I feal cheated

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by tkeracer619, Aug 15, 2006.

  1. tkeracer619

    tkeracer619 Member

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    I just got back from the movie remake "Miami Vice".

    One of the worst flicks I have seen in a while. I don't undestand how it got good reviews. I even went to the bar for the previous 3 hours to ensure a quality movie experience. Anyone else think it sucked. About half way through I tried to ensue a riot by throwing candy at about 20 different people. As we walked out I overheard someone say the best part was the candy fight, hey atleast we had some fun.
  2. Darg

    Darg Member

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    I heard that it was pretty hideous. Went to see nacho libre last night with the girlfriend. We had a bottle of wine beforehand and another during the first half of the film but we gave up after the first half in favour of more off license cheap wine. I really think you have to be well stoned to see that film. Now that would have been good...

    Not that the film was that bad. Just.. wine. good. god. I'm in work. My head is very fuzzy.
  3. dumpster_fox

    dumpster_fox Member

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    Lawl, game designers with hangovers. The real cause of DNF's delays.
  4. Darg

    Darg Member

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    sssshhhh.. Some of my best work has been created when I'm inebriated in some way.
  5. Deiform

    Deiform Member

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    Heh, didn't drink enough it seems. I heard it was pretty poor, I don't trust critics. The critics are getting pissed off now at film makers not allowing them to see the films early to review them because the critics reckon 'the delusional fan critics of online blogging will ruin the true reputation of the film'.


    Movie critics are a bunch of idiots I say....they base their ratings on a set of guidelines rather than the actual quailty of the film.

    Dialogue: Check
    Famous actors: Check
    Famous Director: Check
    Explosions: Check
    Car chase: Check

    "Well that's a good review overall", says Mr. Critic. =S

    On a different note, I want to see Harsh Times, that looks pretty good, and got a good fan review.
  6. Krenzo

    Krenzo Administrator

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    Damn, I should've warned you as I saw it a week ago. It was poor. I was looking forward to it because it's the same director who did Heat and Collateral. His movies are usually pretty good. I'm blaming Colin Farrel for this one. His performance was really shitty, and Jamie Foxx didn't have much to do. Colin Farrel's love interest wasn't that hot and seemed pretty dumb for someone all caught up in drug smuggling. Even the final shootout was a let down. The only good part in the movie was when the under cover FBI guys get shot with .50 cal sniper rifles and the arm goes flying off.
  7. Wereaser

    Wereaser Member

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    Thanks for the warning. :) I liked Heat and Collateral, but I guess this one is worth staying away from...
  8. Beerdude26

    Beerdude26 OnThink(){ IsDownYet(); }

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    Flying arms?

    /me downloads film
  9. Shinzon

    Shinzon Member

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    Somehow that reminds me of ONBAK... Me and my friends just skipped all the dialoge and went right down to the sweet sweet fighting scenes... In the second one that dude made you get to see an elephant get thrown out the window by a huge russian guy though :D
  10. tkeracer619

    tkeracer619 Member

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    when you get about 10% downloaded stop, or you will get too much of the movie =P. I actually forgot about that krenzo and yeah that is def the "best" scene. But, if you want spalling 50cal bullets the scene from the jackal is much better.

    The love story...... why why must there even be one. Strippers, drugs, fast cars, go fast boats, planes, guns, and rock'n roll is what miami vice is supposed to be about.

    the final gun battle reminds me of a paintball game.

    When the ferrari was hauling down the freeway and had blue fire comming out of the exhaust I knew we were in for a "special" movie.

    O yeah and the soundtrack. Could be played at a funural home on repeat
  11. MrBojangl3s

    MrBojangl3s Member

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    Lol I would have ended up seeing that, but I saw the Descent instead. It was pretty good, but don't see it for a scary movie. The 'monsters' aren't very scary AT ALL, and these 'gory' movies these days aren't very gory. People say kill bill and Saw was gory, but all I see is red colored water...

    The Jackal was pretty gory when he tested that laptop-gun on his lil' friend. But at the same time extremely funny. Weird, am I sick or is it normal to laugh when I see people getting annihlated in movies....
    (I laughed my ass off when the dad and daughter died in the first 5 minutes of the Descent, and I yelled "Noob!" to the dad too LOL)
  12. Jn.

    Jn. Member

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    The part in Hostel where the guy cut off the girl's eye while it was hanging out of its socket was pretty gory :D I also saw an old zombie movie a long time ago that scared the crap outta me. One part I remember was a girl getting her eye slowly pushed toward a spike or something and the spike slowly entering her eye and making its way through her head. I cringed when I was 10, I'd cringe again.

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