Hey everyone i am currently working on a new map as a side project (i do multiple maps at the same time as to not get bored from one map) and i was wondering of you guys would give me some suggestions on the geometry of 2 scenery buildings i have for that map because i know you guys can be very critiquing and that is what i need atm :/ its going to be a map covering a few streets and alleys, and only the buildings in the center of he map are fully enterable (about 10 buildings, most of them apartment blocks and shops the buildings shown below will not be enter able, in fact the church cannot even be walked next to its just to give a nice view when you enter the higher buildings and the front side of the church will be seeable in the distance of an impassable street, and from the rooftops of come buildings the water tower will be seeable from some rooftops, and it will be possible to walk on a courtyard where it stands next to http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b386/blizzerd101/halflife/87ee49df.png the church, i am currently still making textures for the white parts, and will apply decals once in place http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b386/blizzerd101/halflife/08f3d8cf.png the water tower, basically this is how it will be placed in the map (need to decolor/remove detail from/nodraw the backside once i know what sides can be seen
Very cool, especially the tower. The texture tiling on the front of the church is ugly, though, and I don't think that can all be fixed with decals. And they better be featured prominently in the map, otherwise they might actually be too detailed.
actually they are not prominent at all, thats why the church looks a bit tily at the bottom because they are for making the skyline
Looks good so far! And awesome if you've only been working on it a day or two. No doubt that it will compare easily with commercial game graphics with a little bit of work.