I would like to try my hand at the map designs I have made in my other mapping thread post, but everytime I have tried to open my Source SDK to get to hammer to try and map, it does the following: I follow the instructions of loading my Source SDK program from my Steam Tools Page and it starts to load. It gives me the standard "Preparing to launch Source SDK" with the three ... that denote it is loading. Well, when it disappears as if it had loaded, nothing pops up. No menus, no programs, no errors. Even after restarting my computer from a complete shut down has done nothing to help the program load. According to my Tools page it says I have Source SDK installed, and I can even load the Source SDK Base. I can't figure out why my Source SDK won't load. I have not modified my operating system in a long time, it is currently using Windows XP with service pack 2. I have Direct X 9.0c and can run any of the Source games from CS.S to HL2 ep. 1 and even the new version of Gmod 10. Could you please help? Thats what I told steam, but when I look at what happened to Gmod 10 and the problems it still has thanks to valve, I don't expect much help from them. I figured I might be more likely to get some help on this topic here than from steam support. Also, If this is in the wrong section, please move to where it needs to be. Do you think going and buying the orange box might solve this? I played Ep 2 at a friends and am not that much of a TF fan so I never got it. Is it possible this is because of the sdk going to the new engine? In any case, Thanks for any help from you guys, Adrian Calhoun
definitely not.. The SDK is a standalone program and has nothing to do with the other stuff on steam (except for textures etc..) As for the problem: I have no clue how to solve that.. If you look into your Steam\steamapps\<accountname> folder, do you see SDK listed there? (not the sdk base)
Okay, I'm going to test that now. I have it typed in exactly as you put it. I will update with the results shortly. Update: Well I tried that and it didn't work. RE:Update: Nevermind. I typed it in wrong. THE THING ACTUALLY LOADED!!!! :D