I've been racking my brain about the scout class. . .

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Wilson, Sep 27, 2008.

  1. Wilson

    Wilson Member

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    I've been racking my brain about the scout class over the past week, trying to come up with some constructive ideas of how to improve it to make it more useful. Here's some points I've come up with.

    1. Sabotaged buildings should appear on the minimap. This would make the scout work great together with grenadiers/arty.

    2. Slight adjustment to hide. Increase the effectivenesss but also increase the time it takes to fade. This would make it easier for the scout to infiltrate the enemy base, but he would be more exposed if he engaged in combat.

    3. Tank traps. Add a new explosive to the scouts list: The tanks trap. (I have lost count of how many times as a scout I've managed to sneak up on a engineer repairing his tank and kill him, but then have to leave the empty tank without accomplishing anything really). It would only work on empty tanks( not CV ofc) and I have 2 different suggestions of how it would work.
    a. The next time someone enter the tank it explodes.
    b. The next time the tank overheats it explodes.

    4. The scout should somehow be able to find out the enemys research tree, asweell what they are currently researching( in one way or another)

    5. Buff sabotage. For instance i think that sabbed VFs and armorys should be completely useless (cant even change class/vechile loadout), and make it impossible to switch class in a sabbed rax.
  2. Empty

    Empty Member

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    All suggested before. Most are okay, but it's not going to really change much.
  3. blizzerd

    blizzerd Member

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    4. The scout should somehow be able to find out the enemys research tree, asweell what they are currently researching( in one way or another)

    i am for an all revealing binoculars that can spy on the enemy with context sencitive information as you point it at an enemy (point at a rader = ongoing research, point at vf = enabled research, point at barracks is what classes players are revealed, point at cv = who is commander, point at tank = installed equipment, etc...

    i guess you guys can figure the rest of what i mean out by yourself
  4. ScardyBob

    ScardyBob Member

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    Not bad ideas, but this is like rearranging deck chairs on the titanic. The scout currently has no 'niche' which makes it useful and complimentary to the other classes and overall gameplay. I think the first step is to figure out what should be the overriding purpose of the scout and then fill in the weapons/skills/abilities/etc.

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