Infantry armour research.

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Vulkanis, Feb 26, 2010.

  1. Vulkanis

    Vulkanis Banned

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    Considering that armour is used only by riflemen in both professional armies in the empires universe why dont we change that so that when you research a vehicle armour you're also researching a certain infantry armour for example,

    Absorbant armor is terrible on vehicles sure, but absorbant armor for kevlar I.E. it effectvly lets you take less damage from MGs, ARs, CARs, etc etc

    Regenerative armor is pretty good on vehicles but on infantry it just shields them from biological weapon afterburn, but it could be effective for stopping the radiation (splash damage) of a HIT missle, giving grens a chance against nuke heavies.

    Reflective is the BE first choice in vehicle armor usually, it would porbably just abosrb some explosive damage on infantry armor.

    composite is a beast for vehicles and infantry with composite augmented armour would just take ovrall less damage from everything.

    Reactive armor wouldn't do anything for infantry since it stops rockets by exploding "itself" makign the projecctile ricochet off its target, and that is intended to be on the hull of a tank rather then on the skin of a person...

    ALSO every class would use armor but the riflemens weapons are larger meaning all his armor effects are lesser then the other classes.
  2. Vaun

    Vaun Member

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    HAHAHA oh wow, there is no radiation, you're killed by the blastwave. Here, the nu- HIT missiles either completely break down their fissile material (uranium or plutonium most likely), or use non nuclear explosives.

    No, the rifleman is currently the only one with armor because he is supposed to be the main combat unit of his military, although iirc the gren does have some resistance to explosives. This would more or less remove the rifleman's overall effectiveness and make him about the same as a scout or engineer with an smg. Although this idea isnt necessarilly bad, it just needs some changes.
  3. blizzerd

    blizzerd Member

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    id like some "infantry augmentations" depending on what tank research you do
  4. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    I've always been against infantry research, unless it's for going against tanks, or a separate research to vehicle research that doesn't cost.

    If a team is losing, they still usually have an equal footing with infantry, but not tanks. This can still save them. If the other team has buffed infantry as well, then they're screwed. So infantry research dependant on tank research is bad imo.
  5. Vulkanis

    Vulkanis Banned

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    The vehicle armour research would also allow infantry to access the infantry arour variant free of charge no extra research required, Infantry research based on veh research is okay because the amours are specilized, while a team with reflective armour may be dominating with their tanks their infantry suffer because they have no resistance to bullets, while the team with absorbant armour is buying cheaper tanks and has tougher bullet proof infantry.
  6. RoboTek

    RoboTek Member

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    It is my belief that if there was a separate research for infantry upgrades, and these infantry upgrades did not give a large or clear advantage in infantry v infantry combat, this might be alright. Examples of possible upgrades include:

    More squad points.
    Small speed boosts.
    Small stamina boosts.
    Faster Building.
    Resistance to explosives.
    Resistance to vehicle weapons.
    Improved RPGs
    Improved Sticky-Grenades
    Improved infantry-placed missile turrets.

    I dislike the concept of this being directly tied to armor research, and I abhor the idea that this is tied to infantry vs infantry combat.
  7. Vulkanis

    Vulkanis Banned

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    Armour affects damage recieved on vehicles it shouldn't magically increase weapon damage on a infantry.

    Also the idea that you take a good vehicle armour means you're infantry suffer or vice versa provides some strategic decision making for you to make.
  8. Vaun

    Vaun Member

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    Is the armor infantry using selectable? because theres no real down side to composite, its light and rediculously durable, and ssuming infantry armor is free (which it obviously should be), is only expensive on tanks.
  9. Vulkanis

    Vulkanis Banned

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    if this was implemented the armour wouldn't take up a slot (up fro debate) it would be just selectable tab that can be set to all you're researched armors.

    Also composite does have a downside, it makes biological afterburn last longer.
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2010

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