Idea for Scouts

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by km_, Apr 7, 2008.

  1. km_

    km_ Member

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    I know that most classes can select their weapons/grenades, like Engineers have 2 smgs, Riflemen have 3 rifles, I dont know what Grenadiers get. But all Scouts get are different grenades, one of which is a sticky stun, which I dont know if it works on vehicles or not (if it does then cool, i never picked them before).

    Why can't we get different sniper rifles for the scouts?

    One idea is to get a sniper rifle that lets us damage vehicles. Would be like having a rifle with Depleted Uranium, but a bit more powerful and less hazardous to carry (no need of gettin a 3rd nipple while trying to snipe. Depleted Uranium only works properly if coming from a machine gun or heavy machine gun.)

    You can upgrade the ammo type with research too (possible along the same tech tree as tank's rail gun ammo)

    Hell yea, a portable rail gun. Since its just bullets, and not rockets, the bullet trail will not be as big as the tank's rail gun bullets.

    And with the weapon, it wont have that much effect on infantry as it does with tanks. Maybe 3 shots before reload, 24 total shots? Letting you reload 8 times.
  2. dizzyone

    dizzyone I've been drinking, heavily

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    I enjoy reading suggestions for the scout, I also like the idea of a depleted uranium rifle,

    but damn dude you're gonna get flamed...
  3. CyberKiller

    CyberKiller Nyooks!

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    They get SMG1 & SMG2 as well.
  4. Shinzon

    Shinzon Member

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    The scout was never intened to be a sniper...

    Your ideas have been discussed to death before, search for "Recoilless Rifle" pretty much what you are saying...

    They already have 2 other SMG's, if you think they are crap, watch dorito lord play...
  5. km_

    km_ Member

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    I forgot about their SMGs, neck deep in work at work, plus i never select them, so i overlooked them. My bad.

    I didnt say scouts were crap, i play one all the time as a sniper. And I didnt say anything about a recoilless rifle, mainly just about his weapon selection.

    Now that I remember they get 2 different SMGs, whats the point in having 2 classes with SMG? The main difference in the classes is one can build, and another can hide/sabotage. From all the movies/games I have seen with scout/snipers, i never seen them with an smg.

    I still say a researchable gun that does damage to tanks as a rail gun would be awesome.
  6. Shinzon

    Shinzon Member

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    I agree that scouts need a weapon to directly damage tanks...

    on the SMG's

    They have 3 weapons; 1 long range, 1 medium range, 1 close range... The SMG's are ballanced a bit diffrently, so the whole selection covres the entire range. Just because it's an SMG doesn't mean that its not diffrent :p
  7. Sherbie

    Sherbie Member

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    Stun stickies are kinda useful in a way the plasma cannon is useful :(

    Not useful. I've rushed many tanks and stickied them with stuns and they did absolutely nothing... even when I used all 4 (ammo upgrade)... maybe they did damage, but that's all. :/ They nearly never stall.

    I suggest that scouts get a sabotage tool similar to the engineers calc (or just some wire-cutter he sabotages stuff with). This would kind of balance sabotage (they wouldn't be able to shoot and sabotage) and could be used to sabotage standing vehicles, which would make them smoke, slower and more prone to overheating.

    As for long range... giving the scout an exclusively anti-tank sniper would limit him a lot. He wouldn't be able to damage infantry... that alone kinda balances it out.
  8. km_

    km_ Member

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    Exactly. I mean its fun and all to hide in that little part of the BE vehicle factory and sabotage it all day to get points, but that kinda gives NF points too...a toy for scouts to sabotage tanks as they sit there doing nothing while a scout sabotages it, its riskly, but if done right, it could mean that one shot overheats the tank, or disables its weaponry until repaired. And the exclusive anti-tank only weapon. This makes scouts a good choice for those who hates being in tanks, or is better without them.

    Also this might have been asked already, but why does scouts sniping use stamina? Shouldnt there be a separate gauge for keeping accuracy? I mean I dont get out of breath when I shoot a gun.
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2008
  9. Vessboy

    Vessboy Member

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    Heres an idea, When using the rifle. Don't zoom. Your fireing rate doubles.
  10. J_4mes.

