. im not vary familiar with the files but i know know there normally text files that just say what key does what, so i created a text document named it userconfig and gave it the .cfg extention and went back in changed the controls and tried to apply. This time i got a message saying the file was larger then 20mb. this is where im lost, this kinda fixed the issue but it still happens from time to time. has anyone had this issue or is there in log file i can send in to help find a resolution?
  2. MrBojangl3s

    MrBojangl3s Member

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    I have not heard of this issue before, once Krenz sees this post he should look into it.

    When you say "patched 1.06" do you mean you patched TO 1.06, or patched 1.06 to 1.061 (there is another patch out now)?
  3. Lanic

    Lanic Member

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    i mean the official one i havet had any problems while in the com. additionaly this also happened at friends house but his was a fresh install (the 1.0 then patched to 1.06) and he had the same issue of unbinding while i was playing on his computer.
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