infantry tech

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Avair, Dec 24, 2007.

  1. Avair

    Avair Member

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    where is the thread for this? anyway here are my suggestions to this
    -the infantry doesn't just spawn with the weapons, instead the commander supplies (buys) them for an armory and the infantry enter the armor and then check the weapons/armor out
    -weapon upgrades should be able to be picked up from dead infantry
    -the infantry tech should be part of the current tech line, ie: researching bio means you can research bio infantry tech, chemistry chemistry infantry tech etc

    if you think all of the above is bollocks then fine say so, Im not really opposed to infantry tech upgrading everyone automatically in any way as long as it's balanced against tanks res wise, ie you might as well buy tanks
  2. Emp_Recruit

    Emp_Recruit Member

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    TBH I think infantry tech should be seperate but like under improved det compounds there should be HE for 60 and upgraded grenadier weapons for 60 so there is a tradeoff but it isn't extreme and getting both is viable.
  3. Private Sandbag

    Private Sandbag Member

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    I agree, though put infantry research in places that currently arn't researched much at the moment.

    putting it next to HE is just too convenient. there's no real choice in going for one or the other.
  4. Andariel

    Andariel Member

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    I like the infantry tech but one of the things i like about this game is that you have a choice of armament to respawn with, so i personally disagree strong with making it only accessible by being buyed.

    I think infantry tech additional should be along the tank technology so that each group has a upgrade to the infantry once the tnaks upgrades got unlocked like he allows for improved rockets/mortars or a bigger machinegun/different mg type might unlock improved ammo for the weapons of the infantry (i imagine a bio/explosive hmg, if the devs like those ideas) or that composite armor gives each infantrymen 10% more damage resistant or regenerative regens some hp faster then the personal upgrade but those are just tossed out ideas in the hope the devs have better plans and ideas
  5. pedro0930

    pedro0930 Member

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    Don't put any stuff in chemistry please, it's already a must get research tree, really no need to make it even more powerful.
  6. Silvas

    Silvas Member

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    Here's an idea. Make infantry research exactly like vehicle research, with the exception of no new guns. Instead, upgrade things like accuracy, ammunition, armor, HUD, accessories, ect. And do it exactly the same way as vehicles in terms of acquiring technology. Put a screen in the Armory with customizable presets.

    Suggestions for upgrades: Bio-bullets, explosive tipped bullets, better armor, better grenades, bipods, nuke warheads for grenadiers, just about everything that vehicles can get. Definitely limit things like nuclear rocket launchers, but they could be devilishly useful. Or make scouts more useful with the ability to upgrade their ammo to anti-vehicular. When they shoot, it penetrates a few layers of armor (two maybe?) and hits the center killing if the vehicle health is yellow or red. Of course, the shooter would have to be stunned for a few seconds after shooting, and have a huge reload time, but heck, it would be worth it wouldn't it?:headshot:

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