    J_4mes. Member

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    Running and snipering is bad for your health, be warned children
  11. km_

    km_ Member

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    Who said anything about running and sniping? And whats good about a sniper rifle when you dont zoom?
  12. Zombified

    Zombified Member

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    I remember i suggested something along the lines of an anti-tank rifle for the scout a while back. I completely agree with this and the better sabotage.
  13. Pope_Homeless_XIII

    Pope_Homeless_XIII Member

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    Then what's the point of even buying a tank (or even playing at all) if it can't protect you from snipers. I get out of my tank my head is gone, I get in my tank it blows up. Woo what a fun mod...
  14. Zombified

    Zombified Member

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    The idea would be damage to tanks, not destruction. As a support weapon it could fend with low levels of armor (Jeep, Apc Lt AFV). I disagree with the sniper as it is now, and maybe the anti armor could be replacment.
  15. km_

    km_ Member

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    I did mention put the ammo for this option as a researchable option along with rails for tanks, not as an early on type deal. Also thats no different than mines, engineer trying to decon you, someone using sticky grenades at the tank, or a lvl3 turret someone made at the start of the game.

    If its like a game starting feature, make the ammo do way less damage than at start. But depending on the server, this may not be the first option you go for, tanks usually come out in the middle to end of the game when everyone and their dogs has a tank.

    So when everyone has rails, the snipers do too.
  16. manhunt0r

    manhunt0r Member

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    are ye bullshitting me? stun stickey stalls everything but bio, the only way tanks keep driving stickied is through inertion or a slope, but you know stun != glue...
    also 2 stun st. kill a paper lt
  17. Solokiller

    Solokiller Member

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    This is sad. Why won't people just listen when i say that the scout was never intended to be a sniper. Search for 5 minutes, and you'll find threads which ended with the same eventual answer: no sniper rifles, no rifles with which they can damage tanks.
  18. manhunt0r

    manhunt0r Member

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    btw since op is a bit retarded, was there a suggestion about tracking shots for scouts instead of binoculars? those "snipers" would get to shoot stuff, but would still be only scouts
  19. PredatoR[HUN]

    PredatoR[HUN] Member

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    I dont think scouts need anti-tank rifle if you wanna kill a tank change class.
    but I aggre with the "zooming" part.
  20. Chris0132'

    Chris0132' Developer

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    I'd suggest that the current rifle should be turned into a scopeless carbine and a scoped rifle with a single bullet per clip be added, so that you have to pick your shots if you want to snipe with it, and you'd also have to get headshots if you wanted to get kills.

    I also think scouts should have more emphasis on mobility, perhaps by reducing their health and giving them a permenant speed buff.

    The whole emphasis on scout weaponry also detracts from the idea that it is a scout, not a sniper. It's strengths should rely on finding the enemy, outmaneuvering them, and being able to kill them then and only then. Which is why the single shot rifle promotes finding a good position and being careful with your shots, and the carbine + smgs allow for mobile combat.

    There should also be an effort to integrate their scouting role with their combat, so that as part of getting kills/points, they also provide intel for the rest of the team.

    You could possibly do this by giving the single shot rifle a tag function, so if you get hit with it, you end up on radar for 30 seconds or so, this also goes for vehicles. The binoculars would still be used for long term spotting, but the rifle would work for shorter term use. Awarding points for every five tags could also help, and make people more inclined to tag vehicles.

    A general maxim I live by is rather than asking people to do things for the benefit of others, ask them to do it for themselves and try to work shared benefits into that. People will always do what benefits them, the challenge is getting it to also benefit other people.

    I know it's a lovely idea that teamwork could be about martyrdom, sacrificing yourself for the benefit of everyone else, but it's also very unlikely to happen, having lots of people all pulling in the same direction because that's where they all want to go is much more reliable than having lots of people pull in the same direction because that's where the are all being told is the best way to go.
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2008

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