Jeeps (useless or useless?)

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by FishThePirate, Dec 18, 2007.

  1. FishThePirate

    FishThePirate Member

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    So we all know the scenario; some nub buys a jeep, races to the front, sees some ammoz or gets shot in the face and abandons the jeep. 80 res down the drain, right? We all pass the jeep with disdain, not even wanting to be seen in one for fear of ridicule. As it is, jeeps don't really have any practical purpose (they aren't even faster than other vehicles).

    Here are my suggestions to make jeeps moar useful and less a tool of nubbdom:

    1. Make the jeep able to stock up on ammo that it can carry to the front. The jeep would make a stop by the armoury and could load up on (say) two boxes worth of ammo then people at the front could actually use it (this would also be useful to tanks, since the jeep could move and keep pace with them).

    2. Along with the ammo maybe it could deploy one unbuilt turret. Maybe the deployment would be controlled by the driver or maybe if an engineer richt-clicked the jeep it would give him the little green turret thing in front of his face so he could place it.

    (Also, the idea of having a manned-turret on the back has already been suggested a lot and I think the devs are considering implementing it eventually in the future, so no one needs to suggest this idea)

    These were just quick ideas, anyone else have ways to make jeeps less of a useless nubmobile?
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2007
  2. Andariel

    Andariel Member

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    faster amphibious and a turret on it with a 2 slot mg is my vote on it (and as much as ive read it gets a turret)
  3. Solokiller

    Solokiller Member

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    I believe DonMegel already made a jeep model with ammo in it, and one with a lvl 1 turret on it. And Andariel, try using proper spelling please :)
  4. FishThePirate

    FishThePirate Member

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    Well, bravo then. I'm behind the times I guess.
  5. Slamz

    Slamz Member

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    Just remove the armor, give it a standard engine with no option to switch it out and either no weapon or something crappy like an automated level 1 MG turret.

    The point of the jeep, IMO, is to get a small team to a location quickly and cheaply. Where it gets ridiculous is when someone makes a jeep with the best engine and full composite armor, jacking up the price like 5x for no good reason.

    (Although I have always wanted to try a jeep with an engineer driver and 3 grenadier passengers firing missiles at enemy tanks. Tanks have a hard time hitting jeeps without homing missiles.)
  6. Superlagg

    Superlagg Member

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    On that note, if a Nader is in any vehicle and shoots a missile at a tank, if the vehicle moves even slightly the missile does a fancy arc in the air into the nearest tree. I say this because If its hard to be a rocket turret on an APC, it'd probably be so too in a jeep.

    i like the idea of the jeep with an ammo box on the back, maybe floating, and an option between a machine gun or 2 extra seats. Makes it seem useful, especially if it has DUMG or plasmaMG.
  7. mif

    mif Member

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    Ammo box on jeep is a great idea.
    Btw maybe put on jeep health crate? Unbalanced, but if it will be expensive? This will make jeep really necessary.
  8. Pod

    Pod Member

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    Isane idea purely devised for the fun of it:

    How about we allow the game to have nukes. Not nuke-tipped shells. Actual 500,000TW blasters that leave a massive, massive crater. Then we change the jeeps to be like the one in Episode 2 -- y'know, with the slot on the back for the sticky bomb?

    .....Actually, maybe not.

    BTW: My view of jeeps is that their main problem is that when you get to the place you're going, you get out and leave them :/ Can they not be scrapped? Also, I used a jeep to great effect the other day. On that snowy conquer map, my team were hemmed into their final area bit. We couldn't get out. I thought "fuck this", got in a jeep and razzed it past their entire team -- which crapped itself. Both APCs immediatley turned around and gave chase. When I reached THEIR spawn point, I planned on sabotaging their VF or capping a flag or something annoying, but two wiley people had respawn there on purpose meaning I shortly died.
    Still, for two and a half minutes there were two apcs not at the front line.
  9. Andariel

    Andariel Member

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    my spell check doesn't see anything, sorry, but im advanced enough to use the features my web browser has
  10. Cyber-Kun

    Cyber-Kun Member

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    He means grammar. Your grammar sucks, your spelling is fine. Almost. im is not a word however I'm is


    Also Jeeps are meant to go to point A to point B quickly.
    Thats what a jeep is. However giving it some ammo is fine.
  11. Andariel

    Andariel Member

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    oh i know he meant my grammar, actually to be exact, it is the punctuation which is the biggest problem
  12. Superlagg

    Superlagg Member

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    You got half of that right.

    Thing is, while jeeps are opnly sued to get from A to B really really fast, once they are at B they become useless, whereas every other vehicle never stops being useful. APCs, you can spawn in them; Tanks, they blow shit up; Arties, they also blow shit up, but from farther away. Jeeps need to be as useful as the other vehicles, because a tank or an APC can get you and 7 other people, 4 times that of a BE jeep, from A to B in one piece with a good enough engine, with the added bonus of being less blow-up-able, more blow-you-up-able, and costing less for the amount of use they give.

    In short, jeeps need to be as useful as the other vehicles, not just a faster, more dangerous APC without guns, seats, or spawn-points.
  13. Black_out

    Black_out Member

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    Jeeps Aren't useless, there probably the best vehicle in the game since it cheap, fast, expendable, can run over infantry, can distract tanks, can run into tanks and made them fall off ledges and into water, can be armed with a sticky so when you get your jeep stuck you can throw some sticky and cause there tank to explode.
  14. Kadreal

    Kadreal Member

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    The NF jeep is a great way to get a crack squad of troops in position before the enemy APC shows up. Nothing makes the enemy quite as sad as having to deal with an entrenched level 3 MG turret on crossroads before the game has really even started.
  15. mr_quackums

    mr_quackums Member

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    jeeps are good in well organized teams for certain situations. the problem is that they cost too much to be used for anything else. i like the idea of giving jeeps 0/0 layers of armor on all sides, and only using standard engines, that way they can be still be used for team functions and it doesnt hurt offensive capabilities too much because as is a jeeps primary defense is size/agility.

    btw, my favorite jeep incident was on isle where we had about 200 res, com was saving for APC, and some guy was spamming the commander asking for a jeep. after the APC was made the com unlocked the VF and he immediately spawns a jeep and drives it a whole 100 yards then gets out and starts to fight.
  16. Private Sandbag

    Private Sandbag Member

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    boy, i really laughed a lot at that first post... that was genius.

    jeeps are quite useful if you want to go to around the map, picking up all the resource nodes your team left behind, and you don't want every noob seeing the spawn point of the APC you should have bought and spawning miles away from where they're useful.

    in every other situation, get an APC. even if it has no guns and no armour. get an APC.
  17. o_O

    o_O Member

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    I am sure an elite squad in a (NF faction) jeep is a powerful force, but if they just buy a tank or APC instead then the vehicle remains useful until it is destroyed and the squad has more options in case the enemy chooses not to roll over and die. The Blue Jeep has two seats I believe. If you want to get people somewhere buy an AFV or an APC, which you can actually fit people in. If you want to get there alive put armor on it, if you want to kill dudes on the way put a gun on it. If you want to distract a tank... just kill it instead with an AFV and a grenadier rocket turret.
  18. Kadreal

    Kadreal Member

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    The idea with the jeep on crossroads is two fold.

    -The team that holds the middle generally wins.
    -The jeep can get to the middle faster then the enemy apc thus giving you valuable seconds to set up defenses.

    My person favorite is to get up on the roof nearest BE with 1 engineer with upgrade turret, 1 with adv repairs, along with a grenadier and either a rifleman or engineer with revive depending on what people wanna do. You can get into the building typically before the APC even shows up. Toss a mine down the ladder and with the two engineers (one with adv repairs) you can literally have a level 3 MG turret that covers all approaches up within 30 seconds. This prevents the enemy from getting a solid foot hole in the middle. Combined with mine spam down the ladder, grenadier to take out any pesky MLs they set up to shoot your turret and the amazing repair output of the two engineers. You have one very tough nut to crack.

    Now if we were to take an apc instead, we'd meet the enemy in the middle. At which point getting up into the building without losing anyone is no longer guarenteed.
  19. Sayton

    Sayton Member

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    Anyone else who thinks the position of the steering wheel should be changed to the left side?
  20. Pod

    Pod Member

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    Nope :)

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